17 | funny like the marks

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' they made her feel like a teenager in love '

THE SILENCE OF THE AESTHETICALLY PLEASING ROOM caressed the skin of the blonde human and the youngest shapeshifter of the pack in La Push

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THE SILENCE OF THE AESTHETICALLY PLEASING ROOM caressed the skin of the blonde human and the youngest shapeshifter of the pack in La Push. A burning pain seared through Skylar's shoulder, eyes shut tightly as she inhaled and exhaled deeply, fingers clenched into a fist.

"Sky?" Came the vulnerable voice of the youngest shapeshifter, eyes filled with worry and guilt. The said girl looked towards her mate, eyes filled with pain as she continued to breathe deeply to rid herself of the pain that stomped on her body. Skylar gulped slightly when Seth shuffled forward a bit, acting on her instinct. "Sky, I'm sorry." Seth whimpered as he saw her backing up.

The guilt did not sit on his heart but instead his mind. He watched as the blonde flinched in pain and Seth couldn't help but feel an enormous amount of guilt swirl in his body. The youngest shapeshifter blamed himself for causing his mate pain as he didn't remember to tell her that marking her as his mate would hurt like hell. Seth shuffled closer and brought Skylar into his arms, kissing the mark he made that was on her right shoulder softly.

"I-It's fine." She stuttered, a small amount of pain still slithering around her body. Seth rocked his imprint back and forth, calming her down. They stayed in that position until Skylar's tears dried up, and her heartbeat returned to its normal pace.

"Are you okay now?" The blonde nodded, letting out a sigh as she rested her chin on top of his shoulder.

"I'm okay." She repeated. "Will it be that painful when the others mark me?" Skylar was hesitating; she didn't want to experience that kind of pain again. Seth smiled sympathetically, nodding as he rubbed her back, drawing circles with his fingers. The blonde let out a sigh, shaking slightly as she looked down.

"It's going to hurt." Her eyes watered as she looked at Seth with a broken puppy-like expression.

"Would it be bad if I said I don't want to continue with the others?" Seth thought about before nodding, then shaking his head before nodding again.

"It wouldn't be bad for them, they'll understand." Skylar sighed in relief, her grip on Seth loosening. "But I'd become more possessive over you. My wolf wouldn't let you out of his sight."


"Because I've already marked you. He wouldn't want any unmarked wolves to talk or even look at you." Seth explained, running the blonde's arms. "And you'd be in heat again." Skylar chewed on the inside of her cheek as she continued to listen to Seth. "It won't stop until all of us have marked you."

"Okay." Skylar hesitated, but she knew she had to allow them to mark her. Half of her wanted them to mark her, but the other half wasn't so willing if it meant she'd have to go through the same kind of pain as before.

"I guess we have to finish this." Seth smiled encouragingly at her, pecking the blonde's lips before leaving the room. Skylar touched her lips, the same feeling she felt when Leah kissed blossomed within her. A small smile tugged at the side of her lips. It felt weird to her, but she liked it.

"How is she?" Paul asked once they saw Seth descend the stairs. He shrugged as a grin spread across his lips.

"She's okay." The pack sighed in relief. "It felt so good to finally mark her." Seth felt like he was in a dream as he looked back on the feeling of how it felt to sink his teeth into her neck gently and finalise half of their bond.

"That's good to hear," Emily smiled warmly from her place next to Sam on the couch. She curled up against him; his arm stretched onto the back of the comfy couch.

"Oh!" Seth exclaimed as he spoke up. "She said that she's okay with you guys marking her." A sense of happiness bloomed in the room as the pack grinned, eyes lighting up. Jumping up off the couch, Quil ran upstairs, calling dibs on going second while Embry called dibs on being third.

"Hey, kitten." Quil greeted as he entered the room, a smile on his face. He locked eyes with the love of his life, warmth spreading throughout his entire body. Excitement grew within him as he was finally going to mark his mate after many weeks of thinking about it.

"Hi." She smiled, whispering as she stared at the love that swirled in his dark brown coloured eyes. Quil came over, lifted the blonde's legs before sitting in front of her. Skylar squealed softly as hues of red splashed against her face. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to mark you." He laughed, his hands rubbing up and down her leg that seemed to go on forever. "Just somewhere else." Quil wrapped his fingers around her leg and pulled Skylar forward, who yelped in surprise as she was dragged down.

"Quil!" The said shapeshifter laughed, bringing Skylar's thigh up to his mouth. The blonde felt herself blush, her face going red from embarrassment. Quil licked her inner thigh, placing butterfly kisses everywhere before he found the right spot. A grin spread across his lips and he sunk his teeth into her, connecting them by a bond that could never break, even after death.

Skylar gasped, her thigh igniting with pain that ran in her veins, spreading everywhere. She clutched onto the bedsheet, her toes curling and back arching as Quil continued to bite down on her thigh, going deeper and deeper until the blonde human finally let out a moan of pleasure, one that meant he had reached the correct spot.

"Oh my god." She breathed, panting. "That was worse than Seth's." Quil laughed, kissing his mark before going to the bathroom and cleaning his spot and Seth's, who forgot to wipe the blood away.

"I'll go call Embry." Quil left the room while Skylar began taking deep breaths, inhaling then exhaling.

"Two down and six more to go."

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