28 | funny like the spa

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' the amiable one's date '
' part 2 '

' the amiable one's date '' part 2 '

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THE TWO MATES GIGGLED as they laid on the large white bed, scarlet rose petals scattered across the sheet, bringing a bold contrast to the calm room. Skylar rolled over onto her side, her arm supporting all her weight as she stared at her older mate.

"What?" Emily asked, chuckling as her eyes moved onto the blonde, who smiled with a loving look in her eyes.

"Nothing." Emily rolled her eyes before standing up. "Where are you going?" Skylar whined, eyes following her mate's figure.

"I'm just going to get the scheduled for our date today." The human winked before sauntering off to the lobby downstairs. Skylar let out a groan, staring at the wall before huffing and standing up, exploring the room.

Her eyes spotted a bookshelf the size of the wall it leant on. Walking over to it, her fingers brushed against the backs of the books, her tips feeling each small bump and curve as it glided past. Spotting a book that stood out, the blonde was about to reach for it when her mate reentered their room.

"Skylar, dear. We've got to get going; our massage is about to start." Skylar sighed and left the book in its place, taking note of the colour of it before slipping her hand into Emily's extended one.

The couple walked down the marble stairs, inhaling the cool scent of lemongrass that lingered around the whole spa, sending waves of comfort and relaxation to those that had a whiff. Ironically, it was just like drugs. They both relaxed the mind.

"Ms Young, Ms Thomas?" A slightly chubby woman welcomed them with a big warm smile as she guided them into a room, handing them both a charcoal coloured key. "Please place all your belongings and clothes in the lockers. There is a robe for the both of you inside along with some disposable undergarments." The lady, Clarissa, tilted her head down slightly before walking away to give them privacy.

Skylar looked towards her mate with raised brows, wiggling them as she grinned cheekily. Emily let out a chuckle, softly swatting the blonde's hands away from her body.

"I know how to remove my own clothes." She laughed, grabbing the hem of her top and removing it off her body.

"I know that," Skylar said, rolling her eyes until mischief shone in her eyes. "But it's so much more fun with my help." Emily copied her previous action, rolling her own doe-like eyes.

The blond winked at her mate before stripping out of her clothes and putting on the disposable undergarments with no care in the world that her mate was watching her every move. Skylar had always been comfortable about her body; she was never afraid to strip in front of people.

Turning back, the blonde couldn't help but lick her lips as she checked her beautiful half-naked mate out. The youngest human let out a wolf whistle. The brunette let out a warm laugh, one that sounded like music to Skylar's ears. "Come on, let's just go."

The couple walked inside the dimly lit room, their noses both inhaling the scent of lemongrass which relaxed their minds. Two small beds laid in the middle in a v shape and two other ladies stood by the side with a warm smile.

Emily moved to the left while Skylar went to opposite bed, slipping onto the bed on her stomach. The blonde felt the lady placing a towel over her bottom half because pouring some warm liquid on her back. Skylar flinched at the contact of unfamiliar skin but immediately relaxed as the hands spread the oil around her back before pressing down and relieving the tension she had in her body.

After two hours of a full body massage, the couple walked out with goofy smiles on their faces as they walked towards their own room in only their bathrobes. Swiping their card into the security box beside their door, it automatically opened, and they entered the room, stretching their arms.

Skylar was happy to have done this as she could feel that all her stiffness had gone after that slightly attractive woman massaged it out. All of a sudden, her body was pushed against a wall as Emily stood pressed against her, her head in the blonde's neck. "E-Emily!"

The brunette didn't say anything as she slammed their lips together, devouring it before prepping kisses all over her neck and face. Jealousy raged within her; eyes darkened as she recalled the memory of another person touching her mate while she was half-naked.

"Emily?" Skylar said breathlessly. She was panting softly as she tried to stable her heart that seemed to beat widely against her chest.

"She touched you," Emily growled out, hands clenched into a fist as she nipped at her mates base of the neck. She made sure to make her mark, sucking and nibbling on that small piece of skin to cause a hickey.

"Well, duh!" Skylar rolled her eyes. "It was a massage, of course, she has to touch me."

"Not in the way she did!" Skylar rose a brow at her mate, wondering why she was overreacting.

"Emily, it was your idea, by the way." The said woman huffed and got up before a lightbulb went off in her head. Grabbing the blonde's hand, she dragged her into the bathroom and ripped off her robe and her disposable undergarments.

"Emily!" Skylar exclaimed in shock, eyes widened in shock. She never saw this side of Emily before, nor did she ever expect it. Emily had always been mature and calm, never was she like this.

The brunette winked at her before dropping off her own robe and removing her undergarments, throwing them in the bin. She walked over to the couple bathtub and switched in the tap, making her way over to her mate.

Skylar felt a blush on her cheeks as she refrained from looking at her mate's naked body standing in all its glory.

"Inside." Nodding, Skylar walked over without another word, slipping inside with Emily doing the same opposite her. The two giggled as their legs brushed against each other before relaxing into the warm water.

"So warm," Skylar said softly as she sank inside slowly, placing her legs on Emily's lap under the water. "I think I might fall asleep."

"Well, in the case," The brunette started as she lifted her arms around the blonde and turned her around, so her back was on her chest. "Better?"

Skylar nuzzled against her neck, placing a kiss under her jaw as she felt a sense of security in her arms. "Much better."

The couple continued to soak in the bath in silence, not needing their voice to voice their emotions — the ones of love.

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