21 | funny like the lake

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' the cheeky one's date '

' the cheeky one's date '

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THE YOUNG SHAPESHIFTER GRINNED before dragging his blonde imprint out the house, sparks running through their bodies. Skylar giggled but soon crashed into his chest when he stopped suddenly.

"Seth." She whined as she clutched his shirt, trying to gain her balance back. The youngest shapeshifter grinned, pecking her forehead as he guided her through the forest.

"Wait here." He said before running behind a tree and stripping off his clothes. Inhaling a deep breath, Seth transformed into his wolf form, walking towards Skylar with a wolfish grin.

The blonde giggled, running her hand through the soft silver and bronze mixed fur. The wolf shivered as the sparks intensified, a sigh of content leaving his mouth. Using his head, Seth motioned for the blonde to sit on his back and she complied, wrapping her arms around his neck and clutching onto him.

Seth broke out into a sprint, jumping over logs and fallen trees. Hearing the bubbles of laughter escaping his imprints mouth was all the energy and confidence he needed. He sped up, kicking his feet faster into the earth for more stamina and speed.

The leaves scud over the ground and take small flights into the air. As Skylar tossed her head back and raised her eyes to the sky, a smile spread from cheek to cheek. The branches sway like the arms of a soccer crowd, and in their chaotic dance, they are hypnotically beautiful. Her mind relaxed, and she felt the happiness of her life bubble up from within. The light she keeps inside began to escape from her pores with the wind that carried the fragrance of the woodland.

Seth finally slowed down and began trodding through the woods, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he came upon across a river. Jumping off of him, Skylar ran a hand through her hair while the younger male went to drink some water. Walking to one of the trees, she grabbed the extra piece of clothing they keep nearly everywhere before throwing them to Seth, who grinned and transformed back into his human form. The blonde screeched, face turning red as she covered her eyes, embarrassed.

"Put on some clothes!" She turned away from her mate, who barked out a laugh before slipping on the clothes he brought with him.

"All done." Skylar turned around, sighing when she saw he was wearing only his grey boxers.

"What are we going to do?" She asked, raising a brow as she motioned to what he was wearing.

"Swimming." He grinned before jumping into the river, splashing a few droplets of water onto the blonde. Skylar giggled, stripping off her large shirt and blue shorts before jumping in as well. The two messed around in the lake, laughter and giggles heard throughout the woods. The bright moon smiled warmly as it watched over her children playing in the lake, their giggles sending a lullaby to her creatures of nature. Even the shadows now were swallowed by the encroaching darkness. In the gathering gloom, the stars and the moon shone brighter in the sky as if to remind everyone that even in the darkness, there is light.

"Sky." Seth soon called, pulling the blonde into his embrace. "Let's go back home." Skylar nodded, and the two got out of the lake after hours of fun. Seth shapeshifted into his wolf form, and the blonde got on top of him. Once she was secure, the bronze wolf took off into the dark forest, running and jumping over logs and rocks.

Arriving at their house, Skylar slid off Seth, shivering as she waited for Seth to come. She wrapped her arms around herself along with Seth, both of them entering the house with shivers running through their cold bodies.

"Oh my god!" Emily exclaimed as she saw the two standing there with their bodies shaking at the cold. The rest of the pack looked over and worry-filled them as they saw both their imprint and their youngest pack member freezing. "Someone go get them both towels." A few minutes later, Skylar and Seth were sitting on the floor in front of their fireplace with Leah and Emily drying their hair.

"Enough." They both whined after a while, rolling their eyes as their hair was pulled.

"You're going to get sick like this." Emily scolded as she continued to dry off Seth's hair while Leah dried off Skylar's.

"It's dry now!" Exclaimed Skylar as she stood up, whimpering softly. Sam rose a brow as he was the only one to hear it.

"Skylar." He called, his voice deep and eyes narrowed. The blonde rose a brow and looked at him. "Come here." She huffed and walked over only to be pulled into his lap. He lifted up her leg and hummed when he guessed right. "You're bleeding." Skylar looked down and saw that there was a deep cut on her calf. She shrugged.

"Guess I didn't see that." Emily gasped in horror, smacking the back of her head softly. Skylar whined again, pouting. The older female rushed to get the first aid kit from the kitchen before coming back to the living room and sitting on the couch. She grabbed her mates leg gently, turning her body, so she was chest to chest with Sam, her back facing the ceiling.

"This'll sting." Skylar screeched as a burning sensation filled her leg. She dug her nails into Sam's back, eyes watering at the pain as Emily rubbed the alcohol over the wound to disinfect it. Once it was done, she placed a plaster over the cut and wrapped a bandage around it.

A soft sneeze escaped her, alerting everyone that she was going to be really sick tomorrow, which just happened to be Quil's day. The shapeshifter smiled as he knew that he could have the day to take care of her by himself.

"Go to sleep, princess," Sam whispered in her ear, rubbing his hand over her back, calming her down. Skylar cuddled into his chest while letting out a soft yawn. She purred softly as he felt Emily's hand run through her hair, the small action soothing her.

The moon stood high and proud in the sky. Her motherly eyes were watching over her children with a warm smiled. It hung like a great luminous pearl on the radiant breast of heaven. No matter where any of her children were, she would always be watching.

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