Chapter 17

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I tell Tom, my driver, to go to a nearby frozen yoghurt shoppe with an eager Lawrence by my side in the black sleek car. Normally, he'd go all the way to his house walking because his house is so close to the school.

After school Lawrence caught up with me, sweating like crazy as if he had to run to get to me, and asked if he could take me out for some frozen yogurt, me obviously saying yes, though we had to go with the driver or else Mother would have been upset with me.

The ride was spent with clear silence as the both of us looked out the window to get a peak of how much longer we have until we finally reach. I knew this country like the back of my hand, when I was homeschooled, geography was mostly spent learning every last place in this city and where it all was before I got to learn about other places. With our sweaty hands laced together. Lately, we have been holding hands, hugging, basically doing anything to hold or touch the other. His touch would never fail to send fireworks and tingles through me.

I hope I do the same for him.

We walk into the, sadly, empty shoppe with polite smiles on our faces as the old lady behind the counter smiles softly back. She looked frail yet sweet to the touch. Her strawberry blonde hair was a short pixie with some white strands in them, but she still looked beautiful nonetheless.

"Hello, dears, anything I could get for you?" Her voice fills the dead silent area.

"Um I'd have the classic; chocolate." Lawrence picks from the counter looking into the clear glass. "How about you, princess?"

I almost laugh when I see the lady practically melt at the nickname he gives me as she watches us. "Um berry tart, please."

My favorite thing about our country was no one cares about me being a princess. Sure some people shriek and take pictures but that is normally just the tourists getting excited. The locals keep to themselves and rarely ever care to see me because most of them have seen the royal family an unbelievable amount of times because of how close we are with all the people.

"Sure thing, sweeties." She rushes to get the cups and scopes up some yogurt for us. Part of me believes it's just slightly melted ice cream and it is being called frozen yogurt but it will still taste the same so what does it matter.

She hands us our cups of yogurt and I quickly rush to take my lilac colored wallet out when I see Lawrence do the same.

"Oh, no no, dears. Its on the house, for the special princess and the lovely handsome gentleman." We both begin to protest but she begins to tsk. "No, no. Run along now."

Her voice held sternness but her demeanor was still as sweet as a Twinkie. We thank her then walk out with our hands occupied with a spoon and a cup of frozen yogurt in the other.

"You know, I still think this is just ice cream," Lawrence exclaims but seems unfazed by it at all.

"I was thinking the exact same thing." We walk over to the same park that is near Lawrence's house, since his house is literally down the block from where we are standing. That park still gets the cake for being the best park ever. It is absolutely breathtaking.

I could see Tom bringing the car over to get closer to us but do not say a thing because it is his job at the end of the day to keep me safe so I was glad having him around in case something bad happened.

Once we arrived in the flower filled park, and have passed the flower field, we went to the same children's swing and sat on them, lightly swinging back and forth as we devoured our 'frozen yogurts'.

"Tell me about your family." I speak, watching the ducklings in the pond, mentally squealing in joy at their adorableness.

"Not much to say. My mother is a nurse, which goes great because of my sister and stuff. I think my sister would really like to meet you actually." He laughs lightly watching me squeal, at the thought of meeting his sister, to the point where I almost fall off the swings.

"What's her name?" I say trying to calm my excitement.

"Penelope." He says with an adorable smile on his face.

"Oh that's such a pretty name!" He laughs throwing his head back, enjoying my far to excited self.

"Tell me about your family. Bet there's much more to say."

"Not really. Father and my brother are out of the country, so he'd be in an arranged marriage." I huff. "Mother, well, haven't talked to her much. The castle is dead quiet. Come to think of it I haven't properly talked to anyone, in awhile."

"What do you mean? You live in the same house, well, castle." He looked confused as he frowned cutely looking at me in honest concern.

I sigh. "I dunno. Mother used to always force me into things to make sure me and her still talk and not lose that bond, I guess. But now she seems more busy and I'm the one doing all the talking." I shrug the sickly feeling I get off.

"She's probably just busy with the castle and, you know, being the queen and stuff." He chose his words carefully probably because he possibly had no idea what he was saying, though he looked fully diverged into this conversation.

We sat there talking for sometime and basked in the sweaty humid air. I watched the horizon as it started to set and realized it was time to get going. We threw our empty cups away and walked back to the car before dropping him off.

As I make my way up to the foyer I feel a cold stare upon my body making me inwardly shiver. I couldn't get the horrid feeling off until I was finally inside the palace doors. Safe from the dangers that lurk outside these walls.

Thank you for reading!
Truly hope you enjoyed!

I hope everyone who have exams and are stressing over them(like me) pass their horrid exams and come out strong from the other end.

My cousin just forced me to begin watching 'Gossip Girl'. Two episodes deep and it's actually quite good.

Vote if you enjoyed!
Love you!

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