23 | funny like the view

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' the loyal one's date '

' the loyal one's date '

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"MORNING." Opening her eyes, Skylar was met with a sleepy-looking Quil, who grinned as he brought you closer to his chest. The blonde sighed, eyes shutting close as she snuggled into him. "It's time to get up, kitten," Quil said as he removed the blanket from the two, untangling himself from his mate.

"I don't want to." She whined, grabbing a pillow and cuddling into that. Quil sighed before smiling softly and pressing a kiss to her forehead as he played with her hair, a slight purr escaping her mouth.

"Angel." Came a sing-song voice as the door to Skylar's room burst open. Embry entered the room with a wide grin on his face before he gasped, feigning his hurt feelings. "It's supposed to be our day!" He whined, pouting.

Skylar giggled, eyes shut as she continued to snuggle into Quill's chest, throwing a leg over his, pulling him closer. Embry growled lowly, jealous. Quill chuckled at his best friend before wiggling his way out of Skylar's hold. The blonde whined softly, a whimper escaping her mouth as the heat from Quill's body was ripped away from her, fortunately for her, Embry took his place, and Skylar smiled, snuggling into her body.

"So, what are we doing today?" The blonde human asked after a moment of silence passed the two mate that laid in bed.

"Well, I was thinking we'd get some lunch -"

"Why lunch? It's so early to get lunch." Skylar giggled, shaking her head only for Embry to chuckle.

"It's actually 2 in the afternoon." The blonde's jaw dropped as her eyes widened, shock swirling within her.

"I've been asleep for that long?" Embry barked out a laugh before he pulled his mate out of bed.

"Yes, now go change." He pushed her into her walk-in-closet. Skylar sighed before choosing her outfit quickly, walking into the bathroom to get ready. The blonde slipped on a greyish green dress that showed off some skin on the side and had a low v-neck. She wore a long crystal rock necklace and paired the outfit off with a pair of brown sandals.

 She wore a long crystal rock necklace and paired the outfit off with a pair of brown sandals

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Once she was done, Skylar exited the bathroom and grinned when she saw Embry all changed into a red flannel shirt and blue jeans with a pair of white sneakers

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Once she was done, Skylar exited the bathroom and grinned when she saw Embry all changed into a red flannel shirt and blue jeans with a pair of white sneakers. Simple but effective as he put it.

"Let's go." He smiled before jumping off the bed and lacing their fingers together. The two walked outside, only to realise that they didn't have a ride.

"I'll drive." She flashed him a smile before they slipped into Skylar's pearl white Lamborghini. "Where too?" The blonde asked, switching on the engine, smiling in content at the sound of her car purring to life.

"How about River's Edge?" Skylar hummed before nodding her head, her feet putting more pressure on the pedal. She drove to the beach, reaching the restaurant in about ten minutes. Along the way, the two mates chatted lightly.

"Table for two?" The hostess asked once the two entered the restaurant with smiles on their faces. They nodded, and the black-haired lady guided them to a booth with the view of the beach.

"Hello." Greeted a cheerful waiter as he walked up to the couple. Skylar's eyes widened in shock once she saw who it was.

"Liam?" The said waiter smiled when he saw his best friend.

"Oh my god, you bitch! You never told me you were coming today!" He exclaimed before scooting her over so he could sit with her.

"I didn't know you worked here." She giggled, brushing a golden lock out of her face.

"So, you two on a date?" He asked, raising a brow. Embry nodded, biting his inner cheek as he kept his growing jealousy inside his body, not wanting to upset Skylar. Even though everyone knew Liam was gay, it still didn't change the fact that he was a guy.

"Liam!" Hearing a low familiar voice, the said male cringed as he ducked his head down, hoping his boss didn't see him. "Get your butt over here." Liam groaned before standing up, waving goodbye to his best friend.

"Well, that was interesting." Embry chuckled. Skylar giggled, running a hand through her golden locks.

"That's Liam for you." Her mate hummed before a new waiter came to their table and took their orders.

"Can we have one Wolf Club and one New York Steak, medium rare," Embry ordered, flashing a smile to the waiter.

"Okay. Your order will arrive in about seven minutes." The two nodded thanks at the waiter before engaging in small talk until their food arrived. "Here you go, one wolf club and one new york steak. If you need anything else, call me over." The waiter walked away with a grin.

"Ooh! This tastes amazing!" Skylar said, moaning as the food melted in her mouth. Embry smiled, watching his mate with soft eyes. The couple stayed at the restaurant for another hour, talking and eating.

"I'll pay," Skylar said as she waved the waiter over to get the bill. Embry scoffed, shaking his head.

"I'm taking you on a date. I'm paying, and that's final." He said, putting his foot down as he handed the waiter the money for the bill. "Keep the change." Embry flashed him a smile before the two walked out, fingers laced together.

"Can we take a walk by the beach?" Skylar asked as she saw the sun setting. Embry nodded, the two walking down the steps and walking along the coast. Skylar took off her shoes, holding it in one hand as she whispered into the breeze, her eyelids fluttering closed as she breathed in the briny aroma.

Scrunching her toes, Skylar felt the softness of the sand, still damp from the retreating tide. She wiggled as a shiver cascaded down her spine, and her eyes burst open. The sand blurred out in a blissful trance, the shore fading into liquid gold, vivid in the brilliant light. Her pale lips curved upward.

Skylar bestowed her gaze to the far off horizon, the flaring hues of the sun melting into the sky and ocean like a divine painting. The forever stretching sea is masked with an apricot colour, that beautiful umber flowing into turquoise. Through narrowed eyes, she watched as each wave overlaps one another, sending the white bubbling crests descending, masking the shore with the transparent fading water.

"Isn't the view amazing?" Skylar breathed, eyes gazing off.

"It truly is." The blonde glanced at Embry, only for the two to lock eyes.

"You're not even looking at it." She giggled, pecking his cheek as he smiled hugely.

"You are my view."

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