Chapter 27

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I wake up to the sound of buzzing turning my head my eyes connect with my cell phone that lights up and off repeatedly. I groan, picking up the buzzing phone without seeing the caller.

"Hello?" I croak out, my morning voice evident.

"Evelyn, did you just wake up?" Lawrence's confused voice asks. My eyes flicker to the digital cloak on my nights stand seeing its 1:34pm. The number making my eyes widen in surprise.

"Guess I have."

"Oh I guess that's fine. I left school early 'cuz it's boring and uneventful and stuff. I kinda figured you won't be here considering you missed the first week of school since you've been back but I was hoping, wishful thinking really. But I should have just been-"

"Lawrence, why'd you call?" I smile at his nervousness.

"I was hoping to maybe hangout today... with you. I mean it's been a week and I hope you're doing better. I really do. I just want to see you." He sighs.

"I'm not really sure if I uh feel good. I just want to sleep to be honest." I lie straight through my teeth. I'd do anything to get it of here, but I don't want to forgive him for toying with my feelings that easily.

"That's fine we can just hang out at my house or even yours if you don't want to get up. I could get you frozen yogurt, you know from that shoppe we went to last time or-"

I sigh loudly from annoyance. "Lawrence, I'm not in the mood for this, okay? I just woke up."

"I-I'm sorry." The way his voice seemed so broken made my heart clench and my thoughts scold me. "It's just. You disappeared for a whole month and I can't fathom why you're pushing me away. I thought you didn't come to school because of me and then news went around that you were kidnaped. Do you know how that messes with a person?" He sucked a deep breath in to keep himself from breaking down. "I'm sorry for what I did, but she never meant anything to me. I barely even knew what I was doing and besides we never even made it official. So, please just let me come over and try to make it up to you."

I was left speechless. I didn't know what to say but he was right. "Okay," I whispered before ending the call. I snuggled further into my blanket and stare at the wall beside me. The same wall covered in all my painting and I suddenly have an urge, that I don't act on right away but my thoughts keep spinning all of them bumping into each other and for the first time since the party I smile. Excited for my idea and for Lawrence to come over. I want him to be the first one to see it.

The door slams open and an excited Marcus runs up to my bed and yanks the blankets off making me groan and roll to the other side of the bed getting tired of his tactics.

"Get up! I'm bored and you've been sleeping all day!" He groans and flops on the bed beside me. I huff and go to bathroom to get ready before Lawrence gets here. I'm pretty sure Mavis will let him in so I didn't need to worry about that.

I took a long shower enjoying the warmth of it that was a huge contrast to the one I used to use at least a week ago. I walk up to the mirror the was thick with smoke and condensation, I wipe it with a hand towel to see through it.

My body was still recovering from the beatings still suffering the stings of pain I'd get from a simple graze of the skin. My eyes were dull and bland nothing like their usual bright glow now it was nothing, simply nothing.

My eyes graze over the curves and length of my body feeling completely emotionless about it. I used to like certain things and despise others but right now it's just an empty canvas and like any critic my eyes skim straight past it. It's like I'm a ghost, I'm simply smoke like the rest of the air around my but at the smoke will vanish and not have to live another day of nothing.

I try on a smile as my eyes land on my face. I try on a smile in hopes of my smile being real enough for Lawrence. But what I get just makes me want to cry. My smile looks like nothing, it could not manipulate anyone. It's begging for help but sadly I can't give it the help it needs. Before I even give the threatening tear a chance to escape I blink it away and wrap my fuzzy blue towel around me and walk right out the comforting wooden door. I've gotten so used to the iron door that the wooden one seems like a miracle to me.

The sight I see has my eyes widening and the ice that's frosting over my heart completely melt away. I was so surprised that my grip around my towel loosens and before I know it it has pooled around the sole of my feet making me completely bare.


Oh geez she's naked! I didn't expect myself to actually do that but oh well some extra drama to the mix.

What do you think her idea was?

Who was she naked in front of? And what do you think was the thing that surprised her?

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