27 | funny like the motor oil

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' the amiable one's date '
' part 1 '

' the amiable one's date ' ' part 1 '

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"WAKE UP, MY DEAR." The morning sun had kissed her awake. Slivers of light peeped through the drawn blinds, casting thin golden stripes across her angelic face. The blonde-haired beauty opened her crystal blue eyes and slowly, drowsily and lopped sided she smiled.

"Morning." Her voice came out husked as she blinked the sleep out of her eyes. Emily Young stood before her second mate with a warm smile and gentle eyes.

"Breakfast is ready downstairs." The older brunette pressed a warm kiss upon Skylar's cheek, her weight on the hand pressed against the bed. It was just a kiss. Not a passionate one on the lips, but a simple cheek kiss. It was just a kiss, but it was one that made her heartbeat a million miles an hour; one that left her weak at the knees; one that made her brain freeze.

A grin began to spread on Skylar's face mischievously before pulling Emily on top of her, bringing the female into a straddling position on her perfectly sculpted body.

"Sky!" The two girls giggled, the sound rolled about the room like a child's spinning top, vibrant and heartwarming. Their faces were close, eyes filled with an innocent joy yet a devilish love.

Skylar's giggle froze in her throat as she realised the close proximity the two were in, her heart thumping against her chest as a soft pink blush painted against her skin.

The two laid in a paused silence before Emily slowly lowered her face to the blonde's, their lips touching and blossoming a euphoric feeling in their chests. It was as if time froze and the world fell away, the only thing was just the two of them, and nothing could break this feeling.

"EMILY! THE PANCAKES ARE READY!" The sound of Seth's voice broke the two girls moments. The youngest shapeshifter glanced at the scene before him, a deep red colour washing upon his cheeks. "Sorry," He squeaked and slammed the door shut, rushing down to the kitchen as embarrassment flooded within him.

A chuckle left Skylar as the two parted. The blonde gazed into her lover's eyes, watching them sparkle as her lips curved into a bright smile, and she couldn't help but smile back at the brunette.

"Come on." Emily moved over, getting off the bed. "Let's have breakfast." Skylar nodded and followed in suit, making her way to her closet. She slipped on a skin-tight black turtleneck and a pair of navy blue leggings. Grabbing a hair tie, she collected her golden coloured hair in her hands and wrapped it into a bun.

As Skylar descended down the stairs, her nose picked up the scent of mouthwatering pancakes and the warm aroma of coffee.

"Morning, princess." Sam greeted as he pressed a kiss to his second mate's temple, placing a mug on the table once the blonde slid into her seat.

"Here you go." Skylar nodded in thanks as the rest of the pack piled into the house, plopping down on their own seats. The latte sits prettily in a white china cup, a leaf pattern in delicate milky foam among the pale brown. The blonde wrapped her fingers around it, enjoying the heat that spreads through her hands.

Skylar brought the mug to her mouth, taking a sip and allowed the warm liquid to sit on her tongue for long. There is a flavour there, once accustomed to the bitterness it steps forth shyly. It is this undertone that is so apparent in the aroma - you can't smell bitterness, and so in the warm air of the kitchen, it is just as heady as the smell of baking muffins.

"And done." Emily sighed as she placed the last stack of pancakes on the table with Seth placing the bottle of maple syrup next to it.

"It is maple syrup or motor oil?" Jared asked, barking out a laugh with Embry as they high fived. Skylar rolled her eyes fondly, their stupid obsession with how the food looks like in advertisements annoying her slightly as they'd always make a comment; she couldn't bear to tell them to shut up though, their laughter always brought a smile to her face.

As the pack continued to devour their food, their usual banter continued on until they were all finished and had to go back to doing their own jobs for their pack and territory.

"Sky." The said girl hummed, looking towards her eldest female mate. "Let's go." The blonde rose a brow as Emily laced their fingers and pulled her towards the car outside.

"Where are we going?" Skylar asked as she buckled in her seatbelt, turning up the radio as the soft country music danced in the background.

"Somewhere," The blonde pouted as she crossed her arms, looking out the window to at least guess where they were heading. After quite a long drive, the eldest human pulled up into an empty parking area. Parking the car, she switched off the engine of the truck and got out, helping her mate. The two entered the building and were immediately greeted by a lady with a bright smile and a high pitched voice.

"Hi! Welcome to La Push's number one spa!" The lady with red hair said, bouncing on her feet. "If you would just follow me." Skylar threw a questioning glance towards Emily, who just smiled and laced their fingers, pulling her mate with her in the direction of the hyper redhead.

The lady guided them into a room that looked like it was fresh out of a romantic movie. There were rose petals across the floor that lead to an area with a large king-size bed. On the bed was a large and neat heart made out of crimson coloured petals. Skylar looked around in awe, shocked that she'd go to a spa on any date.

"Emily." She breathed, sitting down on the bed and digging her fingers into the petals, loving the cool feeling of it. The redhead smiled widely before excusing herself. The brunette smiled and stepped in between Skylar's legs, pushing her down against the bed.

"This is gonna be a very fun date." Emily winked as she pressed their lips together. If you listened close enough, beyond the sound of lips moulding together, you'd hear the sound of two hearts beating as one, the sound of two hearts destined to be with each other - if that makes sense.

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