29| funny like the beach

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' the alpha's date '

' the alpha's date '

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GIGGLES RAN THROUGH THE AIR of the large suite. The sound of footsteps pounding on the floor could be heard from down the hall along with quick squeals. "Sky! You have to get ready!"

"Catch me if you can!" Exclaimed a giggly blonde as she rushed into the bedroom, running to the opposite side of the bed just as her mate entered the room with a mischievous grin spread across her lips.

"Come back here." Emily licked her lips as her eyes narrowed, racing around the bed while Skylar slid across it, running into the closest open door which, unfortunately for her, happened to be the bathroom. Knowing she was trapped, the blonde groaned as a victorious smile replaced Emily's features.

The brunette tackled her to the floor, her fingers quickly brushing over her skin as the blonde giggled hysterically from underneath her. "Okay! I'll stop!"

Emily grinned and slid to the right of the blonde, standing up and extending her hand. Skylar slid her hand in the brunette's, who pulled her onto her feet. Walking into their room, Skylar plopped onto the bed, pouting as Emily grabbed a few articles of clothing from the bag on the floor and laying them on the bed neatly.

"Change." Emily looked at her with a serious look and Skylar huffed but nodded, not wanting to disobey her mate. "Sam will pick u up at 5." Glancing at the clock on the side table of the bed, the blonde rose her brow.

"It's 3 o'clock now. What am I supposed to do till then?" Emily shrugged, slipping on a simple floral print dress.

"Entertain yourself."

"I know lots of ways to entertain myself with your help." Wiggling her brows suggestively, Skylar received a light slap on her shoulder.

"Just get ready." Emily placed a kiss on her cheek before exiting the room. Skylar groaned in frustration, not bothered to change at the moment. Her eyes scanned the room, looking for things to do when she caught sight of the book she previously wanted to read.

Grabbing it, the blonde plopped onto a chair in the room. The book was old and a perfect fit for this time. The sun was slowly beginning to set, and the beautiful bright colour seemed to contribute to the natural light.

As she read, Skylar felt entranced by it, her eyes reading every word with detail, carefully taking in the knowledge the book held between its black ink. The blonde read word by word until the sun was fully covered with darkness. She placed the book back in its designated spot, deciding to borrow the same book from the library tomorrow for another round of reading with the sunlight shining through the window of either her house or the library.

Glancing at the time, Skylar gasped and hurriedly changed. Sam would arrive in half an hour, which would give her enough time to do her hair and makeup. The blonde curled her hair into soft waves before brushing her cheeks with a bit of blush along with a few strokes of mascara to lengthen and darken her eyelashes.

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