10 | funny like the naughty mate

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' she was the moon in a sky full of stars '

' she was the moon in a sky full of stars '

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AS TWILIGHT MELTED AWAY, the world is as silent as if it ended in the night. The sun is still resolutely below the horizon, but its glow could be seen from miles away. The curtains add an orange glow to the morning light, and like every other morning, the sunrise is perfect.

"Skylar. Skylar!" The sound of a familiar deep voice floated through the said girl's ears. The blonde groaned, turning over and nuzzling her head into a chest which emitted heat. "Skylar." She heard a deep muscular chuckle, an arm wrapping around her waist.

"Stop." She moaned, throwing a leg over Sam's waist, bringing him closer. She wrapped her arms around his neck, half of her body cuddling onto him. She nuzzled her head into his neck. Sam let out a deep chuckle, his chest vibrating like a ringing phone.

He breathed in deeply. A new day has begun. He reached his hand out to the fabric, noticing how up close the light pours through every open space between fibres, no different from how it once came through the beach-hut walls, illuminating like brilliant fire-flies each dawn.

The material is warm beneath his fingers, and when the sun floods the room, repainting the colours, he feels a little of those golden rays soak into his skin.

"Sky, breakfast is ready." Sam twirled a piece of Skylar's golden lock around his finger, loving how soft and silky it felt. Skylar pouted, moving on top of him before sitting up, straddling him.

A mischevious grin tugged at her lips as she began to rock her hips, earning a groan from Sam, whose hands shot up to her waist, grabbing them. The blonde bit her lip, gazing down at her dominate alpha mate.

"I wouldn't suggest doing that, Princess," Sam growled deeply as he stared up at her with hooded eye while Skylar smirked, speeding up, erupting a groan from Sam as he hardened under her. She grinned, enjoying the look of pleasure dancing on Sam's face.

The light switch flicked open and immediately the room is bathed with artificial lights. Skylar covered her eyes, whining as she ducked down.

"As hot as this looks, you two need to go change." The sound of Sam's second imprint interrupted their hot grinding session. The blonde felt a blush coat her cheeks as she glanced back at her imprint who leant against the door with her arms crossed over.

The older brunette chuckled as Skylar got off Sam and kissed Emily's cheek before going back to her room to change and get ready for the day ahead of her.

"You might want to take care of that." Emily pointed to her first imprint's hard on. The alpha wolf groaned, sitting up before grinning cheekily.

"We've got one naughty mate." The brunette laughed before leaving and going downstairs while Sam went to the bathroom to deal with his problem down in the south of his muscular and drool-worthy body.

Skylar entered her dull room and looked around with a glance of disgust. She really needed to decorate the room.

Quickly washing her face and brushing her teeth, the blonde walked over to her suitcase when her phone rang suddenly.


Skylar rose a brow. She didn't remember giving anybody her phone number, and she knows her mum wouldn't call me since she's on her honeymoon with the blonde's stepdad.

The human shrugged before taking her phone off charge and pressing on the green button, bringing it close to her ear.


"Boo Bear!" The blonde chuckled as she heard the familiar voice of Liam, her new best friend, from the other end of her phone.

"Liam? How did you get my number?" Skylar asked as she sat on her bed, a smile spreading across her face while she glanced at herself in the mirror.

"Well, I took your phone while you were painting in art. By the way, 1235 is an elementary password." Skylar rolled her eyes, giggling a bit. She grabbed her pink coloured brush and began to untangle all the knots in her hair as she placed the phone between her shoulder and ear.


"Anyway, I was wondering if you'd like to go out? There's this new movie that's out, and it's apparently amazing." Liam asked casually. The blonde's eyes widened as she coughed, a blush of embarrassment coating her cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry, Liam. You're sweet and all but -" Skylar was cut off by a laugh, one that caught her in shock and surprise.

"Calm down, girl." Liam laughed, a grin on his face as he sat on the counter of his kitchen island in his house. "I swing the other way."

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