Chapter 5

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I got into the awaiting car and placed my bag next to me. As John sped up I brought out my iPod that was filled with all my favorite songs. It had around a thousand considering I listen to music far too much.

We reach the school after fifteen minutes. I thanked John and walked out of the car. I made my way to my first lesson which was maths, the most horrid lesson in my opinion. The class had around ten people already considering there was still time left before the lesson begins.

I took my seat in the back and sat in silence since I didn't know anyone. After a few minutes the chair beside me and the one in front of me were taken by two girls, one blonde and the other a brunette with beautiful highlights in her hair.

"Hi," The brunette who sat beside me spoke.

"Uh hi." I smiled at her.

"You know, that dress is against the dress code."

"What but it's to my knees." She laughed.

"Yeah, but those straps." She placed her thumb and index finger on it pulling it then letting go making me wince since it actually hurt.

"So you're the princess. Huh would've thought you'd look prettier in person," the blonde pipped up seemingly in deep thought. I frowned.

"What does princess perfect not like that?" The brunette spoke as if she were talking to a child.

"No, I'm fine." My voice was soft and could barely be heard. They both erupted in laughter. "You know, it's not very nice to say things like that."

They both continued their laughter. Confusion was evident in my expression. When I was younger and my cousins wouldn't let me play with them my mother would always say things like that.

Luckily I didn't need to continue with this odd bantering between me and these girls because our math teacher finally arrived. They sat around me for the remainder of the lesson only giving my snarky side glances and occasionally sending notes to one another.

After the lesson was done I was quick to pack unlike the other times. I frantically started to head for the door but being slowed down by the rest of the class that also wanted to get out. I heard them laugh probably because they knew I was trying to get out fast to avoid them.

Once I was finally out I steadied my pace, not finding any other reason to walk fast because my next class is geography another lesson without Lawrence. I finally arrived and took a seat once again in the back.

The lesson was a complete bore but I got excited at the thought of having chemistry next a subject with Lawrence. He's the only friend I made and it was exciting to go and see him once again.

I walked down the hallway quickly trying to reach there fast. Finally I arrived and saw Lawrence at the back with his bag on the chair next to him. He was wearing a completely black outfit, but I'd be lying if I said he didn't look attractive like that. I quickly went over to him.

"Can I have this seat or are you saving it for someone?" He looks up and smiles when he notices it's me.

"Nope. Was saving it for you." He picks up his bag and places it by his feet. I smile sitting down next to him and place my bag also by my feet while getting my stuff out.

"Thank you for saving the seat," I say as I place my books in front of me. Since it was chemistry we were in a lab and the seats were a bit higher and had no back rest making it a bit uncomfortable to be sitting like this for an hour, and my habit of sitting with perfect posture was not really helping.

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