Chapter 30

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Lawrence put the car in park and turn the ignitions off. The sun was still shining and standing high in the sky in all its glory. With the heat of the sun and the sweater I wore I was sure to melt off the face of the earth but I didn't mind as long as no one was able to see my bruises that still had yet to fade. It scared me how they barely changed since the night they happened.

Lawrence looks over at me skeptical at my sudden quietness, I was blabbing on about how amazing the fair was and how he'd love it since he's never been to one. I gave him a reassuring smile then opened my door as he got out of his side. He practically ran over to my side, holding his hand out for me as I placed my foot on the pavement. Frowning from his odd behavior I decided against calling it out.

We made our way through the crowd of noises and colors to the cashier and bought two tickets where the lady asked - or more like begged - for a quick picture, though with the crowd of people it was hard and took more effort than necessary. After keeping my head down to not get discovered by anyone else we briskly made our way inside.

I jump and squeal at all the lights and colors. The blood in my veins feel like sugar and are running through my bloodstreams like I'm on a sugar rush. I tug Lawrence's arm pull him over to the first ride I see.

"Slow down, sweetheart." Lawrence laughs. I turn around huffing at his amusement and the glint in his eyes.

"Come on before the lines get too big." I pull him towards the line as he falls into step with me, following me through the crowd of noises and people.

We wait for a minute then take a seat in the red roller coaster seats, side by side. The coaster takes a sudden movement forward and Lawrence's hand attaches itself to my wrist as he cuddles closer to me as if I could save him.

"Are you scared?" I coo.

"No." He huffs and reposition himself. I giggle watching him in amusement.

The ride goes back to move and takes a steep ride up. Lawrence's eyes widen as he subconsciously inches closer to me. He takes a peak on the sides of the roller coaster and just as he does so the ride goes down in what feels like lightning speed. Lawrence screeches and holds onto the belt we were strapped onto. I throw my head back laughing as we go down enjoying the harsh wind.

After the ride was over Lawrence's hair is a mess and his breathing is heavy and dense. I run my hands down my hair in attempt to maintain the already lion's main.

"That was horrible," Lawrence breathes out looking marveled. I unbuckle both our belts and lean over kissing his cheek and watching them turn red at my movement. A shy smile etches itself across his lips as he turns to me making me giggle at his hair that looks like he touch an electric current.

"Lets go to another one." I squeal jumping out of my seat. I hear Lawrence groan from behind me but follows suit and we go to the next one. We ride a bunch of rides all the while Lawrence is scared and keeps denying it and I'm squealing and giggling at him and the fun rides.

We stand in a line of what seems to be our millionth ride. All the colors are whirling around in a ray of lights and sounds. The sun has already set and though the place is dim all the lights around are turned on. The two girls in front of us are laughing curling into each other making me smile at their closeness and making me slightly jealous - I would love to have some sort of girlfriend. Lawrence is amazing but somehow it won't ever be the same. The blonde suddenly drops her phone and is giggling as she bends and picks it up. When she standing back to her full height we make eye contact.

I feel a silent shiver runs down my back at the smirk that suddenly adorns her lips. She nudges her friend and they both look at me and Lawrence one with a scowl and one with a smirk like she's ready for some show to unveil itself. My heart is thumping in my chest as Miranda's scowl turns toward Lawrence and her eyes keeps flickering to mine and Lawrence's attached hands.

"Seriously Lawrence trying to make me jealous," she says knowingly. I watch Lawrence as he frowns in confusion.

"I didn't even know you were here how am I supposedly trying to make you jealous?" She rolls her eyes before they land on me and if it's possible her scowl deepens and she looks like she's about to pounce. My heart thundering in my chest to the point where I think I could hear it through all these noises.

"You. If you don't stay away from him there's gonna be hell to pay," she says through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry but you don't get to tell me what to do." I'm surprised by how composed I sound when all I want to do is hide behind Lawrence and tell him to make the mean girl go away.

"I don't think you understand where your place is. Do you want me to show you?" She raises an eyebrow. Everything seems to be happening so fast and I'm suddenly on the floor with my hands on my face in attempt of protection.

I cry out when a sudden punch lands on my temple. It's like I've momentarily frozen and so is everyone else as they watch us fight. She's straddling me with her knees tightly against my sides making me struggle against her. The only noise that could be heard is the games and the music but all the talking has stopped and I know a crowd is around us.

She clutches on my throat stopping any air from entering and I'm scratching against her wrist trying to get her off. Everyone around is too shocked to fully comprehend what's going on and are just staring at us like a show.

Tears leak through my eyes as she leaves my throat, bruised, and yanks my hair and punches are randomly being thrown at me. Blood gushes down my temple as she shoves my face on the ground and sudden hisses of pain leaves through some people's mouth. I feel her being yanked away from me and I'm suddenly clutching my stomach gasping for air. Thick heavy tears gushed out of my eyes and sliding down my bloody face.

I look up seeing sorrow on some people's faces and some people taking video of me. Lawrence runs over to my side and carrying me bridal style through the crowd, having to shove his way through.

"I'm so sorry." He keeps repeating to me almost like a mantra or a chant. I harshly wiping my tears and hissing when I tough opened cuts on my face. I could only imagine what I must look like.

I hear people gasp as we pass them. Lawrence is holding me so tightly against his chest I feel like I might suffocate but at the moment I didn't care. Every time I think I might actually be happy and feel normal something else always screws it up and I'm just done with it all.

Soon enough I'm being placed on a seat and strapped with a seatbelt. Lawrence jogs over to his side. I'm hunched over clutching my stomach in reveling in the pain of the punches she gave me. I rub my hand through my hand trying to soothe the pain of them being pulled so harshly. I soon leave my hair alone and hesitantly touch my neck immediately hissing in the pain of the bruises there.

"I'm sorry." I hear Lawrence say from beside me. Turning my head, I take the hand that clutching my stomach and place it on his that's clutching the wheel tightly. I pull it to me placing a small kiss on the back of his hand.

"Not your fault," I mumble in a hoarse voice that's still has yet to recover from what happened earlier on.

Lawrence stares at me for a moment in disbelief and so much adoration that I think my heart just froze. A tear leaves his eyes as they flicker onto my bruises and cuts before shaking his head and turning it towards the road once again all the while clutching my tightly.


Yeah that happened. I'm not a fan of Miranda nor Cleo to be honest. Just wait for what's gone happen next. So excited. By the way could you believe it's been 30 chapters already like damn so much has happened.

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