13 | funny like the room

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' she had them all wrapped around her finger '

' she had them all wrapped around her finger '

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"THAT WAS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!" Exclaimed an overly excited male as he and his best friend entered the house of the alpha and his pack. All the pack members were present except for Jared and Paul who were patrolling their territory.

"I know, right! I can't believe he solved the mystery so quickly!" The two friends chatted about the new movie they just watched in the movie theatre. They both had a fantastic time as they messed around a little bit.

The movie they watched was called Sherlock Holmes and starred Skylar's favourite actor, Robert Downey Junior. She adored his movies as every single one of them was entertaining.

"I know. And he's so observant." Liam complimented as he jumped around, still not over how amazing the movie was. "Like, even I wouldn't know if someone was divorced from the ring mark on her finger was still there!"

The pack's ears perked up as they heard the voice of their imprint's friend who, thankfully, was gay and would bring no jealousy or anger to the pack every time the two hung out.

"Sky!" Seth's eyes lit up as he saw his imprint enter the house only to darken with jealousy as he saw an arm was wrapped around her shoulder, one that belonged to a guy. The youngest didn't know about Liam or his preferences.

'Don't worry, Seth.' Leah's voice entered his head, assuring him. 'The guy's gay.'

Sighing in relief, Seth smiled again before walking over and hugging the blonde, taking her by surprise as she jumped slightly, looking down to see her cute and adorable young mate. She flashed him a kind smile.

"Hey, Seth." She pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. "Meet Liam. Liam meet Seth." She introduced the two. Liam grinned, shaking his hand before he was about to leave to go home. "Why don't you stay over?" Skylar asked with hope in her eyes.

"Sure," Liam grinned, his dimples showing. "If you're friends don't mind." Skylar scoffed, laughing.

"Of course they don't mind." She grabbed his arm, dragging him up the stairs and entering her bedroom, closing the door behind her so no one would disturb their peace.

"Woah," Liam said, looking around and scrunching his nose in disgust as he took in the features of her dull room. "No 'fence, babe, but this room is just ugly." Skylar nodded, rolling her eyes before grinning as a lightbulb went off in her head.

"I know. That's why you're going to help me fix this." Liam nodded, okay with it.

"Gladly. I wouldn't want to live here if I was in this room." Skylar scoffed before setting down her bags and plopping onto the bed with Liam. The two gossiped about people in their schools until an hour later, where they decided to get stuff for Skylar's room.

"Okay." The blonde nodded as she got her wallet, and the two left the room, walking down the stairs while talking about what they should do to her room.

"Where are you guys going?" Emily inquired as she and the boys sat in the living room.

"We're going to decorate my room," Skylar answered before walking out only to enter again. "Paul, can we borrow your truck?" The said guy nodded, throwing her the keys which she caught quickly. "Thanks." Skylar winked at him, blowing a kiss before walking out and leaving the house. Paul grinned dreamily.

"Whipped." Jared coughed only for Paul to roll his eyes, sarcasm laced within his words.

"Yeah, and you totally aren't."

A couple of hours passed by quickly. The pack sat in the living room with the tv on, watching a new tv show that came out recently.

"Guys! Can you help us please?" Hearing the voice of their imprint, the guys in the house walked outside to see Skylar trying to lift up a heavy box. Sam chuckled and made his way over to her, getting the box for her. "Thanks." She smiled as Liam exited the truck.

After ordering what the guys had to do, Liam and Skylar began to take everything out of the blonde's room before they began decorating everything.

Two hours later and the two best friends had just finished removing all the furniture out and painting the walls a light, almost white, grey.

"Sky, Liam. Lunch is ready." Emily yelled from downstairs, and on cue, Skylar's stomach rumbled. The two left the walls to dry and made their way downstairs, hungry.

"Ohhh, something smells good," Liam sang as they entered the kitchen, the smell of pasta hitting their faces. Emily laughed, grinning.

"Thanks." The two best friends sat around the table along with Embry and Quill.

"Where are the others?" Skylar asked as she glanced around the room, looking for her other imprints.

"Don't worry about them," Emily reassured, waving her hand as she placed the big bowl of pasta on the table. "They've gone to talk with the Cullen's." Skylar nodded in understanding before they began to eat.

"So have you guys finished with the room?" Embry asked as he wolfed down his pasta, not caring that there was a guest as well as Quill.

"Almost. We just need to put the furniture in and then voila, we're finished." The blonde answered as a grin formed on her face at the thought of finally finishing.

The five talked about random stuff, the shapeshifters getting along with Liam with the fact that he was gay helping a lo. They weren't worried about the guy stealing their imprint from them.

"Thanks, Emily." Liam grinned at the lady, who cooked their food. Emily laughed, waving him off.

"Thank you." Skylar smiled, kissing Emily's cheek before the best friends went upstairs, the boxes littered in the hallway.

"Let's get this started." Liam grinned along with Skylar, who was happy to finally decorate her room, especially since she had the roof room.

"Time to replace the old with new."

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