04 | funny like the green eyes

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' from the moment they met...it was her '

it was her '

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THE BELL FOR THE END OF THE DAY RANG, the student's packing their things up before exiting their classroom. "You're drawing is so amazing!" Angela exclaimed as she and two others walked out of the art class. Angela was complimenting Skylar's painting she had painted in class, and the blonde decided to keep it, proud of the painting she had produced in such a short time in her first class.

"Thank you." Skylar laughed as they walked to the car park, where Bella was waiting for her. "Bells." The blonde called as she neared her. She said goodbye to Liam and Angela before going up to the brunette.

"Sky. I want you to meet my friends." Bella gestured to the two people on the black coloured motorcycle. One tall and the other short. The short one locked eyes with Skylar and he froze.

When he saw her, it's as if space and time become the finest point imaginable, as if time collapsed into one tiny speck and exploded at light speed. It's as if his universe began and ended with her and her only. Seth felt like he could run forever, search forever, but in the end, every path would lead right back to her heart and soul.

Both Bella and Jacob glanced at the youngest shapeshifter, the latter rolling his eyes as he and his best friend realised that he had imprinted on the new girl. Skylar's eyes moved towards the tallest out of the two, a soft smile on her hand as she extended her hand.

"I'm Skylar. Nice to meet you." Jacob felt a smile stretch across his face, the blonde's smile contagious. Those who looked over could see the bright yellow aura of happiness the girl gave off, and if you looked deep into her eyes, you could see just how pure her soul was.

"Jacob." He nodded before glancing at Seth, who continued to stare at the girl as if she was the only person that mattered on earth, which technically speaking, was true. His whole world changed, and it was as if the gravity that pulled him down to earth shifted onto her. She didn't know it, but she held his heart in his hands. Jacob cleared his throat, elbowing him. Seth winced in pain, rubbing his arms before shaking his head to rid his thoughts.

"Uh, yeah. Um, I'm Seth." He introduced and reached for her extended hand, the two gasping softly. His skin tingled where she touched him, and the young shapeshifter's heart began to beat erratically in his chest so hard that he thought it might fly out. There were butterflies - no, lions - in his chest, but it felt good. Skylar raised a brow at the unusual feeling before she shook it off.

"Sky, do you want to go and meet the others?" Bella asked, and Skylar shrugged, smiling softly as warmth spread in her sea-green eyes.

"I don't mind."

"Okay then, you're coming with us." Jacob smiled, and the blonde beauty returned it. A pool of anger began to form in Seth's stomach as jealousy glowed deep in his eyes. He held back a growl as he realised that his imprint was just human and knew nothing about the supernatural.

"We'll follow behind you two," Bella told her friends before walking over to Skylar's car only to stop when Jacob called them back.

"Hey, could Seth ride with you. His backs hurting and he's too much of a wuss to say it out loud?" Jacob asked, and Seth stepped on his foot, slightly irritated as he didn't have to add the last part on. Seth stuck his tongue out, pouting softly.

"Am not." Soft giggles ran in the wind, bringing peace to those that heard it. The blonde nodded, and Seth grinned, walking over to the car, not before throwing a grateful smile to his friend.

Opening the passenger door, Seth slid in while Bella jumped onto the back of Jacob's motorcycle, wrapping her arms around his waist, holding onto him so she wouldn't fall off.

The blonde beauty pressed on a button, grinning when the familiar purr of her car rang in their ears. She reversed out of the school's almost empty car park, trailing after the black motorcycle. While Skylar was driving, Seth couldn't stop thinking about her.

The way her eyes were the kind of green that mint ice cream gets jealous of. The kind of green that distracts anyone from everything around. Her eyes were the kind of green that gets noticed even when someone can't see them because her eyes showed straight through to her personality. That happy, light, noticeable green is the variety she had — the essences of summer, a goddess of the sun.

Her golden hair draped down softly curling along the ends. Seth knew that every time she appeared, the day never ended and smiles never faded. She was a siren leading everyone to sudden happiness — the beauty with the forever young sea-green eyes.

'Seth, shut up!' Someone yelled inside his head. 'We can hear your thoughts loud and clear!' Paul scowled as Seth's thoughts about his new-found imprint filled the minds of the wolf pack down in La Push.

'I'm sorry, but she's so beautiful.' Seth sighed in content, loving thoughts filling his mind.

'Seth, we understand you've met your imprint but can you at least block us out. We don't want to hear your thoughts.' Leah snapped as she scowled in anger. She hated hearing the thoughts about love, especially since her human ex-boyfriend dumped her for another girl. She would continue to hate the thought of love until she'd meet her. She would be their saviour, helping them through their difficult times.

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