08 | funny like the song

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' she looked happy, but was she really? '

' she looked happy, but was she really? '

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THE YELLOW BALL OF FIRE CHANGED to hues of orange, and then almost tangerine. It merged with the sky, like juice-mix dissolving in a glass of water. The clouds were cotton-candy, as though they blushed at the warm touch of the sun. Silhouettes of birds flew home across a sky that was now magenta, and the sun was half into the water, but its reflection in the sea made it look complete. The mauve of the dusky sky intensified, and in just a while, the biggest star had set, giving way to a thousand others.

Skylar sat on a wooden chair, her elbows plopped onto the round table as her eyes followed Emily Young's petite form. The woman was currently cooking dinner for everyone. Bella had gone home, having dinner with her dad. If you're wondering why Skylar isn't with Bella and the Cheif, well, that's because Skylar's not going to be living with them but instead with the werewolves.

Of course, Skylar knows she's been imprinted on by the whole pack, including Emily. She understood, yet she didn't, and it was confusing her. Her thoughts swarmed her head; a headache forming and she was -

"Skylar!" Emily called, snapping the blonde out of her thoughts. Turning to look at the brunette, the blonde gave Emily a questioning glance while Emily gave her a look of worry. "Are you all right?"

"Honestly?" Emily nodded, and Skylar sighed, shaking her head. "I'm not."

"Why?" Emily came and sat down next to her, a hand on her back. "What's wrong?"

"This. This confuses me." Skylar admitted as she rested her head on the palm of her hand.


"The imprinting thing. It confuses me and it-it hurts. My thoughts are everywhere, and I'm getting a splitting headache because I'm overthinking and I-I..." Emily brought the girl into a hug, wrapping her arms around the blonde who was seeking comfort.

"It's going to be okay." She reassured her imprint, her heart aching at the thought of her second imprint in pain. "I know it's confusing. I went through this, as well."

"You have?" Skylar asked as she looked at Emily, who nodded.

"Yes. Sam imprinted on me, but because I grew up on all this, I knew how to act on it and such. It's difficult to explain, but everything will be fine. Just listen to your heart." Emily told her, a reassuring smile on her face. Skylar nodded and hugged Emily, her hands clutching her imprints shirt.

"Thank you," Skylar whispered, her head nuzzled into her neck.

"It's okay." Emily pulled back with a soft smile. "Come on, let's do something fun. What do you like to do?" Skylar grinned before standing up and going to her phone, plugging it into a speaker. The two female humans were cooking while dancing to music. Skylar was putting on the music she liked, which was also what Emily liked. The girls had the same taste in music, and the blonde was glad.

A song ended, and another one came up. One Skylar loved to listen to.

"Put your flags up in the sky (put them in the sky)" Skylar's eyes widened in happiness as a grin that matched the Chesires appeared on her face.

"I love this song!" Skylar squealed as she moved her hips to the side. Emily laughed and copied her, the two dancing while singing.

"Jenny, dale!" Skylar giggled and sang along, dancing with Emily.

"One night watch the world unite
Two sides, one fight and a million eyes
Full heart's gonna work so hard
Shoot, fall, the stars
Fists raised up towards the sky
Tonight watch the world unite, world unite, world unite
For the fight, fight, fight, one night
Watch the world unite
Two sides, one fight and a million eyes." She sang and moved closer to Emily, her hips moving to the beat.

"Hey, hey, hey
Força, força come and sing with me," She took Emily's hand, the brunette laughing as Skylar brought her closer to her, chest to chest.

"Hey, hey, hey
Allez, allez come shout aloud with me." She moved her shoulders as she moved her hips forward teasingly, softly grinding against the brunette.

"Hey, hey, hey
Come on now
Hey, hey, hey
Come on now
Hey, hey, hey," Skylar ran a hand through her hair as she bobbed her head to the music and Emily laughed, happiness filling her as she watched her mate with adoration. The brunette loved watching her imprint being all joyous and happy, loathing the time where she was sad.

The blonde continued dancing to the song while stirring the sauce in the pot. They were making a large amount of pasta for only five people: Sam, Jared, Paul and themselves. Quill and Embry went to eat at their own homes along with Leah and Seth.

"You know," Skylar started as she looked at the two large bowls on the table. "With this much pasta, we could feed half the people in Forks."

"Well, you'll understand why we need this much pasta." Emily laughed, and Skylar rose a brow.

"Do they eat like pigs?" Skylar asked.

"Every single day." Emily nodded.

"We heard that!" Jared yelled as he, Paul and Sam entered the house. Skylar giggled before she sat down along with the others. Emily grabbed her plate and put some pasta inside, and Skylar smiled, gratefully.

"Thanks." Skylar dug in, her fork going into the plate then into her mouth. She only had two mouths full of pasta when she saw Paul and Jared asking for more. Her jaw dropped as she saw them finish their bowl in a flash. "It's like feeding time at the zoo in here," Skylar mumbled as she chewed on her pasta. Emily let out a laugh while the three glared at her.

"Shut up!" Paul said, his mouth full of pasta, which made a mess.

"My point exactly."

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