05 | funny like the problems

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' she was the type of person that
made forever seem too short '

' she was the type of person that made forever seem too short '

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A HEAVY SILENCE SETTLED OVER THE TWO IN THE CAR. While one felt a little awkward, the other was too deep in his thoughts to even notice anything. Skylar cleared her throat, breaking the silence in the car. The younger boy snapped out of his thoughts and smiled up at the girl.

"So, how old are you?" Skylar chewed the inside of her cheeks, trying to start up a conversation as she gripped the sides of the wheel. She kept her eyes on the road, occasionally glancing at the young boy in the seat next to her that gave her a weird feeling in her chest.

"Sixteen." She nodded, shifting softly in her seat, awkwardness filling the silence.

"You want to play a game?" Seth asked, sensing his imprints discomfort. She nodded, sighing in relief, and he grinned. "Let's play 21 questions." The blonde nodded, eyes shining brightly.

"What's your favourite colour? Mine's blue." Skylar started, a smile tugging on her lips as she continued following behind Jacob and Bella, who was on the motorcycle. Seth felt his eyes widen in joy as they shined brighter than the stars in the night sky.

"Really? I like blue as well." Seth grinned, happiness blooming in his chest, which Skylar took note of as she could practically see it float off him. The blonde curled her fingers around the wheel as she could see the happiness flowing through him, warming his skin like the rays of an early summer sun.

Everything was going to be alright now, he thought. He had Skylar and, hopefully, she knew she had him. They were going to be a team. She would never fear the darkness again because she would never be alone. It was a perfect start, a perfect day and Seth was her perfect match. Sure, he was young and all; but for her, hopefully, there would never be another.

"Okay, what's your favourite thing to do? I like eating." Skylar giggled and Seth felt his cheeks heat up as his heart began to race widely in his chest.

"Well, I like to paint and cook but I prefer baking more." She told him and the two continued playing their little game for a little while longer until the blonde turned a corner and they came across a decent looking house in the middle of the woods. "This the place?" Seth nodded, unbuckling his seatbelt while Skylar parked her car. Turning off the engine, Skylar grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder before they got out the car. Spotting four guys, Skylar felt her cheeks flush once she saw they were shirtless.

"Hey, Bella." They greeted, smirks on their faces once they saw Jacob glaring at them. Mischief shined in their eyes as they coughed down their laughter.

Glancing at the parked white Lamborghini, Paul realised that Seth's imprint was also here. His smirk widened when stared into Seth's anger filled eye before his eyes spotted a pair of tanned legs that seemed to go on and on as his eyes travelled to her face. Locking eyes with her, Paul felt a gasp escape his lips as his whole world seemed to change and his gravity shifted just like that.

Gazing at him, Skylar rose a brow as confusion filled her. She shifted her weight onto her right leg, crossing her arms over her chest as she saw the same reaction happening to two other guys.

"W-what?" Seth stood dumbfounded, a cute puppy like look painted onto his face. Three other people just imprinted on his imprint. Scanning the scene over and over again, he felt his chest tighten into a knot like a cramp and a quiet rage building inside.

"Are they okay?" Skylar asked, eyes holding confusion as she glanced at the three guys before locking eyes with the final unknown man in the area. Jared gasped softly, copying Paul's reaction as his gravity, just like the others, shifted onto the beautiful blonde that stood confused.

On his hand, you could see Seth's white knuckles from clenching his fist too hard, and gritted teeth from the effort to remain silent. His face was red with suppressed rage, and when his four pack members began to check out his imprint, his vision turned red.

"She's mine!" Seth growled as he lunged at Embry, him being the closest to the youngest shapeshifter. The others began to growl and fought back, not too hard to hurt Seth but enough to tell him to shut up and know his place. Realising that the others were also mated to her, the five began to fight each other as their animalistic instinct took over.

Skylar moved over to her best friend, a small amount of fear pooling in her chest as confusion shined in her eyes. "Do you know what's happening?" She asked, lowering her voice. Bella shook her head, her jaw falling to the ground as she took in the scene in front of her.

Inside the living room of the warm house was Sam, the alpha of the pack, and the ex-alpha of the pack, Billy Black. Emily Young, the alpha's mate, stood in the kitchen when suddenly they heard growls coming from outside along with yelling. The two mates stood up, running outside while Billy rolled out in his wheelchair.

"What's going on?" Sam yelled as his eyes fell onto the scene of his pack fighting each other, growls rippling through the sky. The blonde human glanced towards Sam, taking in his muscular and shirtless body.

He glanced at Jacob for answers, who hooded his head over to the unknown blonde next to him and the vampire girl. Sam locked eyes with Skylar and, just like the others, his gravity split in half and shifted over to the blonde. Noticing her mate's gravity shifting, Emily rose a brow before glancing at the blonde, who's eyes captivated her. The woman's jaw dropped as she felt the gravity around her shift to the girl and knew immediately that she just imprinted, for the first time ever, on the girl.

The boys growled at their alpha and his mate as they just imprinted on the girl they just met. Billy sighed in disappointment, not at the fact they all imprinted on the same girl but because of their actions. He glanced at them before motioning Bella to take her inside.

"Why don't we go inside while they fix their problems?" Bella said, ushering Skylar into the house where they sat down in the living room. Skylar leant into the corner of the sofa, resting a leg on top of the other elegantly.

"Are they okay?" The blonde beauty asked, sitting down on the red sofa. Bella nodded, biting her lip nervously.

"Yeah. I think." She sighed, running a hand through her hair as she glanced outside the window. "Let's just hope they don't kill themselves."

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