09 | funny like the cuddles

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' she who dares win '

' she who dares win '

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THE WORLD OUTSIDE TEASED HER with its silence; everyone and everything was asleep, save the bears and the owls. The time is marked only by the numbers changing on her bedside alarm.

Skylar pulled up her duvet and rolled toward the darker side of the room. The blinds shut out most of the summer evening sun, but still, on the opposite wall, there were rectangles of light projecting from the gaps.

The blonde watched them turn from the natural white to the artificial yellow glow of the lights outside until they were switched off, bringing an unending darkness into her room.

She tossed from one side to the other, her bed that had been so carefully made became a tangle of covers. Skylar didn't understand it, the pillows were fluffed, the temperature in the room was perfect, even her new favourite night light was on, but no matter how hard she tried, the blonde just couldn't get to sleep. Her blue coloured eyes were open like the entrance to a tunnel. She kept on staring at the bare ceiling.

A soft sigh left the human's mouth as she continued to notice how plain and boring her new room in this welcoming house was. She had to decorate it soon; otherwise, she believed she might go insane.

The blonde loved colourful and decorated stuff. She liked to be creative and loved to do fun stuff, which meant that she hated plain and boring. In fact, she loathed it, so staring at the walls and ceiling, Skylar glared at it.

The blonde let out an irritated sigh, sitting up and removing the blanket off of her. She couldn't sleep, and she didn't know why which irritated her.

Walking to the kitchen, Skylar heated a cup of milk and added a pinch of cinnamon to it. With that, she walked out to the patio, lit the lights on the porch and sat down. It was one of those quiet and pleasant nights when you could hear nature's symphony and the crickets chirping away. It had always puzzled her, how people could hear these creatures, yet you rarely see them, she believed that this was so that everyone could appreciate the music that they produced.

Finishing the last few drops of the creamy, frothy liquid, she slipped on her fluffy carpet slippers, left the cup on the counter and scurried back up the stairs.

Glancing at two doors, Skylar tiptoed to the door next to hers, pushing down on the smooth cold handle.

The human opened the door slightly and caught sight of her two imprints that slept on either side of the bed. They were snuggled up together, enjoying each others warmth.

Skylar tiptoed over to the enormous king bed before crawling into the middle. The two welcomed her with open sleepy arms. The blonde wrapped her arms around Emily, snuggling into her breasts, loving how soft they were.

Sam wrapped his big muscular arm around his two imprints, bringing them into his protective embrace. Emily wrapped an arm around Skylar's waist as all three of them tangled their legs together, cuddling under the blanket that laid upon them.

For the first time in a long time, Skylar felt her eyelid dropping as she finally felt peaceful. Darkness began to cloud her vision, and she welcomed sleep with open arms, falling limp in the arms of her mates — content.

Ever since the other afternoon, Skylar felt closer to Emily than the other imprints. Maybe it was because they were girls or because Emily knew what she was going through.

Everyone could see it, but they didn't say anything knowing that it was only the first day and that Skylar loved them all equally.

They knew that she'd never pick favourites and the blonde knew as well. It was just their beginning.

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