20 | funny like the dates

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' her love was stronger then diamonds '

"I'M SO BORED!" Exclaimed Skylar as she crashed landed on the couch, plopping her legs on Jared's lap

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"I'M SO BORED!" Exclaimed Skylar as she crashed landed on the couch, plopping her legs on Jared's lap. Paul chuckled as he lifted her up before placing her head back on his lap.

"Let's go on a date," Seth said, grinning as he burst into the room. The rest of the pack nodded. The blonde human hummed, chewing on her lip before nodding, a wise breathtaking grin spreading across her face.

"Let's do it." She said. The shapeshifters all smiled. Skylar jumped out of her seat, both Paul and Jared groaning as the warmth of their imprint disappeared.

"Wait," Emily said as she walked into the room with a ball of blueberry muffins, Skylar's favourite. "We can't all go together on a date." She said, swatting Seth's hand away as he tried to reach for the muffins.

"She's right." Sam agreed from his seat on the sofa. He uncrossed his arms and placed them on his knees, balancing his weight.

"Why don't we take it in turns?" Embry suggested as he leant back into the brown leathered sofa, excited about having a date with Skylar.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," Skylar replied, smiling. "It means more dates for me." She grinned cheekily. The pack chuckled softly, eyes soft and warm.

"Who's first?" Jared said, raising a brow.

"I think it should be in the order of who marked her first." Seth grinned cheekily, eyes shining with excitement and a hint of mischief.

"That's only because you want to go first," Leah said, rolling her eyes at her younger brother. His grin widened when Skylar agreed to him, sticking his tongue out at his sister.

"Wait." Quil furrowed his brows. "Are we all having a date with Skylar today?" The blonde giggled.

"No, silly. A day for everyone." Quil nodded, a small grin spreading across his face, showing one of his dimples.

"And I'm doing it first today." Seth grinned. Skylar nodded, pecking his cheeks.

"What time?"


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