24 | funny like the aquarium

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' the romantic one's date '

' the romantic one's date '

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"LOOK AT ALL THOSE FISHES!" Exclaimed Skylar as she walked into the aquarium with Jared following behind her with a warm smile gracing his face. The blonde ran her soft fingers over the recently buffed glass; eyes fixed on the tropical fish.

Part of her brain admired the fish; it reminded her of fall leaves, vibrant and thin. Beneath the scales of impossibly bright yellow guts, there is a heart and muscles yet looking at it head-on, it almost disappeared except the bulging eyes.

The other part focused on the other fishes living amongst each other. She wondered how such exotic and interesting creatures could live together in peace, none of them having a bloodlust thought of killing another.

Jared watched her with a warm smile stretched across his face. The way his lips lifted upward, the way his one dimple crinkles, the way his teeth are perfectly aligned; the warm glow his happiness gives. His smile is a ray of sunshine, and Skylar was his sunburn.

The blonde glanced back at him, her eyes shining before motioning for him to come and look at the fishes. Jared walked over, and instead of looking at the fishes, his gaze was always on Skylar and her beautiful smile.

Her smile shined like the stars in the sky, with no bright city lights to dim them. It was like the sun opened its eager light to shine around her, only brightening her perfectly aligned teeth, except in here, there was no sun, so it seemed the bright burning star was settled inside the blonde angel.

For the next hour, Jared sat back and let Skylar's happiness soak right into his bones. He wanted the feeling to still be there when he was old, which it probably would be. He closed his eyes and savoured the moment.

For the first time in forever, his body and mind relaxed as his wolf curled into a ball in his mind, content with the fact that their mate was close by.

"Jared, can we go see the sharks?" She asked, an innocent and childish look twinkling in her eyes.

"Of course, princess." He chuckled as she squealed, grabbing her mate's hand and dragging him to the large tank at the end of the room.

Skylar gasped in awe when she saw a baby shark swim towards the glass, a non-threatening look on its face. It lifted its fin up as if waving to the blonde angel as she giggled, eyes bright.

Hours passed, and Jared continued to watch his beautiful imprint awe over all the different types of fish, a gentle smile on his face. He remembered when he asked them what their opinion was about taking her to the aquarium.

The Uley pack sat in the living room, their wolves and minds relaxed as they could hear their beloved imprints lightly snores from the floors above. Her heart thumped in accordance with slow, shallow breaths. Serenity was plastered across her face as she slept.

At peace, her consciousness swirled in the land of dreams, oblivious to the physical world for it knew that no harm would come to her as long as the pack was with her.

"So, Jared." Emily started as she cuddled into Sam, who was shirtless, along with all the males in the pack. "Where do you plan on taking Skylar tomorrow?" Jared shrugged as a light shade of pink dusted across his cheeks.

"I think I'm going to take her to the aquarium." Paul burst out laughing, shaking his head as Seth patted him on the back from the side of him.

"You do realise that she won't pay any attention to you?" Quill said softly as he sat next to his best friend, Embry, who took their mate on a date that day.

"And that she'll ignore you and look at the fish," Seth added as he sat next to Jared on the couch by the side of the fireplace in the Uley pack house.

"But that's the best part." He stated which caused the pack to glance at him with confused faces. "Her happiness is my happiness. While she looks at all the fishes, I get to see her beautiful smile and hear her bell-like laughter all day."

"Aw, that's so cute," Emily said while Paul chuckled.

"You're whipped, man." He said as he glanced at his best friend.

"Oh, and you're not?" Jared said in a sarcastic motion as he puffed out his chest, straightening his back. Leah rolled her eyes as she leant back into the sofa.

"Didn't we already have this conversation before?"

The couple continued to have fun on their date as Jared took Skylar around the whole aquarium, watching as she gushed over all the different fishes in the aquarium.

All in all, Jared's thought on taking his imprint to the aquarium was the best idea because he didn't have to do more. All he did was sit back and fall deeper in love with Skylar and her smile.

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