12 | funny like the gay best friend

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' she wears both strength and darkness '

' she wears both strength and darkness '

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SKYLAR LAID ON THE COUCH with her legs in Jared's lap, his hands rubbing up and down against her smooth and cool skin. Their eyes were glued to the tv screen that flashed its light across the welcoming living room.

A comedic film was playing on one of the channels and Jared took this as a chance to spend a bit of time with his shared imprint. The others were off somewhere else while Emily was in the kitchen baking muffins.

The silence that hung in the air was comforting and spoke for itself; it was peaceful in a way where the pack could feel at home and know that no matter what was happening, their stunning angelic mate was forever there for all of them. The same silence caressed the blonde's skin like a cool summer breeze, smoothing her soul, taking away her stress.

"Sky!" Emily's soothing voice called from the kitchen of the pack house. Sitting up gently, Skylar saw Emily raising her rose-gold coloured phone. The said girl removed her legs from Jared's lap and made her way to the kitchen, grabbing her phone after pressing a kiss to Emily's cheek.

"Oh, it's from Liam." She mumbled as she entered her new six-digit passcode in, unlocking the phone and looking at the message her new best friend sent to her.

Ride or Die💥:
On my way. Five mins.

Sent 9:03

Partner in crime💋🤞🏼 :Okay.

Sent 9:04

The corners of her mouth lift up into a smile as her sea-blue eyes scan the words written on her bright iPhone screen.

Skylar let her smile widen into a brilliant grin before rushing upstairs, ignoring Emily's shouting about what was going on.

The blonde human entered her room, heading straight to her suitcase, throwing the top open and taking out an outfit that she could easily move around in. Skylar threw on a white crop top with a pair of skinny low waist jeans that were ripped around the knee area. She slipped on her brown ankle boots, and a placed a pair of sunglasses on her head.

Pulling her bag over her shoulder, Skylar went downstairs to see everyone there, all eating a muffin while Seth and Embry were on patrol.

"Why are you dressed up, baby girl?" Paul asked as everyone paused and looked at the goddess in front of them as she descended the stairs.

"I'm going out." She stated simply as she grabbed a muffin from the wooden bowl Emily placed them in, bitting into it and allowing the blueberries to melt in her mouth.

"With who and where?" Sam asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he leant against the kitchen island, dark eyes watching his youngest mate's moves.

"With Liam and we're going to the cinema," Skylar answered, taking another bite of her muffin. "These are really good, Em. As always." Emily blushed softly, thanking her before she realised, along with the others, who she was going with.

"Hold up. Who's Liam?" Jared growled, jealousy coursing through all of them.

"I am." Turning around, Skylar saw her gay best friend standing against the door. "Hope you don't mind. The door was unlocked." Skylar laughed, shaking her head before grabbing his arm and dragging him in to meet the others.

"Liam, these are my friends. Paul, Jared, Leah, Quill, Sam and Emily." She introduced, pointing at them all. "Guys, this is Liam." Said guy waves at all them, a grin on his face.


"Now that that's cleared up, we're going to the movies." Skylar and Liam waved goodbye, the two entering the latter's car and driving to the only movie theatre in all of Forks.

"Do you think he'll make a move on her?" Quill asked, slightly jealous as well as worried. Leah shook her head.

"He wouldn't."

"How do you know?" Paul asked, snapping at the she-wolf.

"Because he's gay." Leah rolled her eyes, exiting the house to go find her brother before going to bed. Paul felt his face heat up slightly.

Emily smiled at the guys before continuing her baking, impatiently waiting for their shared imprint to come back along with the other werewolves in the pack.

They didn't like how their mate was away, the need to be with her was strong, but they knew she needed a bit of privacy and that she deserved to go out with her friend. After all, they couldn't have her all to themselves, or could they?

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