Chapter 41

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"You know, Erika only kissed that guy because she was sad for him," Colin said, pausing the game we were playing on his console. I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

"Oh yeah 'cause that makes sense," I sassed.

"No, I'm serious." Colin turned his body towards me. "Remember Jason." I nod, watching closely. "It was him. Him and Erika have been best friends since they were in kindergarten. I never liked him, I knew it would happen but what actually happened was out of sympathy. He was dying, Evelyn, and his only wish was to kiss the girl he loved and sadly it was my Erika."

"She told you that, didn't she?" He slowly nodded. "How do you know that she wasn't the one who wanted to? For all you know she could've done a lot more than kiss."

"I trust her. I shouldn't but I do. I mean I saw it and what I saw was her with her eyes open and him pecking her lips." He frowned as if the memory hurts. "She didn't seem into it, just sorta doing it."

"If she loved you-"

"What would you have done in that situation, Evelyn? Your best friend is dying and all he wants is a kiss. All his 21 years mean nothing without this one kiss. Honestly, if she told me I would've let them. It's sad really." He looked down to his jean covered lap in thought.

"Yeah," I whispered. The simple whisper fell into the air but still left it hallow and cold.

It was a sad story. It is a sad story. I'd hate to be in either one of their positions.

"Let's talk about something else. How are you and Lawrence. Saw him here yesterday." I blushed remembering the sweet night, last night, where we finally made love. The brightness of my cheeks has Colin stare at me for a moment trying to figure me out. "You did not," he said in a hard cold tone.

"Colin, leave me alone," I mumble.

"You let him use you like that!" he shouted making me jump, I'm still not over my resent past, but one day I will be.

"Colin, you lost your virginity literally at the age of fourteen and you expect me to wait until I'm a grandmother to do it."

"If you were a grandmother then you would have already done it." He sasses back putting his hands on his hips with his face still hard in anger. "He's just using you."

"Lawrence is a good guy, I promise." My eyes tear up thinking about his statement.

"Tell him to come tomorrow. I want to meet him," he says in defeat when he noticed my tears. I've always been a cryer. He sighs and pulls me into a hug lightly rubbing my back.



Lawrence and I walk into the dimly lit hallway towards the grand dining room. He wore a simple black button down in black jeans. His hair gelled back, trying to impress my family, the thought has me lightly laughing and blushing because of his sweetness.

"What if they don't like me?" Lawrence stares at me, biting his lip and watching me carefully.

"Well, they'll throw you in jail for what we did." He stops walking and stares wide-eyed are me. "I'm kidding. They'll behead you." His eyes only widen making me unable to control myself anymore and bend over laughing. "I'm kidding and besides they'll love you so you don't have to worry."

"Alright." He sighs and we begin walking again. "It's weird I've been here so many times and yet I never met any of your family relatives." He sucks in a deep breath and stops walking again making me groan and stare up at him. "I'm meeting the king and queen."

"Don't think of it like that. Think of it like your meeting your girlfriend's parents, which you are. So, let's get our butts in there and start eating, I'm hungry."

He bit his lip and reluctantly nods. I pulled his forearm, dragging him with me towards the dining room. The large chandelier comes into view as we stand in front of the large table coated in foods and drinks. Father sat at the end of it next to Mother, talking to her and Colin, who sat next to Erika. Marcus sat across from them beside Sarah. The thought of Sarah and Colin in the same room seems weird to me but everyone seems okay with it so I knew there was no threat.

Everyone looked up in our direction making me wave and pull Lawrence towards my dad. Clearing his throats and scratching the back of his neck in nervousness, Lawrence walks by me and brings his hand with mine linking them. His hand was sweaty as he greeted my father and the rest of my family. Everyone sat back down and began eating after Mother made us say a quick prayer.

"So, Lawrence what are you going to take in college?"

The end


I felt like clearing up somethings like why Colin got back together with Erika or Lawrence meeting her parents, I also wanted to add 'the night' but I decided against it but if you want it tell me in the comments and I'll surely write it.

What do you think of the additional chapter? Did you like it?

Do you want me to write about Lawrence and Evelyn's special night or not?

Have you read my new book? I'm writing chapter three at the moment.

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