Chapter 40

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"Evelyn." He whisper swept into the bathroom as a head poked in, curious to see what I'm up to. I don't spare him a glance as I harshly wipe a wet tissue against my ruined dress.

"No boys allowed," I mutter. Still anger filling my brains as I recall the events that just took place. It wasn't fair how everyone got a laugh except me. I mean I listen to their whisper, I became one of them and yet here I am alone wiping away their crude mistakes, trying to make sense of it all.

Lawrence took that as an invitation to enter. From the mirror I saw him bend over pick up the piece of triangular wood and jab it on the bottom of the door, making sure no one entered. I sigh, watching him crept up behind and make eye contact with me through the mirror. I wipe the trace of a tear that left not too long ago.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" My flick themselves towards the top hems of my dress. I wasn't strong enough to hear the rejection.

"It's for your own good, sweetheart." Like also, my heart flutters because of the sweet pet name.

"How on earth is siting alone good for me? Don't answer that question; I don't want pity," I harshly reply. The sound of my soft growl making Lawrence flinch in surprise.

"You just don't understand," he whispers to himself.

My hands crumble up into a fist. Placing the tissue down and turning on my heel making my hair flutter behind me. My anger fills up every crevice inside of me as I stare him in the eye, his sad filled eyes. He noticeably gulps, seeing my anger.

"Well then, make me! Make me understand, Lawrence." My chest rises up and down as I feel myself slowly give up on trying to be mad. My anger spirals down, melting between our feet, long forgotten in just a short amount of time.

"It's for your own good." His voice hoarse and shaky as it breaks in the end. Tears fill up in his eyes before for he sighs and blinks them away, trying to be strong.

"What do you mean?" I ask, voice soft and small as a whisper. He sighs, looking up at the tattered ceiling, with tears reappearing but just as before they vanish.

"Don't you see?! If it wasn't for me your skin wouldn't be bruised! If we haven't met and talked you'd probably still be intact. If I didn't take you to that stupid park John would never have gotten hurt and Tom wouldn't have been there to begin with. Miranda would have never hurt you if it wasn't for me. As much as I love you I need to let you go, princess, you'll be happier this way."

I stood wide-eyed, breathing harshly as my chest rises and falls back down, my heart hammering against my ribs and chest wanting to be free, wanting to latch itself with his heart and never be let go of.

A tear escapes one of his eyes and I slowly place my warm hand on his cheek, watching him subconsciously snuggle against it. I wipe the lone tear, and stood on my tippy toes. Falling into his chest, our lips attach. His lips almost immediately start moving against mine but right after stops, not wanting to give in. My lips move against his, my hand digging into his hair. The soft curls curling around my nimble fingers. My other hand placed, palm down, against his chest feeling his heart drumming against my hand.

A small moan escapes my mouth as it moves against his. He exhales through his nose as he suddenly grips my waist, pulling my body closer to him as our chests are placed against each other, our hearts drumming against Of chests wanting to latch onto the other. I feel the explosion of emotions splatter around us as our lips sends sparks down our backs, the amazing feeling only making my heart hammer harder against my chest.

"I love you too," I whisper against his lips. I can feel his heavy breathing as he tries to get closer.

"God, I love you." A slight moan escapes his lips as mine catches it. I wanted more of him, I was desperate for all of him. As a caste breath escapes my mouth his breathe it in.

"I want more." I manage to get out between our heavy breathing and battling lips.

"We should slow down." His tongue contradicts him as it escapes and licks my bottom lip, begging for entrance.

My lips open with out a second thought. As his tongue nip-licks mine, tingles go down my back. My heart flutters as butterflies escape from gut an unbelievably sweet feeling ventures through my body.

"Stop, stop stop." Lawrence breathes heavily against my lips as I disconnect our lips. He placed his forehead against mine, his rugged breathing cascading against me. "I missed you."

"I did too," I whisper. We take a moment to catch our breaths as my hand leaves his hair and rests on his hard chest.

"Seeing the day I met you I kept falling deeper and deeper in love with you." He looks into my bright blues as his fill with love. The painful look of sadness that used to be there makes my heart hurts. The love and adoration makes my heart flutter.

"I want you to be mine Lawrence, forever." A smirk appears on his lips as I stare up smiling at him.

"I was supposed to be the one who asks that," he teases, rubbing his nose against mine.

"Well, it took you four months." I tease him back, breathing him in.

"I've been yours since the day I met you." He gives my lips a quick peck, sending the usual sparks spiraling down my back. A cheeky smile takes over my face as I snuggle into his chest, finding his warmth and scent really addictive.

"So have I." A kiss was shared before he wrapped my up in a hug, squishing me against his warm neck and filling my senses.

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