Chapter 35

461 17 3

Word count: 1330

When we opened the door the sounds of two females arguing filled the air. It was practically filled with hatred from both women. We jogged up to the scene, where they were arguing and refraining from jumping on each other for the sake of the rest of the family. Mother was coaxing Sarah and Erika attempting to stop them both but neither paid attention.

"Um Erika, may I ask what you're doing here?" Colin spoke, ceasing all noises in the room. It was almost magical how he got both of them to stop by just his voice.

"I really need to talk to you. Please, it's important," her hoarse voice croaked, sounding like it would break by just the wrong reply. She tucked a loose hair behind her ear and her glossy eyes met with Colin's softening ones. He always hated seeing her, or anyone, cry.

"Alright. Evelyn, take Sarah to the field. She'd like seeing the horses." Sarah scoffed her eyebrows raising in question.

"I'm not-" I had enough of Sarah and just cut her off.

"Shush we're going." I tugged on her wrist before she had a chance to question me. She stood frozen following along.

We took a golf cart all the way to the stables in the back. I smirk having a brilliant idea for this she wolf. I jumped out her following behind me whiling keeping her head up, as authority. I looked at her questioningly but didn't say anything.

"That's Robbin, he's a cutie. Wanna-" a buzz in my pocket had me jumping and squealing in happiness thinking Lawrence replied, almost immediately. Opening up my phone I was disappointed to see it was only a silly notification from a game. Huffing I go and check on my message. The blue tick was there, signaling he read it but hadn't replied. Furrowing my brows I was about to try calling him again before a high pitched voice filled with annoyance spoke.

"What are you doing? Wait are you texting that lame loser I heard about in the news? Isn't he like charity, I mean I see the clothes he wears?" She questions obviously bored, I smirk.

"Hey want to see the little bunnies?" She squeals.

"Finally, something good." We walk over to the little barn and she runs over petting the adorable bunnies.

I slowly walk over to the pigs pen, hearing silently roll around the mud. Smirking, I open it and watch them frolic around before noticing their cage was opened. They squeal and run out  going straight to her legs and rubbing their necks and faces on her almost like they knew my plans. I watch Lottie, the small baby pig, walk out and run towards me. Bending down, I smile rubbing her cute head.

"Hey! Get off me! Help! They're getting mud on my dress!" I sigh happily, sinking down on the floor so I'd sit comfortably while petting Lottie. "Evelyn! It isn't funny!"

I watch her run around trying to get on a corner and try kicking them away but she cornered herself only making it easier for them. I laugh silently. No one says something like that about Lawrence or else they have to mess with me. He's my crazy little lamb.

After a couple minutes of her whining, I huff and get up. This joke needs to come to an end. If I hear her begging one more time I might just shoved the mud down her throat. I open the pen making smooching noises for the pigs and they all run back inside. I close the door behind them, securing the lock properly.

"Come on. I have a dress you could borrow."

She huffs. "This is the last time I listen to Colin. The two of you are absolutely crazy!" Rolling my eyes, I lead her back inside and quietly rush into my room not wanting anyone to see us. I sigh happily when I notice no one was around. Colin was probably in his room with Erika and my parents were probably making sure dinner was alright to ease the tension in anyway possible.

I hand her a dark green sundress covered in flowers. I watch her walk into my bathroom to change, silently. Taking a seat on my bed, I lay back. Taking slow breaths, I stare up at the pink ceiling, loving the chandelier that was hung up bringing a soft light into the large room. Softly, I hear the bathroom door open. Her feet softly patter across my marble flowers. Even if I hated to admit it she truly was beautiful. The dress looked way better on her than it can ever on me, especially with my bruises.

"I like this dress." She softly spoke.

"It looks way better on you. You can keep it." I sit up.

"No, no. I can't do that. I'm sorry Evelyn." I frown.

"About what?"

"Well I clearly did something wrong if you went to all that trouble."

"It isn't you, I promise." That was true, I only hated her because of how my brother and her met. There was a moment of silence where she just examined me. Her vulnerability on full brightness, making her look younger and possibly completely innocent.

"What happened to your arms?" The question was practically a whisper, completely inaudible but I still heard it. I watched her wince as if that was the stupidest question ever.

"I thought you saw the news?"

"Yeah well um. I only heard about you being kidnapped, I never knew it was something more than that. I thought you were just held hostage not anything, you know." She winced again.

I shrug, fighting my brain to not bring back unwanted memories. Tears rose up no matter how hard I fought it. I was almost bought were I'd be raped and used like a rag doll for the rest of my life.

"Oh no. I didn't mean to make you cry." She jogged up to me placing her cold hand on my cheek wiping away a few tears that escaped. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her thin waist, sobbing.

"I could've been raped, Sarah." I wailed. Hearing her suck in a deep breath, she squeezed me tightly.

"Shh... don't cry. You're all safe now."

"No! You don't know what I saw. What they did was- was- it really hurt." She pulled away to look me dead in the eyes.

"Did they?" She motioned with her hand not wanting to say the word.

Shaking my head, I sniffled. She sighed in relief then tucked me back in her side rubbing my back like an older sister would. She softly placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"How about you show me your painting? They're really good." I nod my head, whipping my soaked tears.

We spent an hour scrolling through old sketch books and looking through my used canvas. She complimented me none stop obviously trying to redeem herself. I didn't want her to think it was her fault but she only shrugged me off.

"I think Colin is in his room. Let's go." We walked out of my pink room and went past a couple of rooms until we reached Colin's room.

She placed her pale hand on the gold doorknob. Pressing down, she gasped. I watch in horror as Colin sat up from on top of Erika. Erika had a horrified expression on her face as she stared in shock and sadness at Sarah.


I always believed that every bad person had some good in them and every good person had some bad in them and that's why I made that clear with Sarah. A lot is gonna happen so get your popcorns out.

What do you think about Sarah now?

Who would you rather be with Colin?

What do you think Erika and Colin were talking about?

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed!

Not edited.

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