Chapter 26

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Marcus left the room as Lawrence got up from his spot on the one seated couch making his way to me. He kept his distance knowing we weren't on good terms and I'd like my space.

"I'm sorry for everything. I was drunk that night barely even remembered my own name, and I'm sorry. I completely understand why you're-" my eyes start to well up as my hoarse voice interrupts him.

"I've had a really long day. Please I'm not in the mood for drama." He solemnly nods.

"Do you at least want to get out of that dress?" I nod giving up on fighting against everything he says and does. "I'll bring you some comfy clothes."

He walks in a fast pace up the stairs, leaving me alone. I slowly walk back to the couch dropping on it and picking at the dirty torn up green dress I wore that I haven't changed from in weeks. I can only imagine what I smell, I haven't showered today considering all my showers were at night right after dinner they'd let me take a quick shower before shoving me back into the little basement. My eye well up at the memory of that basement and what happened there. I was almost sold to a man who would use me as his little play toy. Quiet sobs take through my body.

Suddenly I felt the spot next to me dip making me freeze before I felt arms tugging me on a warm familiar chest. "Shh," Lawrence mumbled repeatedly while rubbing my back.

Before I could tell him to stop a honk was heard signaling John finally arrived. I abruptly stood up and the hurt on Lawrence's face made my heart clench but I still stood my ground as I called for Marcus and we both made our way to the car.

The ride was filled with me and John talking, catching up. He was doing a lot better from when I last saw how him with a broken foot, he seemed happier too. Like a dream he's had finally came true, and I was going to find out what it was later.

When I arrived at the palace my parents wouldn't let me go, they didn't pressure me to tell them what happened but they didn't let me get out their group embrace they even pulled Marcus in it too. The maids got Marcus into a guest bedroom that was close to mine.

I was curled up into a fetus position hugging my legs tightly as tears kept rolling down my cheeks. I stared blankly at the wall that had the door on it. I was still terrified as I remembered how his hand slapped and hit for days straight after what I did at the 'auction'. I couldn't stop thinking about how my life could have stay forever that way. I couldn't stop thinking about Lawrence either but after a few sobs raking through my body I grew weary and exhausted and slept peacefully on the bed.

I wasn't sure if I'll ever live that down. I'd never be sure if I'll ever be the same. I'm not even sure if I'll ever go to school again, ever see Lawrence again because of my disappearance then he'd surely find another girl and though I thought I accepted that it still made my blood boil with jealousy I wasn't sure if anything will seem the same again but I did have the will to try.

Luckily it's winter break and only now do I realize I've been gone for a month and I'm not sure if that's a lot or not but the thought of a whole month being taken away from makes me angry. I didn't want to spend my month in a cell nor did I want to almost be sold off and yet things happen. I could have sat completely still for ninety days and yet something surely would have happened while I was gone.

I'm not sure if I'll ever be the same bubbly person I was. Right now it seems like I'll for ever be this shell of a person spewing hate to everyone. And I don't like it. I wish to go back and convince Lawrence to stay and hang out at the palace with me. Instead of what happened he could have spent that night getting to know my parents but the thought of me never knowing his true self scares me which makes okay with the fact I went to the party and caught him but I should have been smart about my tactic of getting away.

I should have listened to my parents they knew better than I did. I'm not even a fan of parties and yet the thing that made my life almost go down the drain was the fact that I went to one and I regret it dearly.

I was glad after all those days I had a soft bed to sleep in. A bed with a blanket whereas I used to not even need one with the heat that the room held. I was glad to not have darkness around me and so I slept with the half the lights in the room open making it seem slightly romantic which brought my thoughts back to Lawrence before I shoved that thought away and told my brain to shut up.


And that's a wrap.

What do you think about Lawrence and Evelyn not getting along immediately?

Do you like how the characters are turning out?

Hope you enjoyed! I wrote this write after an exam so I didn't feel like editing it and I'm sorry about that. Vote if you enjoyed.

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