Chapter 22

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I never thought someone from our school would be apart of a man like Tom's life. In fact the thought never occurred to me that John would even seem like a more fit person, but his too sweet personality would always restrict him.

Marcus in all his glory stood in front of me. The same guy from my math class. His smirk and blue eyes dazzling as ever but his eyes did hold remorse which gave me hope. He cleared his throat then chuckled once again.

"Did I seriously leave you this awestruck?" He shakes his head amused.

I perk up, normally I'd be blushing but right now all I do is scoff and cross my arms, my perfect poster making me look even more intimidating but when he just smiles at me I know I look like a harmless kitten; only capable of scratching you and not doing any real damage.

"I need the bathroom." The thought of slipping past him and running to the door crosses my mind but then he suddenly grips my wrist not enough to bruise but enough to be able to pull me with him. I felt weird with his lack of response much like Tom but I did not care. I was soon to be out of here anyway.

"You've got fifteen minutes if you're not out by then I'm going to open this door on you." His stern voice was scary a huge contrast to the tone he had before and only now did I realize we were in the living room standing beside the door that lead to the bathroom, I could see Tom's back as he talked on the phone about something I could not hear.

I walked into the bathroom right after rolling my eyes at Marcus, who scoffed but I knew he wouldn't do anything about that whereas Tom would have my head in a split second. The bathroom did not have any windows in it make me sigh in annoyance. I quickly did my business and washed my hands in the sink before placing my hand on the knob and unlocking the door pushing it open.

Marcus was leaned against the wall by the bathroom. He snuck a glance at Tom, who was off the phone and sitting on he couch reading a news paper minding his own business. He must really trust Marcus.

"Come on, bitch. I don't have all day." My eyes widened although I was held captive by him I did not think Marcus was going to talk to me like that. That was Tom's job to make everyone else feel like objects or pets rather than Marcus' job. I rolled my eyes at him and walked ahead of him towards the kitchen.

"Hey hey hey. Where are you going?!" he barked frighteningly his eyes showing clear remorse but the sight only making me scoff.

"Getting myself some real food." My sass also surprises me but the hatred I had for everyone in this room with me was far to strong and willed me to show them absolutely no respect.

I made my way to the kitchen. From the corner of my eyes I saw Tom briskly get up anger evident in every bone in his body making me gulp. Terror striking my heart, as he makes his way to me and grips my forearm tight making sure his nails pressed against my skin surely leaving crescent markings on my skin.

My breathing wavers and light whimpers escape me as I scratch against his wrist trying to get his hand off me but he seems completely unfazed by it, if anything his grip only tightens its hold on me.

"You better watch your attitude before I have to straighten it out myself," he says his grip only tightening and tightening. The pain of pure agony going through my arm making it start to numb as my tears start rolling down my cheeks looking quite identical to a river.

"I'm s-sorry," I say half heartedly, only trying to rip his hand of me.

"Dad, I'll take her back down." Marcus' voice sounds, almost pleading his father to stop. My heart pauses at the mention of them being related, the thought just doesn't settle in my brain.

Tom gives me a hard look, then lets go of me and makes his way down a hall away from us. I sob rubbing against my arm hoping that would making the numbing pain go away. Marcus gently places a hand on the bottom of my spin as I quietly make my way beside him still rubbing my arm harshly as the numbing feeling gets replaced by pure pain.

When we arrive back at the basement I sluggishly make my way back to the corner I was in the night before. Marcus looks at me for awhile longer before leaving and closing the door behind him. I listen to the lock click shut like it was before.

And just like that I'm trapped once again in my dark thoughts.

I always thought being enthusiastic about everything made the situation ease, made any bad information just an information. But now I believe being enthusiastic about everything makes you only pick up on the information and throw the bad part, the part that makes you feel bad, in a hole in your mind. No one can feel hell bound when they're jumping up and down excitedly about everything. But I can't will myself to even try to be okay with this let alone excited and neither will I bother to try and feel that way.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's not edited and I'm sorry just been too busy to do so with the finals and stuff. I'm supposed to be studying right now... oh god. Vote if you enjoyed and imma go start the next chapter instead of studying bye.

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