22 | funny like the pizza

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' the kitty lover's date '

' the kitty lover's date '

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"HEY, KITTEN." Greeted Quil as he entered his beautiful mate's room with a silver tray in his hand. The blonde beauty of the bed yawned as she shuffled on the bed, rubbing her eyes as she sat up. Her blue eyes landed on the tray in his hands as a delicious smell wafted around the room.

"Morning." She pressed a kiss to his cheek as he sat next to her, placing the tray on her lap. "Is this all for me?" Quill nodded, smiling brightly, an action Skylar copied as she looked down at the tray of food which consisted of stacked blueberry pancakes with fresh maple syrup drizzled all over the delicious pancakes along with whipped cream sprayed on the top. The blonde picked up her fork and began eating her pancakes, which she was sure Quil made with Emily's help.

"How is it?" He asked, a bright smile on his eyes while his eyes were shining radiantly.

"Amazing." She grinned as maple syrup dripped from the side of her mouth. Quil chuckled before grabbing a tissue and wiping the maple syrup off of her face. "Thanks." Quil watched his imprint eat, the two happily sitting in silence. "So, what are we doing today?" Skylar asked once she finished her breakfast, placing her fork and knife on the side of the plate.

"I was thinking we'd stay inside all day." He said, grabbing the tray and placing it on the side. "Have ourselves a relaxing day." He grinned. Skylar nodded and pulled Quil into the bed.

"Let's cuddle." And so they did. The two mates sat in bed for the most part of the day, cuddling and talking about random stuff. They enjoyed their time, savouring it all at the same time.

Skylar and Quil laid down on the formers comfortable large bed in the light coloured room, warmly lit by the sun trying to prise the last of its amber limbs over the rooftops.

The sky was dyed pomegranate pink; the colour farmers looked for during the harvest. As the sun descended, the moon rose high with all its might, shining its warm silver light across the earth.

"Let's watch a movie," Skylar said as stood up and grabbed the tv remote to her room before joining him back on the bed. Quil eagerly wrapped his arms around her waist, once again burying his head in her chest. "What movie should we watch?"

"I don't mind." He mumbled, sighing in content. Skylar smiled softly, running a hand through his hair.

"Quil." The said shapeshifter hummed, eyes casting upwards. "What movie?"

"How about White Chics?" Skylar nodded and pressed on the movie, playing it. Ten minutes into the film, a knock was heard on the door, the two mates looking over to see Emily entering with a warm smile.

"Hi, guys." She greeted as she brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "I brought you some pizza." As if on cue, both their stomach's rumbled and they realised that they had forgotten to eat the whole - other than breakfast. "Figured you'd need some after skipping lunch." She placed the box of margarita pizza on the side table before placing another box of pizza, all the meats, on top of it. "Have fun."

"Why'd she give us two pizzas?" Skylar asked once the older woman left the room. Quil shrugged and took a box, handing it to his imprint before taking the other box.

"I guess one for ourselves." They shrugged and flipped open the box.

"More pizza for us, I guess." The sat up with their backs against the wooden headboard, a pizza in their hands as they watched the movie while sitting side by side.

Laughter could be heard from the room above, one that echoed around the house, soothing the minds of the shapeshifters that sat down below in the living room.

They felt slightly jealous that their imprint was with someone else, but they knew that their time for their own day with her was coming up soon and, boy, they couldn't wait for it.

A couple of movies later, the two had finished their pizza's and were now resuming their cuddling as they watched their third movie.

"Thank you," Skylar said as she ran her hands through Quil's hair, his face in her chest while one of her legs was thrown over his waist, bringing him closer. "Do you want to do something else?" Looking down, the blonde saw that her mate was half asleep, his eyes opening to her question. He barely nods, his eyes slipping closed. Skylar smiles warmly, reaching over to the remote to switch off her tv, darkness filling the room as the lights were closed previously.

She shuffled downwards before pulling the older male closer to her, sighing in content as she fell into a deep, comfortable sleep with her monsters disappearing for the night.

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