Chapter 31

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Sometimes, I just want to kill this generation of boys.

We parked in front of the main entrance, Lawrence running to my side as I clutched my aching stomach. I knew the blood on my temple was drying up on the side of my face. I could only imagine what I must look like. Lawrence picks me up once again and runs into the palace. I knew this late at night the maid were asleep and the guards were outside protecting us rather than inside and Mother and Father were both probably asleep as was my early bird of a brother. Lawrence and I were completely alone at this time.

He hurriedly runs up the stairs. Taking a peak at Lawrence I'm surprised by the sight of his tears. I've not had many boyfriends in the past but I know if another guy was here instead of him they wouldn't be this upset. Something more was obviously troubling him.

Gently, I place my hand on his cheek grabbing his attention. "Don't cry," my hoarse voice croaks. He shakes his head as he leans into my touch, the sight making my heart ache. He hushed me as he opens my door in a hurry. He gently placed me on the bed then running into the bathroom.

I prop myself up, hugging my knees to my chest. Tears free all past my cheeks landing on knees and splatter. The ache in my stomach and throbbing bruises all up my arms and some on my legs still buzzing in pain. My throats was the most painful of all. I could still picture everything so vividly I felt like it was all happening over again.

"Shh, princess. I'll make it all better, promise." His voice brings me out of my daze as he gently cups my cheek and places a wet face towel on my temple making me hiss in pain. He furrows his eyebrows as a tear reappear on his cheeks. "I'm so sorry."

"L-Lawrence, this isn't your fault." He shakes his head, denyingly.

"No, if I didn't have to be an idiot and sleep with her than you wouldn't be in pain. If I wasn't in so much shock than I would have been able to stop this." He takes a shaky breath in. "Where's the first aid kit?"

"Bathroom mirror." He doesn't waste any time by getting up immediately and running into my bathroom. I sniffle watch his shadow in the light outside the open bathroom door.

Soon enough he's back in front of me picking up the biggest bandage there was and placing it against my scratched temple.

"I'll get some ice." I simply nod. He gets up and swiftly makes it out of my room. I try to keep my mind blank as the memory fights its way back into my mind. I knew I'd start crying all over again if I remember. My eyes blankly stare at the opposite wall and I remember the my idea that I wanted to do. The memory makes a none existent smile appear.

Lawrence walks into the room with three blue ice packs. He picks me up as if I weighted nothing and places me back down, this time against my pillows. I try sitting up but he gently pushes me back down. He places ice packs on my arms and legs, wherever he deems necessary.

"Please, don't leave me alone." I grab his arm before he gets up. He looks down, seemingly having an inner battle with himself. He frowns and a lone tear escapes. "What are you thinking?"

His eyes slowly making their way to mine. Sadness on full volume and brightness are evident in his eyes. It seems like someone took away his only source of happiness. His eyes gloss over as they drag down my body, taking everything in. He gets up and places a kiss on my forehead then making his way to the other side of the bed.

I gently pick up the ice packs placing them on the night stand then cuddling closer to his warm body. The coldness from the ice packs already forgotten as he wraps an arm beneath my shoulders, pressing me against him. I feel the blanket being placed around me as my eyes slowly lull themselves to sleep. My arms squeeze Lawrence's body, pressing myself against him.

My head is nuzzled into his neck reveling in his warmth that was a contrast to my freezing body. We were both still dressed but I knew I wasn't going to be able to change into anything without the unbelievable pain raking through my whole being. The feeling of cuddling and sleeping with the one person I truly loved making my heart beat even faster. I felt tears wet the skin of my neck making my heart clench knowing he was crying once again. Pick my head up, our eyes connected.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, princess. Just sleep, please, you need to rest." He tucks me back against his chest, stroking my hair as I reluctantly go back to sleep.


My poor little Lawrence.

How did you guys feel about this chapter?

How do you feel about the new cover and title? I personally feel this is better.

I'm sorry it wasn't very eventful but I needed something before the next chapter because more thing are going to happen. Hope you enjoyed!

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