11 | funny like the nicknames

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' she talks about them like
they put the stars in the sky '

' she talks about them likethey put the stars in the sky '

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AN AWKWARD SILENCE HUNG IN THE AIR as the blonde angel's eyes were wide, pink-tinted on her cheeks while a ball of embarrassment tightened in her chest.

"Oh." Liam's laugh had sparked a sigh of relief from Skylar, who also began to laugh as his laughter was very infectious. She didn't know how she could handle eight jealous mates if they found out that there was somebody that had a crush on her, even if it was tiny.

"Okay, I'll pick you up in an hour." Liam hung the phone after the two said goodbye. Skylar grinned before throwing on her sweatpants and Sam's shirt.

"Morning," She greeted them before walking over to Emily, who was frying the bacon. The blonde kissed Emily's cheek before kissing Sam's, who was leaning against the kitchen island. "What you making?" The human asked before glancing at the cooked bacon. Sneaking her hand over, Skylar grabbed one before stuffing it into her mouth. "Hmmm, yum."

"Skylar!" Hearing her name, the said girl turned to look at the door only to be wrapped into a hug by Seth, who clung to her.

"Hi, Seth." She kissed his temple, a blush painting his cheeks. Skylar laughed, wrapping an arm around his shoulder as the two went to sit at the kitchen table.

"Hey, Kitten." Raising a brow, the blonde glanced at Quill, who kissed her cheek.

"Kitten?" Quill nodded, grinning before sitting down next to her. "Okay," She purred, kissing his cheek, his face beating up. "I'll be the kitten, and you can be the big scary wolf." She licked his face, chuckling as Quill went red.

"Ohhhh, pancakes!" Skylar exclaimed and went to grab one when Emily hit her hand, gently, with a spatula.

"Not yet." Skylar pouted, upset. She tilted her head, her eyes wide as they began to water. Emily tried to resist the puppy dog eyes but sighed. Nobody could. Emily nodded, and Skylar grinned, going to grab one when someone stopped her.

"No way. If we have to wait, you have to too, baby girl." Paul said, releasing her wrist and shaking his head as he sat opposite her. Skylar pouted as Leah came in along with Jared and Embry.

"Morning, Angel." Embry greeted his imprint first, kissing her cheek before sitting next to Quill.

"Hey, gorgeous." Jared kissed her temple, stroking her cheek before sitting next to Paul while Leah came and sat on the other side of Skylar, seeing as Seth went to help Emily.

"Leah!" Seth whined as he came back with another plate of pancakes. "That was my seat."

"Is your name on it?" Seth shook his head. "Then it's not yours."

"Leah." Skylar scolded as Seth pouted. Leah smirked, kissing her cheek but Skylar only stared at her.

"What? I'm not moving."

"Fine, don't move." Skylar huffed before an idea came to her head. "Come and sit with me, Seth." The youngest grinned before he placed the food on the table and sat on Skylar's lap.

"Shouldn't it be the other way around?" Paul asked as they looked at Seth sitting on Skylar's lap.

"It should, but Seth's my baby, right?" She kissed his cheek, and the youngest shapeshifter smirked cheekily. He knew the others were jealous, so he was going to use this to his advantage.

Seth shifted slightly and kissed her neck, the blonde's eyes widened as she clutched onto Seth's shirt. The boys and girl growled lowly, knowing exactly what the Seth was doing.

"S-Seth." She moaned as he found her sweet spot, her eyes fluttering shut as pleasure began to fill her. Her hands clutched at his waist, her nails digging in slightly, not enough to hurt him though.

"Seth," Sam growled as he looked over at their mate, who was moaning softly. "Stop it." Listening to his command, Seth immediately stopped, and Skylar sighed in relief. Since Sam was the alpha, the bond he had with Skylar was stronger so he could feel her arousal.

"Sorry," Seth mumbled, looking down. Skylar smiled softly, lifting his chin up with her index finger.

"Don't worry about it." She assured him, kissing his cheek before leaning up to his ear. "They deserved it." Seth laughed, understanding what she meant.

"Okay, foods ready!" Emily said as she came in. Seth got up, kissing Skylar's temple before sitting next to his sister. "Let's dig in."

"These taste amazing, Em." The blonde grinned at her, her mouth full of fluffy pancakes. Mapel syrup dripped down her face as a dollop of whip cream was on her nose. Emily laughed softly, thanking her mate as she shook her head at her face.

The guys didn't look any different; in fact, they looked worse than Skylar did. When it comes to eating, anyone could tell who's the messiest. Leah rolled her eyes before getting a napkin and wiping her face.

"Well, you are are a messy eater." Skylar rolled her eyes, the grin on her face spreading wider, and she kissed Leah's cheek.

"But you love it." Skylar teased. "It gives you a reason to touch me." Leah went red, her face heating up. The youngest female burst out laughing along with the others. Leah snapped out of it, shaking her head before her eyes went a darker shade, somewhat hypnotising.

"You really think I need a reason to touch you?" Leah asked as she placed her warm hand on her covered thigh. Skylar froze as her hand kept going higher and higher.

The blonde's breath was caught in her own throat, her heart speeding up. Sam cleared his throat. The brunette rolled her eyes, smirking before placing a kiss on her mate's plump lips.

Skylar's blue eyes widened as sparks flew through her heavenly body. Something in her blossomed as she stared at the girl that imprinted on her in shock.

Leah smirked, realising what had happened. She let out a laugh as she exited the house, going on patrol. Skylar's fingers flew to her lips, shocked as her fingers brushed against it.

"That was my first kiss," The blonde mumbled under her breath. Soon, six growls of jealousy echoed throughout the cabin.


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