Chapter 19

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We spent an hour playing with his little sister. She was very shy and stuttered quite a bit. After we were done he made his sister take a nap and we waited until she finally slept to sneak back up to his room to watch movies.

We were laid on his bed, his arm around my body cuddling me closely and playing with my hair as we watched the movie. His room was dimly lite as to not bother us while watching the movie.

"My sister never acts like with new people. She really likes you." His voice brought my attention away from the movie.

"I want you to meet my family too. Mother has already taken a liking to you and my father and brother will probably be back by tomorrow." I looked up to see him already staring at me, adoration sparkling through his eyes.

"I'd love to meet them, princess." He smiled softly.


"Wake up," a soft voice whispers. A hand starts nudging my shoulder softly. I groan and push the hand away and turn the other way and snuggle further into the blanket. A soft chuckle fills the air.

"Shut up." I drag out the words in exhaustion.

"C'mon, princess, you'll Mother will worry if keep sleeping. It's seven o'clock. I don't think you're mother would like that very much."

I open my eyes seeing Lawrence looking at me in concern. The adoration in his eyes slightly overwhelms me.

"How about I call her? I wanna stay." He smiles softly.


I lazily take my phone out of my pocket and begin dialing my mother's phone number. It rings twice before she finally answers it.

"Hello," her voice rings through making me relax at its familiarity.

"Hi. Mother can I stay over at Lawrence's house?"


"His mother is here in case of anything happens. Please, I just wanna sleep over."

After fifteen minutes of convincing she still seemed hesitant but she finally allowed me, so I snuggled closer to Lawrence and let his warmth envelope me. He chuckled softly at my greedy self.

"I think we should change into something more comfortable before we sleep." I groan and reluctantly get up.

I watch him go over to his dresser and pull out a white shirt, much like most of his shirts, and a pair of sweatpants.

"You can change in the bathroom it's just down the hall." I nod meekly and turn my heel around.

I shuffled to the bathroom lazily still wanting to sleep from exhaustion. I did not have to call Tom to go home because I knew Mother would have probably done it herself. I quickly changed into Lawrence's clothes finding them really soft and warm.

I briskly check myself in the mirror so I would not look ridiculous in front him. My pale skin in the fluorescent lighting was deemed worse than ever, with my little spots. I almost aggressively swiped my hand on my stomach as if that would make my small chubby stomach smaller but to not avail. I stood there in front of the mirror for awhile trying to somehow make me seem more human until I finally gave up and made my way back to his room.

I found him standing by his dresser holding a separate blanket than the one on his bed and another pillow.

"Hi." I cleared my hoarse voice from almost crying in the bathroom.

"Hey, I was gonna ask you if you um would feel fine with sharing a bed or rather me on the floor?" He scratched the back of his neck in obvious nervousness.

"We could share one. Don't want you being uncomfortable." He nodded his in awkwardness and returned the blanket and pillow in the closet, making his way to the bed he gestured for me to go in first.

Quickly shutting the door behind me, I made my way to his bed and snuggled into his blankets. He got in after me and scooted closer to me pulling me into his warm chest and strong arms. The coldness of his room was almost completely forgotten from the warmth of his body on mine.

I slept that night in complete peace with Lawrence by my side. His loud snores woke me up once in the middle of the night making me lightly laugh but went back to sleep right after.

I woke up to the feeling of being watched. Slowly opening my blue eyes only to be connected with soft brown eyes and a cute dimpled smile. His hair was a mess but I could only imagine how mine looked.

"You look so beautiful. How'd you sleep?" his hoarse sleepy croaked out if I was standing my knees would have buckled from the sweet velvety sound.

"Amazingly." He giggled lightly still with his rugged voice.

"Well it's no palace." I giggled snuggling into his arm that's draped underneath me. "You look breathtaking when you wake up, princess." He whispered unknowingly making my heart freeze than begin all over again but this time beating for him. "Lets get some breakfast, yeah?"

After I used the new extra toothbrush they had, Lawrence and I made our way downstairs only to be greeted with his sister sitting peacefully on the table playing with her little doll and his mother humming a tune as she makes pancakes. I felt my heart clench in nervousness, they still had yet to be told about me staying over.

His mother did not seem to mind my presence though her eyes sparkled in delight and giddiness. It was obvious she though we were an item but sadly Lawrence and I had yet to talk about that.


I hope you enjoyed. I made this quite quickly and didn't have much time to edit, I just wanted to put something out there quick. I truly hope you enjoyed and if you did don't forget to vote. Thank you for reading. Love you!

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