14 | funny like the dirty dogs

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' when she looks at them, they feel like they can't breath '

' when she looks at them, they feel like they can't breath '

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FIVE HOURS PASSED AND THE TWO BEST FRIENDS were finally finished decorating the blonde human's room. They put blood and sweat into making her room the dream room Skylar always wanted, literally.

The two were both sweating, and Liam accidentally pushed Skylar onto the corner of her shelf, and she ended up cutting her skin slightly. They paused their work and tended to the blonde's wound before they continued working.

"Perfection." Liam and Skylar smiled as they stood in the doorway of the latter's new room.

The walls were painted a pearl white and had light wooden boards stretched across the floor. Two wooden supporters laid against the roof, giving some character to the room.

The blonde's new bed had a brown backboard stood against the wall and had aesthetically pleasing pillows adorned it. The duvets were white and had a black blanket on top as well as a knitted blanket that the blonde's mum made and sent over.

A grey wool carpet was in front, laying on the floor with its arms spread out as it looked down, ready to relax. There was a hanging chair that was held up by the wooden supporters at the top.

There were strings of light bulbs going from the bed to the wood piece on the roof, to the other side of the room where her white desk sat.

Sitting on the desk was her white mac book along with other stuff the blonde would need. A framed drawing she made from when she was a child sat on the wall while pictures of her friends and family were taped on either side of the painting.

There were other framed painting she drew by the side of the bed as she hasn't hung them up, but she will do later.

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For her redone bathroom, the theme of the whole thing was marble, Liam's obsession

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For her redone bathroom, the theme of the whole thing was marble, Liam's obsession. There were a marble bathtub and a clear glass shower in the corner.

The walls were painted the same colour as the room, and the floor ran into the bathroom as well. Her white coloured vanity was huge, taking up one whole wall in the bathroom. The drawers were filled with all of the bathroom stuff, and some were empty. Liam did the design for this with the shapeshifter helped.

The blonde's closet was painted white with a hint of beige, and a white patterned carpet ran along the floor

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The blonde's closet was painted white with a hint of beige, and a white patterned carpet ran along the floor. There was a different section for her clothes, her shoes and her bags. There was also a desk with a mirror stationed above. Skylar's makeup was in the drawers.

"We did a good job," Skylar stated as they collapsed on the bed, exhausted from all the work they put in

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"We did a good job," Skylar stated as they collapsed on the bed, exhausted from all the work they put in.

"We did. Your room is finally amazing." Liam complimented, a cheeky grin spread across his face. Skylar rolled her eyes, scoffing.

"Whatever." She got out her phone and began scrolling through Instagram, randomly liking photos she saw.

A couple of minutes passes until a ringing sound broke through the silence of the room. Liam fumbled around before grabbing his phone and answering it.

"Yellow." The blonde's best friend greeted, and Skylar felt a smile tug on her lips at his childish greeting. He was amazing in his own weird way, and she knew she wouldn't have it any other way. "Okay. Bye."

"You okay?" Skylar asked, glancing up from her phone. Liam nodded, his dimples showing as he grinned.

"Yup." He nodded. "Mum wants me to come home, though." He explained, and she nodded, standing up and together they walked downstairs and to the door.

"Thank you for helping." Skylar smiled, wrapping her arms around his waist. He returned the hug, tightening his hold as he kissed her temple.

"It was my pleasure." Waving goodbye, Liam left the house and soon the area as he rode back to his own home back in Forks.

"Had fun?" Emily asked her imprint walked into the kitchen, where the older brunette stood baking cookies. Skylar nodded, grinning as she slid onto the dark wooden stool.

"Yup. We finished decorating my room." Emily hummed as she continued to stir the bowl of cookie dough.

"Well, it's nice to know you had fun. He seems very kind." Emily noted as she poured in the chocolate chips, stirring them into the batter.

"That's because he is." The two imprints continued to talk until the boys came in, all sweaty and smelly after their run around the perimeter.

"Hey, gorgeous." Looking over, Skylar saw Jared coming up too her. She scrunched up her nose, the smell of sweat reaching her.

"Go take a shower. You stink of dirty dogs." Skylar's eyes lit up as she laughed. "Oh, wait, you are dogs." Her laugh was melodic and entranced the boys. Jared snapped out of it and hugged her, his sweat going all over her.

"How do you like that?" He asked before running away, smirking.


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