Chapter 38

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Winter break has finally come to an end. Though Christmas with my family was amazing and the lively speech my father gave to the people for Christmas was impeccable I was still glad it came to an end.

I shuffled through my room rummaging through drawers looking for my pink bow, eager to wear it. I grinned triumphantly when I found it laying on the floor like the rest of my things. After Lawrence's odd behavior I used the floor to start up personal art projects and made sure the maids only dusted and not move things around. Instead of thinking and trying to figure out Lawrence I just gave up and sat on the door of my bed either knitting, reading, painting or creating little houses to not have to worry about Lawrence.

Now that I have to see him I'm freaking out. Part of me is excited to see him like how my initial response to him always was but today it was different. I have to see him after we weeks and the last time we saw each other wasn't the greatest and the time before that I was in utter pain and he was crying. So, I don't know what to expect, but as long as I got a response from him I'd be relieved. I just wanted to understand.

I tied the bow onto my ponytail and swung my violet backpack onto my back before walking down the halls and descending the long marble staircase. As always it took three cars to get me to school; two cop cars and the black car that I actually use. Though it made me feel weird I never questioned it, I knew it was only for my safety and I was beyond glad I had extra protection than a normal person after everything that's happened I knew I needed this.

Once we finally arrived I said a quick thank you to John, who waved me off, and jogged into the crowded halls. Almost on cue the bell rang. My heart sank realizing my first lesson was with Lawrence. Shaking my head, I walked into the class trying to seem calm. My heart deflated when I saw Lawrence sat in the middle of the class obviously avoiding me.

Our eyes met for a moment before his widened and looked down. He awkwardly talked to the guy beside him as I walked to my usual seat. There wasn't an extra seat next to him and even if there was I wouldn't have sat, in obviously not welcomed to.

Tears threatened to flow at the thought of my only life support at the moment leaving me. It was too good to be true, honestly. A guy so sweet and gently couldn't be with someone this damaged. I had bruises literally up to my neck whereas he had muscles and tattoos making all the girls swoon.

From the corner of my eye I saw a figure take a seat next to me. Looking up, my eyes connect to with brown ones. The guy had dark brown hair and a lanky body. A slight stubble on his jawline and an empty ear pierce on only one ear. He smiled a heartwarming smile.

"Hi, I'm David." He ran a hand through his hair and looked up at me and almost immediately any attraction I could've had with him was gone at the fake-ness of that. He was obviously one of those obsessive Instagram posters and was used to pulling that look.

"I'm Evelyn." I quietly said, muttering in my head about teachers always being late in this school.

"Well I obviously knew that princess." I almost cringed when the nickname reminded me of Lawrence. Taking a quick glance at him I saw him staring at us with sad eyes before quickly turning forward and scratching the back of his neck the way he always does.

I didn't reply, hoping he'd notice my discomfort. I almost groaned when he started saying something but beamed when I saw miss Rose walking into class. The class like always was a bore and I sat silently doodling on the corner of my page.

After a few more classes it was finally lunch time. I thanked the lunch lady as she handed me a plate full of a steak and mashed potatoes with a juice box on the side. I thought about going to sit by Lawrence and his friends but side when I noticed the seat that was usually occupied by me was taken by the guy from miss Rose's class. He obviously invited him so I wouldn't sit with them.

I slumped making my way to the lone table I sat at the first day of school. Pulling up a chair for myself, I sat down and began munching on my steak and drinking from my apple juice staring at everyone else who sat next to their best friend or cuddled up with their boyfriend. My eyes glasses over, feeling really vulnerable and insecure as I got some glances.

Like before when my eyes connected with Lawrence, who this time radiated of guilt, he frantically turned away and began biting down on his square pizza.


The book is nearing its end but there's still a lot that's gonna happen and don't forget the epilogue that I'm gonna make!

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