Chapter 33

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Word count: 1020

Erika shyly smiled unlocking her door and taking a step out into the dark and cold night. The memories for my brother crying and sobbing about her consuming my thoughts making my confusion grow and my anger illuminate.

"Hi, Evelyn. I'm sorry if I'm intruding or something. I just got back from Italy and I just- can I talk to your brother please." The pleading and urgency in her voice was on full volume though her voice was low and a bare whisper, but I still held my ground.

"No, you may not. I'm sorry but we're kinda busy today. A lot has happened-"

"I know I've seen the news and I'm truly sorry about what happened to you. I really need to talk to Colin. I know none of us have ended things on good terms but I need to talk to him." I was about to object but I couldn't when I heard the raw pain in her voice when she said her final word. "Please."

My heart clenches, I never liked hearing anyone talk like that. I wanted to throw a full on tantrum at the frustration I felt by being so weak. Literally a thief could just act in pain and I'd just give him my most prized possession.

"I-I. Um how about you come at a more reasonable time. I think that'll be best." She meekly nodded.

"Alright. Don't tell Colin. He won't in a million years let me come if he knew and I really need him. I mean to talk to him, you know." I awkwardly nodded watching her messy ruby red hair sway in the ponytail as she gets back in her sleek grey car.

She drives down the driveway and back out the gate. Turning around, I enter the palace. The warmth hit me like a punch in gut. The numbness in my toes loosening as I now realize I've been bare foot in the cold, seeing Erika again made me so shocked I couldn't even notice my cold feet.

Part of me wanted to tell Colin all about Emily but I didn't want to ruin the perfect day we've had. I couldn't, I simply couldn't. We haven't been close in months and having the family all together made my heart warm all over that the thought was deemed obscured even if I knew it would kick me in the butt later.

So I held my head high and walked back up the stairs and into the living room where a Christmas movie was left open but muted and a table of jinga laid. Taking a seat between Marcus and my mother, we all went back to playing and laughing ourselves to tears.

Thoughts of Erika were gone in a matter of seconds and I was glad of that. I couldn't handle any more stress than I felt the last few weeks. All I felt was pure exhaustion.

My head was still bandaged and lightly bruised and my stomach that had healing bruises just had more added into the collection. I felt like a living punching bag at this point but at least I had Lawrence and my family with me to fill me with love. I was surprised I didn't get a concussion from how hard I hit my head when I went tumbling down when she launched at me, but I was glad. One less thing I had to go through.

Once we all grew weary and our bodies were practically begging for sleep we all went back to our rooms. But not before we bid our goodnights, of course. I shut the door behind me and crouched down at my mural looking intently at it for a moment before packing up my paints. I left them where they were only closing them up to prevent them from changing from their original high quality ways.

I changed into a white sleeping gown, finally feeling the slightest bit of confidence to wear something that didn't bundle me up like glove. Before, even a glimpse of my wounds and bruises would have me crying and basking in the pain of the memories running through my head again, but I felt indifferent today from my usual days and I didn't really care about just blocked out anything that would even remotely lead to a single trace of a memory.

I let the sleep consume like a hurdle. The darkness oddly comforting as I slept like a baby through a dreamless night. Waking up to the scent of pancakes I perked up almost immediately which had me lightly chuckling to myself at how ridiculous I was. I quickly brushed my teeth not caring about my attire I ran downstairs and into the dining room.

My father sat at end of the long table with Marcus by my mother on one side of him and Colin and a none familiar lady sat on the other. Colin's toothy grin etched itself on his lips as his eyes connected with my confused ones. They motioned me over as I stared at the treats and breakfast that was planned for us. I immediately took my seat next to Marcus and shoved as much as I wanted onto my plate. My father chuckled and I look up watching everyone watching me. Everyone held smile but the unfamiliar blonde only gave me an annoyed look.

"How did you sleep, darling?" Father asked, taking a bite of his bacon.

"Just fine. I don't mean to be rude but who is she?" I took a large bite of my pancake. She raised her eyebrows at my bluntness but answered my question nonetheless.

"Haven't you heard. I'm marrying your brother in a month." I choked on my large bite, having Marcus pat my back for support but I still far too shocked.

I invited my brothers ex-love to an evening with his future wife...


Yeah that happened.

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