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《 Zane's POV 》
I get out of the car and stretch my legs. I walk around to the back passenger side and open the door for Ellea.  When she gets out she stretches,thrusting her breast out and her left leg to the open air beside her, before hugging me and kissing me softly.

Griffin gets out of the car and leans against the car. We walk over to him and I caress his arm.

"You ready?"

He chuckles and says "Are you?"

"Not at all, my parents just found out about Ellea and I  so just imagine."

"We'll be fine babies. Come on let's go to my house first." Ellea says.

I smile and wrap an arm around her take Griffin's hand and Ellea and I  lead him to her family home, three blocks away.

As soon as we get into view Ellea runs to the door and knocks. Her father answer after a few second and Ellea jump on him yelling "papa"

"Elleibug" her dad says pulling her closer even though it doesn't seem possible. After a moment Ellea let's go of her father and stands next to him and I smile at the old man and walk up and hug him.

"Oh my boy, you've grown." he says smiling at me.

I laugh and pat his back before pulling away from him and looking at a sheepish Griffin.

"Griffin come here and meet my Papa" Ellea says.

"Is this your boyfriend Ellea?" I hear her mother's sweet voice says from behind us.

"Ma ma" I yell before picking the old lady up and kissing both her cheeks and hugging her tight.

She kiss my cheek and ruffles my hair before I put her down. He pinch my cheeks and smile up at me. "How are you darling?"

"I'm doing better now."

I step aside and let Ellea hug her mom and I walk out to where Griffin stands and take his hand.

"They love me like a son even though..."

"Griffin is it?" Mr. Rodriguez says coming closer to us.

"Yes sir. I'm...umm..."

"He's Zane and I'd boyfriend." Ellea says when she reaches us.

"You and Zane's?" Mrs. Rodriguez asked shocked.

"Come on we need to talk and it best if you sit for this " Ellea says.

"Agreed " I say taking Griffin's hand.

I lead him in the house behind Ellea and her parents. When we get in the living room  Ellea and her parents sit on the couch and Griffin and I on the loveseat.

My shoulder against his chest and my hand on his knee.

"So you and Ellea are together?" Mrs. Rodriguez ask.

"Yes,if it wasn't for Griffin we may not be." I say smiling at Ellea and Griffin.

"So Ellea you are with both these men?" Mr. Rodriguez ask.

"Yes Papa. I love them both. Zane and I plan to get married eventually and still be with Griffin." Ellea says.

" Daniellea Abril Florencia Rodriguez are you pregnant?" Mrs. Rodriguez ask shocked at her  daughter.


"Ummmm what Ellea? Answer your mother." Mr. Rodriguez says 

"We're not sure." I say quickly

"Zane we love you but I swear if my little angel is pregnant and either of you walk away from this child I will hunt  both of you down and castrate you."

"Papa no. I can handle everything. I will handle everything. I will take care of everything just don't worry. If I need you or mama I will call or come home." Ellea says.

" Ellea why did you just wait till you were married bebe?"

" Did you and papa wait?" Ella ask.

"That's not the point baby. You are still so young and you have two men. You have a wolrd if trouble ahead of you."

"Well I'll embrace it with the love I have for them and Zane."

"Mr. And Mrs. Rodriguez  trust me when I say that this is easier to tell you then my family. They have fact that y'all kept me after they threw me away mean the world to me and I would never do anything to hurt Ellea. I love her. I've pictured marrying her since I was in college. We've moved forward in our friendship and relationship. We just wanted you to know the whole truth and that all. I've always been there for Ellea and I will always be there for her. Griffin will be by our side maybe not always but he will be her for his child if Ellea is having our babies. If he tries to run he will be met with a brick wall of law suits. "

" I'm not leaving forever if I leave at all. I've thought about this and yeah I may leave during the pregnancy but I'll never do what my old man did to my mom. I may not love you both but I do love my child. So please stop talking like I'm going to leave forever."

Ellea gets up and walk over and kiss Griffin softly before sitting in between us.

"Zane, honey how are you doing?" Mrs. Rodriguez ask gently.   I know she means my Uncle.

"I'm doing better now that I'm home with you  and my Ellea and Griffin. "

"He was a great man. I'm sorry you had to lose him before you could finish thanking him." Mrs. Rodriguez says.

"Yeah I am too. " I say squeezing Ellea' s hand.


We walk into my family home and my father is in the den looking at his hands.

"Dad." I say softly.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Gin told me about Uncle Frank. I'm here to say goodbye and be with you."

"This is not a time time to be with me. My brother just died and...." he says before burying his facein his hands.

I walk over and hug my father. He never let me hug him after I turned five. After he lifts his head I let him go and Ellea comes into his view.

"Hey." She says softly as she sit in front of him on her heels.

"Hello Ellea , nice to see you. "

"You don't have to lie Mr. Thompson. I know you want to see your brother. You want to laugh with him again and be brother and says goodbye not see me." Ellea says.

"Ellea may I be alone with my son for a while?"

"Sure sir. I'll be in the guest room Zane. Just come find us when you're done."  Ellea say before kissing me and leaving with Griffin.

After they leave my father looks at me and with puffy eyes and says " I'm sorry. I should have told you this when you needed it most but here it goes. I love you for who you are. I knew that one day you and Ellea would be together but I just didn't want to believe my son was partially gay. I know that you are and I'm fine with it. I'm sorry for pushing you away and making you feel like I love you less. I still love you as much as the day i adopted you."

"What? Adopted me?" I question.

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