19 | funny like the last marks

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' she loved them like the birds loved the sky '

' she loved them like the birds loved the sky '

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A GRIN STRETCHED ACROSS PAUL'S FACE as his eyes darken a few shades darker. Excitement flooded his system as he stared at his mate with lust dancing in his eyes. The older male walked over to his beautiful blonde mate, who smiled up at him, her eyes widening as Paul slammed his lips against hers, unexpectedly, pinning her to the bed.

"Paul." She moaned out as the shapeshifter's lips travelled to the human's arm, which he lifted up in the air. He sat back and pulled his mate's wrist to his lips, placing a soft, gentle kiss upon the area before biting down, his canines breaking the layers of skin.

Skylar let out a scream as her back arched, a few tears trailing down her face, pain exploding all over. It wasn't until Skylar felt a bit of pleasure did Paul pull away, licking his lips before kissing the area he marked.

He stood up, his eyes scanning the form of his mate, lustfully. She laid on the bed, her legs slightly apart and her arms above her head as she panted. Blood was all over her and their markings. The wounds sealed up and formed into words, the shapeshifter's names.

"So hot." He mumbled, his eyes trailing over her body before giving her a chaste kiss on the lips. The guy went downstairs and told Emily and Sam it was their time to go mark their angel. The others were called upon Jacob, who wanted to talk with them, so they left.

"Oh my god!" Emily looked at Skylar with wide eyes. "What did they do to you?!" She screeched, rushing to the bathroom and wetting a cloth. The brunette rushed to her mate and wiped the blood from the girl while she complained about how dirty the others were.

"It's fine, Emily. It's just blood." Skylar laughed, her head resting against the pillow with her hair spread out like a halo.

Sam watched his mates with a smile on his face, love and adoration shining in his eyes as they interacted.

Emily sighed once the blood was cleaned up and looked at her shirt and saw it was soaked with blood, and it was halfway up while her shorts were all the way up.

"Princess, can we remove your shirt?" Sam asked as he sat on the bed, tugging on her shirt a little bit. Skylar nodded and sat up, raising her arms so they could slip her shirt off. Once the shirt was off, the blonde laid back down with her hands up.

Emily grinned before crawling on top of her, lips placing themselves against hers. They moved in sync, Skylar's hands travelling to the brunette's hair as they continued to move against each other.

She pulled away, placing soft butterfly kisses down her jaw and neck, down her chest and between the blonde's breasts. She continued to presses kisses around her chest until she finally placed a final kiss under the blonde's breast.

Emily looked up at Skylar for permission, who nodded, hands gripping the bedsheet tightly. Emily smiled, placing one more kiss before biting into her mate. The blonde cried out in pain, her fingers fisting into a tight ball with the sheets in them.

Emily continued to keep going deeper until she finally hit the right spot, one that made Skylar moan and let her know that it was complete. The brunette pulled back and smiled up at her mate before wiping the blood off her.

The brunette moved so Sam could take her place, but he hesitated, a look of worry on his face.

"Is something wrong?" Skylar asked as she looked towards Sam, the eldest and strongest.

"Well," He sighed, wrapping an arm around Skylar before bringing her into his lap, her legs on either side of him. The blonde stared at him with curiosity.

"What's wrong?" She cooed, a hand on her cheek as she rubbed her thumb against his jawline.

"I can't mark you."

Skylar rose up, shock entering her as Emily smiled sympathetically behind her, knowing why. "Why not?" The blonde human immediately thought the worst, her eyes widening. "D-Did I do something wrong?"

"No!" Sam was surprised now, his own eyes widening as he tried to calm her down. "No, princess." He reassured her, tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Then, why?" She tilted her head, curious. If it wasn't her fault, why would he not want to mark her? A frown etched onto her face, hurt. "D-do you not like me?" Skylar asked, tears filling her eyes as hurt painted her face. Sam shooked his head, smashing his lips onto hers, trying to calm her down.

"Of course not. You are the most beautiful person I've met, along with Emily." Sam smiled warmly, eyes shining with love. "I-I'm..." He looked back at Emily, who nodded her head with a small reassuring smile. Sam sighed. "I'm just scared."

"Of what?"

"Of hurting you." He admitted, looking down slightly. Skylar immediately understood, a soft, amiable smile spreading on her lips as she placed her hand on his cheek, lifting his head up to lock eyes with her.

The blonde moves her head closer to Sam. He sits frozen, from both fear and excitement. She leans in, so her foreheads rest against his. They close their eyes. Both their breaths are shaking. "Thank you," she said in barely more than a whisper.

"For what?" He replied, his voice low and husky.

"For being honest." Her voice wavers, exhilarated from the tension between them.

Skylar gently leans in and kisses Sam's warms lips. They pulled apart and took shaky, shallow breaths. Unable to contain themselves anymore, Sam holds Skylar's head in his hands and pulls her into a fiery and passionate kiss. Her hands were working their way around his body, feeling each crevasse, each line along with his perfect physique.

She laid on her back as he matched her body's form. Sam's hands ventured over her curved body, exploring. They pulled apart and opened their eyes. They stared at each other, deep into each other's eyes — Sam's full of wonder and love, Skylar's full of curiosity and passion. No words are spoken, but a story worthy of them is communicated.

Sam leaned forward, softly kissing up and down Skylar's neck. She lets out little whimpers of anticipation. Sam worked his way back to her tender, smooth lips. As they kissed, she rolled him over and lay on top of his firm, muscular body. She ran her lips up to his neck and landed a loving and intense kiss on his lips.

Suddenly being flipped over, Skylar gasped as Sam kissed down her neck and chest until he reached the area between her breasts.

Giving Skylar one more kiss, he bit down on the area, groaning as pleasure filled him while Skylar cried out, fingers gripping at the sheet tightly, her toes curling as she arched up in pain.

Pushing her hips down, Sam continued going deeper and deeper, pain exploding within Skylar until she moaned out in pleasure, informing Sam he marked her correctly.

He pulled away, the blonde beauty panting as a smile graced her pink, luscious lips. He kissed her again before grabbing the wet cloth and wiping the blood off Skylar and himself.

"See, it wasn't that hard."

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