Chapter 34

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Word count: 1166

Colin takes a seat on the couch as she fiancé, Sarah, shuffles through the tv channels. He drapes his arm around her, but she pays no mind to him as he snuggles into her neck. She huffs placing the remote down, giving up.

"I'm quite thirsty, could you tell one of the maids to get me some water?" She stares at me waiting for me to make a move.

Rolling my eyes, I get up to get her precious water. Lawrence hasn't come over or contacted me in any way since the last time I saw him where he cried the whole night holding me and I basked in the utter pain I felt. I felt my heart ache for him. Once I reached the kitchen I swiftly pulled up my phone scrolling through my contacts and pressed on his icon.

The phone kept beeping waiting for Lawrence to pick up. Soon the call ended and he didn't answer it. I settled with a simple message, just saying hello. I filled up a cup of cold water and walked back into the large white living room that had gold accents. Handing Sarah her glass of water, she silently drank it slightly grimacing but I knew she was refraining from making any snide comments about it. It was just water for Pete's sake.

Soon after spending an uneventful amount of time a honk was heard from downstairs. My ears perked up and my legs took me downstairs in hopes of getting away from Sarah and hoping Lawrence came to visit since the palace was always opened for him.

I pushed the glass sliding door and walked it, wincing at the cold marble my feet were planted on. A grey sleek car sat on the large driveway, it was soon turned off and Erika stepped out. My lungs seemed to run out of oxygen in nano seconds as my heartbeat picked up. I could practically heart the blood pumping.

"Oh hey! Evelyn, thank you so much for letting me talk to Colin. I promise I mean no harm. All I want is to talk and explain myself to your brother." She walked up to me placing her generously warm hand on my shoulder pulling me along with her up the steps and inside. I was frozen in shock to do anything. I barely even registered where we were going until we were walking up the stairs.

"Wait! Why don't you come tomorrow? Colin is quite busy and-"

"I promise I won't hurt him. You don't have to be the protective younger sister, he's a big guy," and with that she walked up the last steps of stairs and went into the living room leaving me flabbergasted. I was so shocked that I stood emotionless until gasps were heard from the living room. I cringed walking up the stairs and practically ran into the living room.

I stood wide eyed as my brother's eyes flickered to me turning cold and hard. I looked at him apologetically but he didn't falter his penetrating gaze. I could see his body heaving with anger. The sight looking so much like Tom it had my eyes glossing over.

"Evelyn, a word." He motioned to the hall that had all our bedrooms in it. I shook my head as my eyes began to drop sending twinkle of tears down my cheeks. Memories of my nights in that prison taking over my thoughts. His eyes widen and he ran towards me. "I'm sorry, just please I'd like to talk to you." His tone hard yet apologetic as it ring through my ears, so quiet I knew I was the only one who heard it.

He placed his hand on the small of my back tugging me along with him towards his room. I forced every thought in my head about those nights away not wanting to make this about me. Today was supposed to be a day where I met the woman he would spend the rest of his days with but instead I had to ruin everything.

He closed the door behind him but kept his back to me. I watched him tug on his hair frustratedly then send out a grunt in stress before turning towards me.

"Why on earth did you let her in? She was obviously not invited." I sniffled, lightly wiping my nose to rid myself of the stuffiness.

"I don't know she seemed very upset last night and-"

"Last night?! You knew about this since last night and didn't bother to tell me!" He whisper yelled, getting close to my face in aggravation. I felt a pang in my heart not liking how I disappointed him.

"I'm sorry," I whispered out. My chest was heaving as silent tears slid down my cheek. The ache in my heart hurting so bad.

"Come here." He tucked me into his chest, gently stroking my back reassuringly. "I'm sorry. It's just I'm not ready to see her. Last time I did I shouted at her that we were through and to never see me again. But I didn't mean it but then I never did see her. I missed her so much I thought she ran away with him. I won't be surprised if she ends up inviting me to her wedding with him." He whimpered, obviously still upset over everything.

"She left, Evelyn, and never said goodbye. Her apartment had new people in it. It was scary. Even the tech guys couldn't find her." He wept on my shoulder letting everything out. I never knew he still carried around the weight of losing her. I though he stopped liking her because of how much he cried.

I gently rub his back, hushing him as I pull him to the bed. We take a seat and I pull his head away from the crook of my neck. "Colin, you lost cheater, she lost the kindest person I know, the sweetest-"

"And the handsomest don't forget that." He sniffles looking at me with glossy eyes. I giggle at him but he kept a straight face urging me to go on.

"And the handsomest person ever. Look at it this way, you lost something that wasn't able to give you what you wanted; trust and love. She lost someone who could have should her the world. So, stop whining and handle this like an adult."

"I am handling this like an adult." He grumbled out.

"Really? 'Cause you literally left your soon to be wife with your ex in a room together."

"Oh shit! Come on! I forgot!"


How do you like seeing more of Colin? I think he's adorable.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter cuz it was fun to write. Just a random question have you ever spent a whole night studying and didn't get any sleep that whole night only to have the same exam you study for to be total poop. Science truly sucks.

Not edited.

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