Chapter 16

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After a half hour of talking about random things in the dusty abandoned classroom we both grew hungry sitting there in the cold place.

"I have a pack of chips in my locker we could go and get." Lawrence suggests as he plays with the hem of my shirt.

I switched places and sat next to him after noticing I was sat right under the vent making me sneeze repeatedly, and now I was sat right next to him with his hand around my body making me comfortable and warm.

"I don't wanna get caught."

"That's fine you can stay here and I'll be back in a bit." He started making a move to get up causing me to immediately grip onto his hand, the one around my shoulder, in panic.

"No, I'm not gonna let you get caught. We can eat something in lunch, it's literally in half an hour, silly." I giggle sheepishly at him as he chuckles.

"Don't worry about me. I always do this and I never get caught."

"Fine, but I'm coming with you." I grinned up at him as he chuckled placing a tingling kiss on my cheek.

"Come on then." He got up and held out a hand for me to hold onto as we walked to the large wooden door.

We made our way across the empty halls in silence, in case someone with authority heard us. He started unlocking his locker as I stared up at him, in a daze. I watched him take out a huge bag of Cheetos and close the locker before grabbing my hand gently and walking back to the dusty classroom we were in a moment ago. We took our seats once again side by side with his arm draped over my shoulders.

"I haven't had Cheetos before." I muttered to myself in part excitement and part embarrassment.

"Seriously?! It's amazing! Oh god! You need to eat this bloody thing." He quickly opened the bag in excitement almost like a child on Christmas. "Here!"

I took the piece from his hand and took a bit enjoying the spicy flavor. I have always been a sucker for spicy snacks.

"Spicy." I said, a marveled look on my eyes as if I was in a trance.

"You like?" I nodded my head frantically.

"It's so good." My words were slurred and sounded like they were squeezed out of me. I reached for another one as he chuckled and copied my actions.

After the hour was over and we could finally walk around without being questioned we made our way to the cafeteria, which I again did not get food from the lunch lady. Lawrence has not questioned why I stopped eating in the cafeteria, though I thought if anyone were to notice it would be him especially since we practically used to share our food but now he gets the same square pizza, probably not wanting to seem demanding.

We took a seat as he plopped his plate of pizza on the table in front of us. His friends were chattering amongst themselves cheerfully and grinned up at us.

"Hey, dude, I finally got Laura to go to the party with me." Jake, the only one whose name I knew, told Lawrence.

"Finally! God I thought I'd have grandkids when you'd finally man up and talk to her." They both chuckled before Jake went back to talk to the rest of the guys.

I bet I look funny in my girly outfit next to tattooed guys all twice the sizes of me.

"Do you wanna come to the party with me? I know you're not into parties and stuff but I promise to make sure you'll have a great time." Lawrence looked over at me, waiting for my response, in suspension.

"Mother said I couldn't go." I muttered depressingly. He sighed and ruffled his hair in nervousness.

"Oh, I was really hoping to go with you." He smiled shyly, in a cute way that had my heart fluttering. "No point in going now." He scratched the back of his neck in nerves.

"No, you should still go and have a good time." I was not going to be the reason Lawrence did not go.

"I don't know. I wanted to go with you and I can't find any reason to go now. And besides parties are sweaty and claustrophobic." He muttered trying to convince himself more than me. He was an obvious party animal whereas I was more of the fidgety awkward ones in parties, especially during the balls Mother would make me go, in the summer, to.

I place my hand on his fidgety one, that is placed on his thigh, and rubbed my thumb on his knuckles. I could almost hear his breathing hitch in his throat as he stared at our hands.

"Go. You should have fun. Drink, let loose, whoop whoop." He chuckled lightly.

"I'll think about it later. But you should try coming I'd love to hang out with you more." He places a kiss on my cheek, I cower away, giggling, feeling eyes on us. He chuckles lightly at my shyness.

"Are you guys like a thing?" one of his friends, that I don't know the name of, asks.

"Oh um we w-went on a date but haven't talked about that." I am probably bright red, hating the sudden attention from all his friends.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed because I truly appreciate it!

I've literally got two books as draft at the moment and I'm truly excited to post them after this book. Because I want this to be my main focus before I dive into other book.

School sucks. But anyways, Thanks for reading!

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