07 | funny like the wolf

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' she had a hint of devil in her angel eyes '

' she had a hint of devil in her angel eyes '

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THE RINGING OF SWEET, JOYFUL LAUGHTER like dandelions in summer days, could be heard from a mile away, it echoed through the halls and into each and every room in the house, cheering everyone up, even if the predicament they were in was anything but amusing.

The laugh she made was not an unladylike, boisterous noise, but rather musical peals of laughter that come thick and fast; the birds that had previously been silent started chirping and tweeting happily at the heavenly sound of her laugh as if it was infectious.

Everyone glanced at Skylar as she laughed. Her laughter created a small vacation, a blessed relief from all the distress that shoved its way into the pack's brain.

For a single moment, the increase of danger in Forks did not matter. They lost the tightness in their chests. The muscles in their neck relaxed. After all that had occurred with the newborn army, they felt hope. And it felt good. With hope came the thought that 'things would turn around,' that somehow, 'Someone in the great somewhere' had stepped into this arena as their champion.

While the pack stared at the blonde in awe, Isabella Swan rose an amused brow at her friend. When she found out they could change into wolves, the brunette was scared shitless, yet this girl found it hilarious.

Skylar finally looked up and saw their serious expression which caused her to stop her laughter, the melodic sound coming to an end.

"Wait, you guys aren't joking, are you?" Sam shook his head, and Skylar sat back, a small grin tugging at her lips. She glanced over, the corners of her lips fighting a smile, her eyebrows slightly raised. "Show me." They were all taken back; all of them suspecting a different reaction from the blond beauty with hypnotising sea coloured eyes. Most people would always run away or react in a scared way once they find out about people shifting into wolves whenever they wanted. But then again, Skylar wasn't most people. She was unique and special, someone the pack could cherish tightly.

"Fine," Paul answered, raising his voice and breaking the suffocating silence. He stood up, helping his imprint stand up before walking outside and into the woods with Skylar trailing after him, ready to see the sexy tanned male change into a huge wolf. The blond stopped a few meters away, allowing Paul to have some space.

Paul began to unbutton his jeans, and the blonde rose a perfectly done eyebrow. "I said, show me. I never said strip." She said, her eyes racking his toned and muscular body, her brain coming up with a lot of different and naughty scenarios. "Not that I mind." She added, biting her lower lip as she gazed at his six-pack, her mind travelling to the dirtiest of places.

Paul smirked as he saw the jealous faces of the others in his pack. He loved the attention he was getting from his imprint, who continued to stare at his body. Paul closed his eyes and concentrated, allowing his body to change and shift into his wolf.

Skylar was in awe. She watched with wide eyes as his body changed, his bones breaking and rearranging themselves into the skeleton of a wolf. She watched in amazement as fur sprouted out of his skin, and soon a wolf took the handsome god-like guy's place.

The beauty walked over to the wolf that sat on the ground, showing that it wasn't going to harm her. Raising a hand, Skylar ran her soft, delicate hand down Paul's wolf and loved how his fur was so soft. "Amazing." She whispered before stepping back and allowing Paul to shift back, only to turn when he motioned with his wolf head.

"Now, do you believe us?" Paul asked as he slipped on the dark blue pants someone threw at him. Skylar's lips formed into a slight smirk as she opened her mouth, saying something and winking at the starstruck Paul before strutting into the house.

"Never said I didn't believe you."

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