Chapter 18

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Walking hand and hand with Lawrence we make our way into my empty math class. Lawrence knocked twice on the wooden door then opened it and poked his head in. Mr. Madrid was sitting at his desk with a cold cup of coffee and unmarked sheets.

"Sir?" Mr. Madrid turned his head when he heard Lawrence. Lawrence pushed the door fully open and brought us both in.

"Yes, Lawrence what can I do for you two?" The sir's eyes flickered to me before landing back on Lawrence.

"We would like a transfer sheet, for Evelyn." The sir looked at me questioningly.

"Why? Is there something wrong with my class?" he asks calmly but I could see his eyes flutter with sudden nervousness.

"N-no no. Everything is alright." I stutter nervously.

"No, it's not alright. There's students in this class being mean to her and you haven't even noticed." Lawrence spoke in slight anger and disbelief.

"Who are they? I can give them detention for the rest of the week." Lawrence looked over at me, as I slight shook my head no.

They only ever are mean to me in class considering that's the only time I see them.

"No. We'd just like the transfer sheet, please."

"Tell me who they are. I could get them in a lot of trouble." Lawrence did not look back at me this time.

"It's Cleo and Miranda. And they better suffer. Call their parents and everything. Now could we have the sheet already?" Lawrence asks in impatience.


"Hey! Wait up!" I turn around seeing Lawrence practically hyperventilating trying to catch up to me as he slows down. "How on earth... do... you... walk... like that?"

"What do you mean?"  I ask in slight humor watching his disheveled self hunch over and try to regulate his breathing.

"I just had gym and I ran all the way here, getting pushed by possibly every person I saw, and you're walking like nothing just happened." I laugh throwing my head back. He truly brightens my day.

"Well, I'm not the one who just had gym, silly." I rubbing his back supportingly occasionally patting it when he coughs.

"I finished my water before the class and only noticed when I was there and I sure as hell wasn't going to drink from the fountain. It's filthy. Imagine all the germs that come from there." He shuddered in disgust. "Anyway, I came to ask you if you wanted to come hang out in my house today. You could finally meet my little sister, you seemed excited yesterday about her, and we could watch movies and stuff."

"What are we waiting for then? C'mon c'mon." He chuckles as I pulled him with me, again causing tingles from holding his hand.

I could feel his hand slightly sweat from mine, making me wonder whether it is from how tightly I am holding it or if he is actually nervous. We make our way, together, to the driver's car and we both take a seat at the back. After Lawrence gave directions to Tom, who was clenching his hand hard on the steering wheel, we were zooming through the street on our way to Lawrence's house.

Arriving in only five minutes, we walk out of the car and go up to his house where he fidgets with the key and tries to get the door open. When he finally opens the door, that just wouldn't open, we make our way in.

The large beige living room was empty but the sounds of feet pattering across the floor like drops of water falling from the sink fills the air. We heard a girly giggle from a nearby room causing Lawrence to smirk and grab my hand and pull me along with him towards the sound.

We stop in front of a wooden door, like all the other wooden doors in the rest of his house, and Lawrence turns to me softly looking me in the eye frowning in slight anxiety.

"My sister is skittish with loud noises and is very scared and shy with new people and might try to completely ignore you so please don't take it personally. It's just how she is." I could clearly see how much he cared for his sister and how much he cared about my feelings getting hurt. He does not want anyone of us upset.

"Don't worry." I bring my hand up, the one not in his, and rub the crease between his eyebrows.

The steady pace of my heartbeat quickens as I could not help but stand up on my tippy toes and place a quick chaste kiss on his, making sparks fly. Pulling away from him we stare for a bit until suddenly a bright smile takes place on his face and he sighs almost dreamily.

The pace of my heart does not slow down as I turn and open the door to reveal a large pink room with a twin bed that has Barbie sheets on one side and a dresser on the other. A small tv on the wall with a window above it. The tv was showing Disney Chanel as a small girl, with the same auburn hair as Lawrence, in pink pajamas sits in front of the tv a small teddy bear clutched in her hand as she turns her head to the sound of the door opening.

She stares, wide eyed, as Lawrence takes his hand from mine and walks up to her. Crouching down so he would be on somewhat the same level as her but he still towered over her small body.

"Hi, Penny." She does not say anything, completely ignoring him as she still stares at me. He looks back at me and cracks a smile. He leans close to her to whisper, but I still hear him clearly. "That's Evelyn. She's beautiful isn't she?"

I blush bright red as he stares at me sheepishly. The little girl turns towards him and smiles lightly obviously finding home when she is with him. He has the tendency to making people feel at home.

"Princess!" Her voice screeches through the air making me jump. She shyly makes her way to me. "P-play dolly... with Penney, please?"

"Okay, I'll play dolly with you." She walks back with me trailing behind her and gestures to sit next to Lawrence, who also takes a proper seat on the floor rather than just crouching there. She goes to a small chest filled with her toys and bring out a bunch of dollies.

"This is Maddie, also princess." She giggles, handing me a blonde American doll. "This is... Aria princess too, please." She hands Lawrence another American doll. "And this Poppy, princess too." She keeps the last doll.

She drags a large doll house and sets it next to all of us. I could see Lawrence smiling widely from the corner of my eye as I smile watching her too.

~Hope you enjoyed~

- what did you think of his sister? She's cute right?

- what did you like most about this chapter?

- any constructive criticism you may have for me?

- I've started plotting my next book. I'm so excited for it. I might give you guys a small summary in the author's note in the next chapter.

- yesterday was my mother's birthday!

~Thank you for reading~

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