25 | funny like the carnival

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' the sexual one's date '

' the sexual one's date '

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"WAKE UP, BABE." A purr was heard against Skylar's ear, who groaned before turning around and pushing her head deep into the pillow. "Babe!" Leah shook her mate, a sly smirk on her face when she ripped off the blanket from the bed.

"Leah!" Skylar gasped, sitting up straight as a rush of cold wind ran over her.

"Sexy." Leah whistled as she gazed at her mate's body. Looking down, a rush of heat flooded in Skylar's face. The blonde took the blanket back, covering her body. Leah chuckled. "Come on, babe. It's time for our date." Leah grinned, brushing a strand of blonde hair out of her mate's face.

"O-okay." She said as she still blushed. "What should I wear?"

"Something comfortable and easy to move around in." Skylar rose a brow once her mate winked at her before exiting her room. The blonde took her time to get ready, letting the sleepiness exit her body as she continued to do her morning business.

Once she was done, Skylar left her room after she made sure all the lights were turned off along with the AC. Wouldn't want to waste money now, would we?

"Nice outfit, baby girl." Paul winked as he stared at his mate with deep eyes. Skylar grinned sleepily, gazing down at her outfit which consisted of a white cropped sleeveless T-shirt with a pair of high waisted black leggings with a pair of rose gold zippers on either side of the leggings. She wore a pair of sneakers and wrapped a jumper around her shoulders in case she gets cold later on.

 She wore a pair of sneakers and wrapped a jumper around her shoulders in case she gets cold later on

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Skylar walked up and kissed everyone's cheek before sitting down at the big round table. Leah smiled warmly at her mate, placing her hand on her thigh, rubbing over her leg with her thumb.

"Don't eat a lot," Leah whispered into her ear. "We're going to be doing a lot of walking." She grinned once Skylar's face lit up as she realised what that meant.

"Good morning, Sky," Emily said as she placed the food on the table, pressing a kiss to her head.

"Hi." She giggled, looking up with soft eyes. Emily grinned before she continued putting all the food on the table. The minute she sat down, everyone dug into their breakfast. Skylar placed some food on her plate, consuming it slowly as she chewed it gently, tasting every flavour in Emily's breakfast.

Once everyone finished, the blonde helped her older female mate clean up, putting everything in the sink before being whisked away by Leah, a broad grin on her face.

"Where are we going?" Skylar asked as they got on the shapeshifter's motorcycle, snaking her arms around Leah's waist and holding her flushed against her.

"Somewhere." She grinned cheekily before starting up her bike and driving away to their destination. The blond rolled her eyes but smiled in content as she inhaled her mate's rain like scent.

The motorcycle ride lasted for twenty minutes before Skylar's ears perked up, hearing screams of, weirdly enough, excitement. Glancing up, a surprised gasp escaped her mouth as her gaze came upon bright lights buzzing with excitement. They were at a carnival.

The entrance could be seen in the distance and the long queues edged forward slowly. Customers were becoming increasingly excited and impatient as they took a few steps forward every so often.

Faint music could be heard from beyond the tall gates with the occasional happy scream suddenly piercing the air. Closer to the entrance and the massive structures of the rides could be seen: a rollercoaster, a big wheel, a helter-skelter.

Below, younger children stood watching, eating their sweets and snacks. Ice creams wobbled perilously over the cones and dripped down their small fingers as they melted; some munched on brightly coloured balls soft sugar strands that dissolved on the tongue - sweeter than sweet and sticking to the teeth better than glue. A few overate and complained to their parents.

"This looks amazing." The blonde human buzzed with excitement, deliriously happy — giddy even. Leah smiled at her imprint fondly before lacing their fingers and walking right up to the gate, passing the long queues. Skylar threw a confused glance as she heard some people protesting on them going all the way to the front.

"VIP tickets." The lady sitting in the colourful glass booth flashed them a smile, glancing down to their intertwined fingers.

"Here you go, loves." She handed them two golden coloured wrist bands. "Enjoy." The older lady winked at the two before allowing them to go inside.

"VIP, huh?" The blonde let her eyes brows raise as she smirked. Leah blushed softly.

"Let's just go and enjoy it." The two walked over to their first ride, the rollercoaster. The mates slipped into one of the carts that slowly moved up, reaching the tippy top.

Skylar felt like every fibre of her being was vibrating with anticipation. Adrenaline was coursing through her veins. Her hands trembled, and her eyes were wide. 'This is what a cat must feel like waiting to pounce on a mouse,' she thought.

Without even a warning, the cart shot forward, diving down face first. A scream of excitement escaped her lips as she raised her arms.

"That was so fun!" Skylar yelled once they got off the ride. Leah smiled warmly as she watched her mate. The couple continued to wander around the carnival, enjoying the day they had for themselves.

Soon, the yellow ball of fire changed to hues of orange, and then almost tangerine. It merged with the sky, like juice-mix dissolving in a glass of water. The clouds were cotton-candy, as though they blushed at the warm touch of the sun.

The sky then became dark, enough for the owls to tuck in, but the stalls and booths set beyond her vibrated under the moonless night that the darkness was hardly remembered.

Most people wandered from stall to stall, sampling different flavours of candy and anything unhealthy. Some friends and couples danced to the bonfire cradled in the centre like flames to the mole. Beautiful girls and boys moved to the music that came from nowhere and everywhere till their feet ached and legs gave out. Where kisses were cheaper than wine, but the wine was sweet as nectar and food were spiced, and the fruits were all bruised.

The two mates danced with each other, moving between sweaty bodies. Smiles adorned their face as they stared at each other, finding themselves leaning in. Foreheads touching, breaths quickening, heart racing, the couple find themselves staring into each other's endless love-filled eyes.

Leah brushed her lips against her mate's plump ones before pressing them together. They kissed, and it felt as if the world fell away. The kiss was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be.

Leah's hand rested below the blonde's ear, her thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled. Skylar ran her fingers down the brunette's spine, pulling her closer until there was no space left between them, and she could feel the beating of her heart against her chest.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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