18 | funny like the other marks

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' she knew she loved them when home went from being a place to be with certain people '

' she knew she loved them when home went from being a place to be with certain people '

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"HEY, ANGEL." The brown-haired male walked into the room of his imprint, one he shared with the whole pack. A broad infectious grin was smacked onto his face as his eyes light up with a happiness that the blonde felt like she had to treasure. Embry was always a happy-go-lucky werewolf, and he was so pure. Skylar knew that no matter what, she'd make sure he'd always stay like that, along with the rest of the pack - the rest of her mates.

"Hi." Skylar greeted back, a soft smile on her face. The shapeshifter walked up and pressed their lips together in haste, using his weight to push her down against the backboard of her bed. Their lips moved in sync like one, quick and passionate.

Embry trailed kisses down Skylar's neck and body. He used his lips to memorise every part of his mate's body from her lips to her waist. Lacing their fingers together, he used his thumb to rub circles over the top of her hand. Skylar drew in a large breath of air. She nodded once they locked eyes, love swirling in both of theirs.

A smile of reassurance pulled at the sides of his lips. He pressed one last kiss against the side of her waist before sinking his teeth into her skin. As he continued to go deeper and deeper, Skylar felt herself dig her nails into his palm from clenching her fist too hard. But the pain soon vanished, and Skylar felt a wave of pleasure wash over her, a soft moan escaping her mouth which told him that he finished marking her as his mate. Embry drew back his canines from the blonde's smooth baby-like skin, dark red blood dripping from his stained teeth.

"You feeling okay?" Skylar nodded, squeezing his hand for reassurance. The shapeshifter cleaned up the blonde human with a damped towel, wiping the blood away. He immediately pressed a soft and loving kiss to his mark before pressing his soft, slightly chapped, lips onto Skylar's plumped one, who returned the kiss in a heartbeat.

"I'll go call Jared." Skylar nodded and watched as Embry left the room. A minute didn't even pass when Jared walked into the room with a broad loving Cheshire grin, happiness emitting off of him like the waves of the ocean in La Push.

"Hey, gorgeous." Jared came and sat next to her, the bed dipping slightly from his muscular weight. "Feeling okay?" The blonde nodded, a soft smile gracing her lips. Jared gently took hold of her arm like it was the most precious - the most fragile thing in the world, which, to him and his supernatural strength, was. He trailed gentle butterfly kisses up her arm until his lips pressed against a spot on her upper arm.

Jared licked a stripe up her arm, breathing in the scent of apple with a hint of pumpkin and rain. It was his favourite scent, one that he couldn't live without. Skylar felt her muscle relax, but that didn't last for long as Jared sunk his teeth into her with a single warning which ended up with the blonde letting out a scream as the pain ignited within her like a volcano exploding and shooting out lava.

Jared moaned as he felt a slight shiver run down his back, pleasure filling him slightly. The shapeshifter continued biting deeper until he heard his mate's moan as the pain was replaced with a pleasure that was short-lived once he removed his teeth from her arm.

"Now that wasn't hard, right?" Jared teased lovingly as he pecked her lips. The blood around his lips was pressed against her own lips, which she wiped away with her hand along with a speck of blood on her cheek. The female shapeshifter soon entered the room, a small smirk on her face.

"Hey, babe." Leah purred, strutting over to Skylar and bringing the human into her lap, the blonde's legs on either side of the she-wolf. Skylar felt a blush paint on her cheek, her face heating up as she wrapped her arms around Leah's neck.

The female shapeshifter laughed, kissing her for the second time since they met. Her tongue traced the blondes bottom lip, asking for an entrance that was immediately granted. The two tongues fought for dominance, Skylar keeping up with the possessive and dominate Leah. The latter growled, pushing Skylar down, her back hitting the bed as Leah pinned her arms above her head, dominating her in a second.

"What a naughty girl." Leah purred, tsking as she trailed kisses down to her shoulder before biting down, her canines sinking into her imprint. Leah felt herself grow hotter down south as she locked eyes with Skylar, whose hands flew to the brunette's hair, tugging on it and gaining a growl which vibrated against Skylar's shoulder, sending her into a bliss of pain and pleasure, more so the latter.

Once she felt the bond connect and complete, Leah retracted her stained canines, sitting up and pulling Skylar onto her lap again, kissing the blonde once more and getting blood all over her lips for the second time that day.

"Bye, babe." She kissed Skylar one more time before leaving the room. She walked down the stairs, her hand wiping away the excess blood from her mouth.

"Your turn, Paul." The said guy grinned before walking up the stairs and opening the door to the room which belonged to the blonde-haired beauty.

"Baby girl."

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