06 | funny like the supernatural

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' she was the happiness in their eyes '

' she was the happiness in their eyes '

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THE SOFT TAPPING OF SKIN ON WOOD echoed throughout the silent house. Two heartbeats filled the room, one softly beating at a regular pace while one drummed against its owner's ribcage. With hands clasped tightly in front of the brunette's stomach, she constantly fiddled with her knuckles, weaving her fingers in and out of each other.

Skylar sat with her hands in her lap, one leg over the other. She rested her head against Bella's shoulder, sighing deeply. She could feel her new friend's nervousness, which she wondered why for. The blonde was bored, and the others were all outside, either talking or killing each other.

Opening her mouth, Skylar was about to ask Bella if they could leave, but the words never came out as the wooden door of the house opened with a massive bang as everyone stumbled in, except for Billy, who went home. Some had a solemn expression on their faces while some had happiness dancing in their eyes as they snapped to the blonde girl that rose her head and straightened her back, sitting formally.

Seth walked over to the couches and sat really close to his imprint, his knee touching her long smooth leg, and although the blonde did not move, she did notice the tiny action but did nothing to point it out or anything. The other male shapeshifters glared at the younger boy while Sam and Emily, both mature, didn't mind. Everyone knew they were all going to have to share as of right now, and soon they would tell the innocent blonde what they are.

A blanket of silence fell upon the pack and the two humans in the living room. No one decided to speak as they didn't know what to do. It was suffocating. It hung in the air like the suspended moment before a falling glass shatters on the ground.

"Why's it so quiet in here?" Hearing a bell-like voice, Skylar turned her head to the door only to lock eyes with milk chocolate brown eyes that sent a pleasurable chill down her spine.

Leah felt her eyes widen as she stared at the heavenly beauty before her. Her eyes were blue. Not the ordinary sky blue, or the colour of the paint flaking off of the old shed in the back of the field, or even the little flowers that spring up by the side of the road. Her eyes were blue like the sea, crystal clear blue- shimmering and crashing and churning.

Looking into her eyes, you could hear the waves falling against the shore, see the foam flying into the air. Her eyes were blue like the sky right before the sun disappears- dark rich indigo, with specks of wild colours here and there. Her eyes were blue like that warm wool sweater that you put on when the air gets that chilly- comfortable, warm, familiar. Her eyes were that kind of blue.

However, it wasn't the colour of her eyes that were so breathtaking; it was what was inside of them. They were full of a shining innocence; it twinkled in her eyes as a star swallowed in the deep blue sky.

Leah felt drawn to her eyes, and just like the other shapeshifters in the Uley pack, her gravity shifted from the ground and onto Skylar, imprinting on the blonde angel.

"Not you too!" A growl of jealousy bubbled out of Paul's throat as he glared at the female shapeshifter. Skylar sighed in frustration, fist balled up before standing up.

"Okay, something bizarre is going on!" She exclaimed, her gaze blank. "So either someone tells me what the hell is going on or I'm leaving!" The wolves in the room felt their eyes widen, and Quill jumped up, grabbing her wrist in a shock.

"Don't go!" He squeaked before a blush of embarrassment coated his cheeks, brightening them. Quill released his hold, mumbling a sorry and sitting down. Skylar rose a brow but was pulled back into her seat by Bella, who gave her a pointed look. Sam cleared his throat, gaining his second imprints undivided attention.

"Don't freak out," Skylar threw her new friend a confused look but was brushed off by a shrug. The alpha of the pack, Sam, began to explain to the oblivious blonde in the room. Sam explained what they were along with what the Cullen's are.

"Wait. Hold up." Skylar started, holding up her hands. "Let me get this straight. You're people who can shift into huge fluffy mutts." She pointed towards the pack who nodded their heads. "And the Cullen's are vampires that sparkle in the sun?" Again, the pack nodded their heads. Skylar glanced towards Bella, who also confirmed her thoughts. A rush of laughter burst out of Skylar's mouth as she doubled over. "God that is too funny!"

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