Chapter 10

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Lawrence and I are sat on the foot of his bed playing 'Call of Duty' and I seem to be winning. After the awkward incident with his mom he dragged me to his room and we just started talking at first then I start to look around and explore his room with him staring at me questioningly until I reached the PlayStation that sat by his television. I begged him to play it with me, until he reluctantly agreed.

At first he went easy on me but when he noticed that I didn't go easy on him he grew frustrated and wanted to prove his masculinity by winning me in this game. It's cute seeing him determined and I too wanted to win so in no means was I going to let him win against me just yet. I'll probably let him win the next round or so, but I don't want this to end.

I start to feel my phone wildly vibrate in my pocket. It's loud enough for Lawrence to hear it, who pauses the game and looks over at me. I gently place the controller I'm using on his bed and take out my phone. My mother's name is flashing on the screen as I swipe to answer it.

"Evelyn I think you should come home now." Her voice was stern and told me not to argue. The fact that she didn't even greet me made it clear something was. Her voice seemed distracted and was evident with anger.

"Why? Is everything alright?"

"You've been out long enough, darling. You need to come home." She sighs long and hard just wanting me to get the message already.

"Fine." We say our goodbyes and hang up.

"I'm gonna have to go." I sigh sadly.

"We didn't even talk about that kiss." My heart clenches, for what felt like the millionth time that day, from anxiety of confrontation.

"I like you Lawrence." I decide on just being truthful and letting it all out there.

"So do I, which is why I want to ask you out on a date. I want to take things slow, so will you please accompany me to a lovely dinner next weekend?" I giggle liking the idea of us going on a romantic dinner.

"Why of course kind sir." He smiles brightly, showing me his pearly whites. He had a small gap in the front of his teeth which I didn't mind whatsoever.

"I'll walk you out."

He gets up from the bed leaving the paused violent game on. I walk next to him all the way down to the front door. He gave me a small, short peck leaving my lips tingling for a moment.

"I'll see you on Monday, princess." I smiled widely at his bright demeanor.

"Bye Lawrence." I walked to the sleek black car that was directly in front of his yellowy house. I waved lightly to Lawrence as the officer started the car.

When we reached the enormous pink palace I was able to hear lots of murmurs coming from my mother's office. I could distinguish the fact that my father's voice and my mother's voices were the murmur but I couldn't make out what was being said.

I knocked on the door and heard all the voices ceases. The door made an eerie sound as it slowly creaked open. Both my parents attention was brought to me where my mother was sitting behind her desk and my father stood in front her desk looking like he was pacing but stopped mid pace.

"Honey, you should go up to your room." My father softly commands irritation evident in his deep voice.

"What's going on? Everyone seems worried." Father heavily sighs running his hand through his thinning hair.

"Nothing you need to worry about, you're safe, honey. Just go to your room."

"Fine," I grumble, getting fed up of not being told things. I felt too in the dark and unaware of anything and it's starting to take a toll on me.

Looking on the floor as I jog up the stairs, to my room, to avoid eye contact with anyone. I slam my door shut on accident, only now do I realize I'm heaving in anger. People who know me say I'm nice and that I probably only ever feel happy making me immune to ever feeling any other way. But I do feel other emotions quite often really.

Sometimes it just feels like I have this bottle of anger and as the days go on the bottle slowly fills up till someone throws a Mentos in it and watching it explode as they smile brightly obviously enjoying the show.

My first thought is to take a bath since it always helps calm me down. A bath could calm me down from anything as a kid a full blown tantrum, whining, crying and calm me down from a sugar rush - which happened often.

Getting in the bath, I feel the water slowly rise up surrounding me in comfort and warmth. I place in a pink bubble bath making my bath turn bright pink and smell of roses. I watch my hands play with the foamy bubbles in sudden comfort.

I feel my body relax as I focus my thoughts on the day before me. The whole day I spent with Lawrence. The walk, the park, ice creams, notes on the tree bark, the kiss, oh the kiss. My mind is frozen as it replays that moment over and over.

Just the thought of him and the day we spent together makes me feel a lot better.


I walk into the grey shiny car that's about to take me to school, this time being driven by someone else who I've never seen before.

The car ride consisted of small talk, where I learned his name was Tom and that he's born and raised from Detroit. We awkwardly got to know each other, him being the one to start all the conversations and ask the questions as I softly replied not wanting to be rude, until we finally arrived to school.

I shook off the feeling in my gut as I walked through the school gates making a beeline to my locker. Twisting the small lock to put in my passcode, as it opened making an unbelievable amount of letters fall from my locker. All, I was sure I did not place in there.

I frowned as I stuffed them all in my bag, that was sat inside the locker. I picked up the first letter and opened it up.

Hope you all enjoyed that chapter! A little bit of mystery added there!

- what are you expecting to see in the next chapter?

- is there anything in particular you liked about this chapter?

- did you like the little poem-ish note I added on the top?

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