03 | funny like the disney movie

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' she drew with her head in the sky,
and her eyes bright with stars '

' she drew with her head in the sky,and her eyes bright with stars '

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AS THE MINUTES OF THE LESSON PASSED, the ceaseless buzzing of the classroom and the unlimited amount of energy the students contained increased, which would be a rare sight if the class was under a strict teacher's supervision. Having no vicious teacher, who would glare at the class with red flames dancing in his or her eyes as s/he expected an answer to a question even the world's most intelligent mastermind couldn't provide a solution to, was an unbelievable chance worth taking to have at least a few moments of pleasure after a day filled with endless hours of Algebra and Chemical Reactions. The student's always looked forward to this class as it allowed them to explore their creative sides and find peace and relief in their artwork.

Creativity is like an antidote to mental inflexibility - the hallmark of war, intolerance, hatred. Through creative endeavours in the arts, they keep their minds open. Anyone can play music, tell stories, paint, dance, act, sing. Anyone can be spontaneous, laugh, keep their souls light, their minds functioning as their creator intended. The divine is creative, and so should they be also, only working on what brings them love and joy.

Everyone is born to follow their own unique breadcrumb trail of ideas, taking them on to their own individual in-born purpose, be that in art, mathematics or science. It is when they become the angels of their better natures that their own path shines, that they see where their next footfalls should go. Then they walk with confidence, proud to be themselves.

Everyone's creativity brings their own dreams to life; inspiring, enchanting and bringing themselves closer to God. In art, their spirits rise. In stories, they are enthralled and elevated. With creativity, they make connections between disparate people; they learn that through their many lenses, they see the same whole, only the path before their feet is still blurred.

"Okay, class." Miss Ellie started, catching everyone's attention. The small buzzing of chatter died down as the student's eyes all averted to their amazing and kind teacher, who had a soft smile tugged at her lips. They gave her their full and undivided attention. "Today," She started, taking a deep breath as she gazed at her loving students. Miss Ellie felt like she was fortunate to have a job that allowed her to teach such amazing and creative students, their minds dancing with intelligence. "We'll do something simple. I'd like you all to paint anything from your favourite Disney movie."

A deep curve made its way onto Skylar's lips, and it seemed as if the world stopped around her. She had a smile that could bring back a million memories in a split second. The precious dimple that crinkles skipped a beat. She had a smile that made those that saw it feel happy about being alive and, maybe, just a bit more human. An idea popped into the blonde's mind as an imaginary light bulb went off above her head.

Grabbing an HB pencil, Skylar moved her hand gently across the scrap piece of paper that was placed upon her side table. She lightly did a rough sketch of her idea for her painting before she enlarged the picture onto her canvas, sketching out the outlines against the small-sized canvas. Since it was the start of the year, Miss Ellie decided to allow her students to use a small canvas and when they go to their actual practical work, she'd allow them to use whatever they wanted and needed.

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