01 | funny like the new kid

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' she was surrounded by an innocence
that matched that of a child's '

' she was surrounded by an innocence that matched that of a child's '

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TODAY WASN'T A NORMAL DAY for the students at Forks high. They were all in the parking lot, sitting with their groups of friends. They were all waiting for two things: the bell to ring and the new student to arrive.

However, there were only one group of students who didn't know what was going on. But speak of the devil, as their cars drove into the school's car park. The group of people, known as the Cullen's, got out of their car before walking their separate ways. Rosalie and Emmett went inside the school, needing to talk to a teacher, while the others walked up to a red, rusty, beat-up truck. The bronze male, Edward, knocked on the window and the girl inside with perfectly long brown hair turned to look. She smiled and turned off her engine before getting out of the car and walking up to her boyfriend.

"Hello, Bella."

"Hello, Edward." The brown-haired girl greeted. She then looked over and saw a pixie-like girl and a honey blonde-haired guy who looked in pain but covered it up a bit.

"Hello, Alice, Jasper." The two smiled back at her. Bella was happy to be with her second family again, but that was short-lived as she heard her name being called. She turned to look at her other friend, Jessica and saw her waving them over. She smiled softly before grabbing her boyfriend's hand and bringing him and her other best friends over.

"Hello, Jessica." Bella greeted, letting go of Edwards' hand so she could hug her friend for a second before reconnecting their hands.

"Hello, Bella. Have you heard the news?" Bella shook her head, confused, along with the other Cullen's. "Apparently, a new student is coming to school," Jessica stated, and Alice was confused as ever, she didn't see a new girl coming which also confused Edward as he read her thoughts. Soon, a loud roar of an engine cut through the half silent air of the school's park. Everyone went silent and turned to look at the gorgeous Pearl White Lamborghini entering the school park.

It parked at the front and out came a girl. She got out and closed her car door, locking them before walking to school. She had her head held high and a small smirk dancing on her face. She walked with a confidence that seemed to emit off her in waves which shocked everyone. Once she entered the school, the bell rang. Everyone seemed to snap out of their thoughts to hurry inside since the bell rang.

"Wow." Was the only thing that was said between the Cullen's.

"Did you see her coming, Alice?" Bella asked her future-seeing best friend. The said girl shook her head, which confused them all. How did Alice not see her?

"Whatever. We'll find out later. Let's just go to school." Edward said, and they all agreed before going their separate ways to class. On the other side of the school, there stood a beautiful blonde with an innocent smile as a pair of gorgeous bluish-green eyes.

"Here you go. That's your schedule, and that is your locker combination. And here, give this to your teachers so they can sign it." The blonde smiled at the receptionist. Saying thanks, she went to find her allocated locker.

"Now where was it," The blonde muttered as she looked around the locker filled hallway. Too busy looking at the numbers of the lockers, the new student bumped into somebody, letting out a gasp as books fell onto the floor. She looked up to see an awkward-looking girl who blushed in embarrassment. The blonde smiled at her before bending down to pick up her books off the floor. She collected them and gave them to the brunette.

"Sorry." She smiled apologetically while the other student just smiled it off.

"It's fine. I wasn't looking." She stated, shyly.


"I'm Bella, by the way." She introduced, sticking out her hands. The blonde laughed, ignoring her extended hand. She walked up to her, wrapping her arms around her petite body.

"I don't do handshakes. But anyway, my names Skylar. Skylar Thomas." The two smiled before a burst of giggles left their mouths. Once it was over, Skylar asked Bella if she could help her find her locker. Bella nodded as a warm smile on her face before leading her to her locker.

"It's right next to mine." She stated, and Skylar sighed in relief, a grin replacing her features of nervousness.

"Thank god! If I ever forget where it is, I know the right person to go to." The blonde said cheekily. Bella laughs, ignited a sense of comfort and joy in Skylar.

"Yeah." The two new friends made light conversation while walking to their lockers. They got to know each other. When they were there, Skylar put in the combination for hers, which unlocked it. She took out the books for her first and second lessons.

"What do you have now?" Instead of answering, the blonde handed Bella her schedule, who looked it over before grinning widely.

"We've got the lessons except for Art. I do biology instead." The brunette said, and she smiled, happy to have someone familiar with her for most of her subjects. They then headed to their first lesson. Math.

"So Skylar, why did you move here?" Bella asked.

"Well, I needed a change, and my aunt suggested to go somewhere small before suggesting Forks. She said she's close friends with Cheif and he said that he'd be able to take me in." Right after she answered, Bella's eyes widening as a big grin broke onto her face.

"You mean Cheif Swan?" She furrowed her eyebrows before nodding. "That's my father! So that means your moving in with me!" Bella squealed. Skylar's eyes widened as a look of shock took over her features.

"You're the chief's daughter?" She nodded before smiling.

"Finally, another girl!" She laughed, and they soon reached Math. "Here we go," Bella muttered as she opened the light wooden door of the math classroom. Everything stopped, and the teacher looked at the two girls with neatly done eyebrow. The class looked at the two with confusion, wondering who the new girl was.

"Miss Swan. Care to tell why you are so late?" The teacher asked, her voice soft but strict. The teacher had silky blonde hair and forest green eyes. She wore a simple white blouse and a black pencil skirt, pairing it with brown heels.

"Um..." Bella looked so awkward and embarrassed to be in the spotlight, so the blonde stood in front of her, gazing at the teacher apologetically.

"I'm so sorry, Miss..."

"Miss Luna."

"Miss Luna," She repeated. "But I was the one to hold Bella up. You see, I had trouble finding my locker, and she helped me after we bumped into each other." Miss Luna nodded before telling the two to take a seat. Before sitting down next to Bella, Skylar handed the teacher the slip of paper she needed to sign. As soon as she sat down, Bella turned to her new friend and mouthed a thank you to which she replied back with your welcome.

Math was easy and boring for Skylar. The blonde had learnt all this at home since she was very lonely at home with her parents going to work and her having no friends. All the blonde did was work out and study. Soon she found out that she's good at cooking and painting. As well as singing and playing any instruments.

"This is so boring." She heard Bella mumble under her breath.

"Tell me about it."

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