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《 Ellea's POV》

After a while Zane moves us to the bed and I just hold him. Soon his harsh breathing evens out and I kiss his head before unwrapping myself from him.

I fix my clothes and go downstairs. My mom is in the kitchen. I walk over to her and kiss her.

"Is he doing better?"

"Mom I don't think he will ever trust his family again. They lied to him all his life and then keeps him from the man that loved him. I just don't know what to do. I feel his pain. I understand why he is so angry. I do I just don't know how to handle this part of him."

"Honey if I hear correctly you do. He needs you every way he can have you. Though he is using your body it's healing him."

"I know that mom but with the sex. Which I'm sorry about. I didn't want to disrespect the house."

"It'sfine honey. Now if this would have been ten years ago your father would have had Zane hook skinning him by now."

I smile and my stomach growls. My mom smiles and says "I have your plate warming already.  After a minute my mom hands me my plate of food. As I eat I think about how to deal with Zane.  Then it hits me,I don't deal with him I do what I've always done and beat his weight with him. 

After I finish i wash my plate and go back to my room to find  a sleeping Zane.  I crawl into bed after I strip down and Zane pulls me close. 


When I wake up Zane is watching me. 

"Hey" I say softly.

"Hey. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. How are you?"

"Angry, confused, but better then yesterday. " Zane says.

"That's good. Now let's go shower and go get Griffin. "

Zane and I shower in my bathroom and have to put on some of our old clothes. We go downstairs to find my parents eating breakfast.

"Good morning." My father says.

"Hey daddy." I say. Zane waves and we sit and join them for breakfast. After breakfast my father tells us that Zane's mother called and Zane doesn't even stay to listen. 

"I take it they had a falling out?"

"She's a lying, evil, artifice bitch. She only cares about herself." Zane yells as he goes up the stairs

" I'll be back. I'm going to get Griffin and I'll be back." I say

I walk out the door to see Gin and Griffin walking up the sidewalk. I walk right up to them and kiss Griffin. Gin is a little hoe at heart. She stole Zane's and my boyfriend before so I'm staking my claim on this one.

When I pulls away he smiles down at me.

"I take it Zane is feeling better?"

"Yes he is. Now come on." I say pulling him along. "Oh thanks for showing him the way Gin. We'll all be back in a little while. " I say before turning back to Griffin.

After we greet my parents we go find Zane.  He is in my room staring out the window. Griffin walk in and rest a hand on his shoulder. Zane looks up and smiles at Griffin before resting a hand on top of Griffin's and looking back at the window. 

I walk back downstairs and go to the patio. I watch the birds play in the bird bath as I wait. After a while my mom joins me.

"Here. I went an got these for you." My mom says handing me a bag.

I take it and open it to find pregnancy tests. I sigh and thank her. After a glass of lemonade I go take the tests.

I bring them back to the patio with me and my mom and I wait for the results together. After 10 minutes  I look at the tests.

"Positive. Negative. Negative. Negative." I say.

"You're not pregnant. You're just not bleeding again. Remember eighth grade you didn't bleed for six months?"

"Yeah but my hormones levels were missed up. Now that I think about it,I haven't been sleeping and experiencing some of the same symptoms I did when I was in eighth grade."

"Well you can go tell your men. I think Zane might have been wanting that baby."

"Yeah I think you're right mom. Well get married either way. "

"I think you need to just take things slow with Griffin and Zane. Marry Zane but don't rush into starting a family."

"Okay mom. I'll take things slow." I excuse myself and go to my room to find my men cuddling. Griffin's chin on top of Zane's head. Zane's leg thrown over Griffin's hip.

I smile and say "I have some news."

"What is it Danni?"

"I'm more than likely not pregnant. Took four test three came back negative. Good news right?"

"Yeah great." Griffin says

"I want a baby with you Ellea."

"I want one with you too Zane. How about we get married and then have one in a year after we get married?"

"Okay. If it's a boy let's name him after my daddy."

"Of course baby I was think just that."I say crawling in the space between them that they opened up for me.

Zane caress my cheek and says " Can we get married soon?"

"As soon as you get down on one knee we cam start planning our wedding."

Zane nuzzles my neck and we all three take a early afternoon nap.

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