15 | funny like the sickness

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' she had a habit of loving those
that don't love her '

' she had a habit of loving thosethat don't love her '

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"BELLA-BOO!" The blonde exclaimed as she saw her best friend. She tingled from her head to her toes. She bounced on her flexing feet and rubbed her hands together. She wore the facial expression of a small child with an exceptionally large Christmas present. Skylar ran over to Bella Swan, running into her outstretched arms. "I've missed you." She mumbled into the girl's neck.

"I've missed you too." They held each other for a little while longer before Skylar smiled and stepped back, latching her hand onto Bella's wrist.

"Come, I want to show you my room." Skylar was like a child in a candy store; she was filled with the excitement that parred with a child. She was happy to see her best friend and wanted to show Bella her newly decorated room.

"Wow." Bella was in awe. The blonde's room was amazing. "You did this?"

"Yup." Skylar was grinning, proud. "With the help of Liam." She added. Bella rolled her eyes, laughing before the two went downstairs since Bella needed to discuss something with Sam.

"Bella?" Emily looked at the human in shock, surprised that she was here since the pale brunette had been hanging out with the Cullen's like every day now and there wasn't one moment when the pack would complain about Jacob ranting about Bella and Edward Cullen. "What are you doing here?"

Leah looked at the brunette with disdain. The she-wolf sat on the kitchen counter and glared at Bella, whose fingers were laced with Skylar's. Bella gulped while Skylar didn't seem to notice.

"Jake!" Skylar went and hugged the shapeshifter that didn't imprint on her. The two were friends; they enjoyed the other company. It had been around a month since Skylar arrived and it was graduation in a year. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I just wanted to come and say hi." Skylar nodded before she went and sat with the two. They talked through the day, Emily joining them soon after. The blonde sat on her mate's lap, laughing at a joke when all of a sudden, she began to burn up.

"Skylar?" Emily heard her imprints heart beat faster, the silence in the room increasing as it pushed down on them. "You're burning up." She noticed as she placed her hand against the blonde's forehead, feeling the heat. All of a sudden, the blonde started to feel the energy from her body drain, as if someone cut her open, and her excitement and joy pooled out of her. She fell limp against Emily, lying against her for support.

"What's wrong with her?" Bella asked, panicking. She glanced at her best friend in worry as she chewed on the inside of her cheek.

"She has a fever." Emily quickly laid her down gently onto the couch, pulling a blanket over Skylar. Jacob rushed into the kitchen, opening the freezer to get an ice pack and placed it on Skylar's head, cooling her body.

"It's so hot." Skylar moaned as she tried to weakly kick the blanket off of her, the ice pack falling off. Bella rushed to remove the blanket while Emily placed the ice pack on the blonde's forehead, calming her down. Jacob lowered the temperature of the ac, the room starting to grow colder and colder by the minute.

"Will she be okay?" Emily nodded, giving the brunette a reassuring smile.

"She'll be fine. Just give her a couple of days." Bella nodded, and the two friends left after an hour since Bella's dad needed her back. Emily smiled as she stroked her mate's cheek gently.

"Rest up." She kissed the blonde's cheek before going to the kitchen and making soup for the blonde to eat when she awoke later.

"Where's Skylar?" Paul asked as they all arrived in the cabin only to be shushed by Emily. The brunette motioned over to the sleeping blonde, who had a towel wrapped around an ice pack on her head.

"What's wrong with her?" Seth asked as he walked over to his imprint, eyes filled with worry.

"She has a fever." Nodding his head, Seth sat on the floor and watched his mate groan quietly as she shifted on the couch, the ice pack falling off her head before Seth caught it and placed it back on.

"I think she's in pain." Embry piped up, looking at his shared imprint. Emily looked over, and her eyes immediately widened along with Sam.

"Uh, oh." They glanced at each other.

"What's wrong?" Leah asked as she looked at her cousin and her imprint, who was her Alpha.

"She's in heat."

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