Chapter 15

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After our walk in the park Lawrence took me back home reluctantly, because we both had such a good time we wanted to stay in the luscious park but we knew it was getting late and dark and we couldn't risk worrying our parents.

I was laying sprawled out on my violet floral bedding, on my bed, daydreaming as I listened to the whole 'Back to Black' album by Amy Winehouse. One of my favorites, but if anyone saw me now they'd think I was beyond depressed. But to me this was soothing than depressing.

Tomorrow is another day I get to see Lawrence again. Lately I've been catching myself counting down the days until I get to see Lawrence again. My life isn't really that interesting, if you don't count the being a princess thing, so I find myself in repetitions for the most part.

Monday morning, I climbed into the backseat of the new grey convertible that's being driven by Tom, and snuggled deeper into my jumper. For the first time the small custom made window, that was between me and Tom, was closed and I was thankful for that.

Today I was wearing a cuddly light blue sweater, that had a pink collar from the shirt underneath, with tight black jeans. I woke up with my nose feeling stuffy so I decided against wearing a dress, to keep myself safe from getting a cold.

Finally, we arrived and I slowly walked out the car. My slight sickness making me feel sluggish and weary, unlike my usual energetic self.

I sluggishly walked into my English class and took a seat in the far back next to the one and only Lawrence, who was looking at me in concern.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just felt a little stuffy this morning." He still looked concern but nodded anyway.

"Hope you're feeling better, princess." I shyly giggled at his nickname for me. At first it seemed like it had to do something with me being an actual princess but now it just seems sweet and held more meaning.

He grinned at me but it quickly went away when he noticed the miss has entered. He groaned too loudly causing the whole class to turn towards him.

"Is there a problem Mr. Kentwood?"

"No, not at all," he mumbled opening his book to a random page, and crossing his arm as he slouched back against his seat, as the miss turned around.

"Why do teachers always interrupt us?" He whispered grumpily to me. I giggled at his silliness causing him to, again, grin widely.

"Lawrence and Evelyn! Is there anything you'd like to share with us?!" Once again Ms. Rose scolded us.

"Sorry miss," I mumbled as she sighed heavily in annoyance as I feel a pang in my heart for making someone feel so irritated and exhausted.

The rest of the lesson went by smoothly, thankfully. Lawrence walked me to my next lesson and afterwards met me outside of it to walk me to my third lesson, which was maths with Cleo and Miranda.

I saw Cleo and Miranda laughing to themselves as they got closer to our shared lesson from the other end of the corridor. It grew harder to pay attention to Lawrence's words as I stared at them and hoping they wouldn't cause a scene with Lawrence around. But as my eyes connect with Cleo a wicked smirk, that sent shivers down my spine, took over her face.

I watched her whisper something to Miranda, who started giggling madly. They both confidently strolled over to us with a mischievous glint in their eyes. Twirling a piece of hair, Miranda stop right in front Lawrence, who was to busy talking to me to realize what was happening until now, and placed her pale fingers on his chest and to lightly play with a button from his red flannel.

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