26 | funny like the stars

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' the hotheaded one's date '

' the hotheaded one's date '

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"COME, BABY GIRL. THIS WAY." Soft giggles rolled out of a blonde-haired beauty like the waves on a long shallow beach. They seemed to disappear for a while only to build up and break to the surface once more.

The couple walked across a meadow, one that was a glorious expanse of grass and meadow flowers, the green grass rustling gently in the breeze. There was a narrow brook flowing through it choked with weeds. Tall water-mint with pale lilac flowers, like dozens of tiny bells, were growing at the edge of the brook.

"Wow." Skylar awed as she gazed at the scenery before her, her nose picking up a scent of multiple flowers. Paul smiled warmly, eyes filled with love before gently interlacing their fingers, tugging the blonde to the particular space he set up.

Skylar's eyes laid upon a quilt, one that was the colour of holly berries at dawn, that rich promise of brilliance to come in the light of day. Skylar let out a soft giggle, one that seemed like a stone bouncing across a glossy lake, creating ripples of mirth where there had been none.

Paul set down the brown basket onto the quilt, crossing his legs as he sat down, Skylar soon following his action. The shapeshifter flashed her a toothy grin before opening the basket and taking out some food, laying it across the quilt.

"Dig in." The two sat next to each other as they ate the food that Emily had kindly prepared for them. The couple made small talk as they watched the sunset from their position in the meadow, a sense of peacefulness washing over them.

Crimson, amber and tangerine beams were thrown into the dusty sky, its beautiful colours embracing the heavens gracefully. A lustrous orb of blazing flames was sinking steadily beneath the horizon, bright pink wisps of clouds partially cloaking the magnificent globe. The couple sat on the high green hill, their bodies warming up, no more than silhouettes against the aesthetic sky; they were small and insignificant compared to such grandeur.

"We should start packing up," Paul said once the sunset, and they finished their food. Skylar nodded in agreement and stood up, helping to pack everything back into the basket.

Bending down, Paul picked up the quilt and threw it around Skylar's shoulders, making sure to cover her so she wouldn't get cold as she wasn't a shapeshifter, meaning she didn't have the same body heat as they did.

"What shall we do now?" Skylar asked as they walked back towards Paul's truck. The male placed the basket before glancing up at the darkening sky.

"Well, we could either go back home or just stare at the stars all night. It's your choice, baby girl." The blonde human hummed, thinking of her options. Sure, she would love to go back home, but it was her and Paul's day today.

"Let's look at the stars." Paul grinned and grabbed the quilt, throwing it over the back of his truck before going around and getting some pillows he stored from the front. He placed them everywhere so the two would be comfortable. He also grabbed a stereo and pressed on the radio, allowing soft country music to play in the background.

The blonde female nodded, happy with the look of their bed for the night. She walked towards the truck and began to try and step onto the back, failing miserably as she was quite short compared to the gigantic vehicle. Paul chuckled with amusement as he watched with his arms crossed.

"Can you help me up?" Skylar looked down with embarrassment with her cheeks tinted pink. Paul grinned and walked over to her, grabbing her waist and lifting her up onto the back of the truck with ease.

The blonde grinned before diving down, grabbing the edges of the quilt and wrapping herself inside of it as if she were a kitten, nestled into her mother, warm with her brothers and sisters.

When she wriggled the woven edges, sewn with velvet ribbon would caress her skin, and she would allow her dreams to merge into the first thoughts of her day, igniting her ideas and bringing a gentle smile to her lips.

"What about me?" Paul pouted, pulling his own puppy dog eyes as he stared at his innocent mate. Skylar feigned a conflicted look before nodding her head, a smile gracing her lips, brightening her eyes like a thousand stars.

There was something about the way she smiled; the way butterflies seemed to escape from the pit of his own stomach and the way the sun had somehow toppled down from the sky and made a home right there in his heart. Skylar had the kind of smile that made you feel happy to be alive and just that little bit more human.

The blonde raised her hands and allowed the shapeshifter to wiggle under the quilt, the soft feeling warming their bodies. Skylar shifted under the quilt, resting her head on his chest, cuddling into his side as they laid under the stars, which were like a beautiful, surreal blanket above their heads.

The blonde could feel his heartbeat against the back of her head, and she could hear the soft breaths of him by her side. That's when it hit her: Sometimes we are like stars- we fall to make someone's wish come true.

"Look there," Skylar said as she spotted a constellation she always remembered from her younger years. "That's the constellation of Orion." Orion is outlined by four bright stars at the corners of an imaginary trapezoid. Within the space defined by these four points, seeming to draw them together into a pattern, is a row of three stars tilted at an angle - "That's his belt." Arcing downward from the belt is another group of fainter stars - "And that's his sword."

Paul hummed as he continued to listen to his mate's fascination with the stars. Paul just thought of stars as just stars, nothing special about them but hearing his mate explain every constellation, he couldn't help that his interests peaked every so slightly.

"And if you look over there, you'll see the - " A yawn broke out of Skylar's mouth, cutting off her speech. Paul chuckled softly before looking over at his mate.

"I think it's time we sleep, don't you think?" The blonde nodded, yawning again as she shifted to her side, Paul's arms wrapped around her, pulling her closer. When they finally clasped each other in a warm, slow and luxurious hug, they felt all oppositions to their love had melted. His chests rising and falling against her back, their breaths in unison, and the warm blood that they could feel in each others' embrace.

"I love you, baby girl." He told her, holding her close to his body as if even loosening his hold would mean that he would lose her forever.

"I love you too, Paul." Skylar's eyelids began to shut; her head lolls to the side. The music that plays Skylar to dreamland is a song she's heard and a thousand times before and never enough.

The chords are like a well-worn path, one her brain follows so willingly. The velvet voice brings the lyrics, words as familiar as the voice of a trusted lover. In moments she is asleep, body relaxed, breathing steadily with her mate wrapped around her body.

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