02 | funny like the cute name

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' the only thing that matters is for
someone to see more in you than you
ever thought there was to see '

' the only thing that matters is for someone to see more in you than youever thought there was to see '

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THE BELL HAD RUNG FOR LUNCH, relieving the children of their boredom from their classes and teachers. Bella called Skylar over to her lunch table, knowing that she didn't have anywhere to sit since it was her first day here at Forks high school and the brunette did not want her new friend to sit alone.

"Hey, Bella. Who's this?" Skylar glanced at a blonde-haired boy and raised a brow. He looked cute in her opinion. Her heartbeat picked up a tiny bit once she saw his childish grin.

"I'm Skylar." She introduced, flashing him a smile which he returned.

"I'm Mike."

"Cute name for a cute guy." The blonde winked teasingly as she laughed softly as his face went all red, his eyes widening.

Skylar noticed that his eyes were like the ocean; they were iridescent and flecked with every shade of blue. To say that his eyes were blue was like saying that the sun was yellow. Sufficient but not accurate to capture the burning of innocence.

"I'm Jessica." The brunette said, clearly jealous. The new student smiled politely at the over-cheerful girl before the two others introduced themselves. Eric and Angela.

"So you're the new girl everyone's been talking about, huh?"

"Yup." She grinned, giggling. Angela and Skylar started to talk about a book when five people entered the cafeteria, making everyone go silent as they stared at the heavenly creatures that graced the teenagers with their presence. "And who are they?" She asked, raising a brow as they didn't touch their tray of food they collected for some odd reason.

"They're the Cullen's. Bella's dating one of them." Jessica informed her, and as if they heard the brown-haired cheerleader, the Cullen's glanced at them, and two of them came over. A pixie-like girl and a tall, brooding one.

"Hi, I'm Alice." The pixie-haired girl introduced. Skylar smiled and shook her hand, noting down in her mind that it was way too cold for a human but didn't say anything otherwise as she didn't seem to be sick or anything.

"Skylar." The said girl gave her a smile before looking at the other guy. "And you must be Bella's boyfriend." He nodded, giving her a small smile.

"Edward." Skylar nodded, shaking his cold hand before the whole table moved over so they could sit down. The blonde resumed her conversation with Angela, and just like that, the bell rang for their next class.

"What do you have next?" Bella asked as the group stood up, collecting their stuff and dumping their garbage into the bin.

"Art." She sighed before saying she has biology. The two promised to meet up after the end of school since Skylar had double art. The blonde was walking to her next class with Angela since both of them have the same class. "Is the teacher nice?" She asked as she hoped their new teacher was friendly since art was her favourite subject and she didn't want it to be ruined because of an awful teacher whose life seemed to be dependant on the fact that their students rot in the hell they call school.

"Yes. She's the best teacher ever! You'll love her." Angela reassured, and Skylar smiled —glad.

"Well, here goes nothing," She mumbled as they stepped into the classroom. The new girl glanced around to see paintings everywhere, the classroom all bright and colourful, which gave off a relaxing vibe to it, extending its warm arms to welcome anyone that stepped through the wooden doors.

While the classroom walls are exploding with colours, the windows are large. Everyone wants a window seat, to sit in the unsubdued light of the morning. Outside the sky is blue except for a few strands of stratus that trail like aeroplane trails.

"Hiya! You must be Skylar." Looking over, Skylar was greeted by a lady that looked like she was in her mid-twenties. She had curly blonde hair and jade coloured eyes. "I'm Miss Ellie." She introduced with a warm smile that had Skylar smile back. Miss Ellie's smile was contagious; it made anyone copy her smile genuinely because of the aura of happiness and kindness that surrounded her.

"It's nice to meet you." Skylar took a seat behind Angela, placing all of her equipment on her desk in an organised way. The blond had OCD, and she needed everything to be perfect. Even the tiniest thing could trigger her, and she'd get an unbearable itch on the back of her head that screamed at her to fix the problem.

Glancing to her left, Skylar was greeted by the sight of a cheeky guy with a dark shade of brown hair and doe-brown eyes that seemed to hold lots of childish memories and jokes.

"Liam." The male introduced, winking as a cheeky grin tugged at the sides of his lips, eyes twinkling with mischief. Skylar felt her lips stretch across her face.

 Skylar felt her lips stretch across her face

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