16 | funny like the heat

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' she was their drug, and they were addicted '

' she was their drug, and they were addicted '

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A BLANKET OF SILENCE WRAPPED ITSELF AROUND THE ROOM as the shapeshifters stood in shock, eyes wide, jaws dropped. Their thoughts raced around their minds as the alpha tried to come up with a solution for this situation. The whole pack didn't know their mate could go into heat that early.

"Well, what are we going to do?" Paul asked as they watch Skylar calm down once Seth laced their fingers together, a sigh of content released into the air as her face relaxed along with her body, the heat lowering slightly.

"I don't know," Sam spoke, shrugging his shoulders as he glanced at Emily before glancing back at their mate.

"Why don't we do it in turns?" Everyone knew what Quill was talking about, and while everyone was more than happy to complete their mate bond, they didn't know how she'd react. "One day I'll have, and then one day someone else has her," Quill suggested. Emily nodded slowly, thinking it over.

"That could work. But the question is, who's going first?" They all glanced at each other before opening their mouth, shouts coming out. They all wanted to be the first since Skylar was a virgin and it was, apparently, a big deal.

Skylar stirred in her sleep as the sound of yelling filled her ears, awakening her brain and forcing it to work. Opening her sleepy eyes, she saw the faces of her mates all shouting and arguing over something she didn't really care for at that moment.

"Shut up!" The blonde yelled as she turned over, groaning in pain as she felt it shoot through her sides. Embry was quick to rush over, gently helping her up and wrapping an arm around her waist to soothe the pain and to support her as well. "Why are you shouting? And why am I in pain?"

"You're in heat, baby girl," Paul answered, smiling sympathetically. He had heard that being in heat was very painful for the imprints.

"Oh." Skylar had heard about what being in heat was, and she did not like it one bit. "How do I get this to stop?"

"You have to mate with us, and we have to mark you," Jared answered. The blonde rose a brow, confused. She didn't quite understand and for a second was going to go with it as it didn't sound so bad.

"He means you have to have sex with us and we have to bite you somewhere on your body," Leah explained, bluntly. Skylar's eyes widened as she moved back slightly, a small whimper escaping her mouth.

"B-But I've n-never had sex before." She admitted, fear in her eyes. Embry shuffled closer to her, rubbing her arm soothingly, hoping to calm her down.

"Don't worry, angel. It won't hurt that much." He tried to reassure, giving Skylar a soft smile. The blonde felt fear expand within her as the concept of having sex scared her slightly. Sure she understood what it was and that it was the most pleasurable feeling in life, but she knew for that the first time it hurts like hell.

"Do you want the pain to go away?" The blonde nodded, looking up at the female shapeshifter. "Then you got to mate with all of us."

"Or," Turning around, the group watched as Billy Black wheeled into the warm wooden house. "You could mark Skylar first and then wait for her to be comfortable enough to mate with you all." As always, Billy found an easier solution. Skylar nodded, agreeing with the elder.

"That's fine. Will you guys be okay with that?" She mumbled, looking down slightly. Emily smiled reassuringly, kissing the girl's temple and squeezing her into a side hug.

"As long as you're okay with it, we're okay with it." The blonde felt a smile grow on her face as she nodded.

"I'm okay with the marking part at the moment." The pack of werewolves smiled before Skylar suddenly realised something. "Where would you mark me?" The guys shrugged.

"Wherever." Skylar nodded, the idea of marks on her body sinking into her brain, and she knew that she trusted the pack enough to let them do what they have to do.

"Okay. That's fine." She assured herself along with the others. Seth quickly shot up and grabbed Skylar, dragging her upstairs.

"I call dibs on going first." He yelled as they went to her room. The others growled at him, but after the glare they received from Billy, they shut their mouths tight.

"You guys better take care of her or else I'll skin you all alive," Billy warned before exiting the cabin to go back to his house.

"Do you think Seth mentioned to tell Skylar it was going to hurt?" Paul asked as they sat on the couch.

"AHHHH!" A scream echoed throughout the house, informing the others that Seth did indeed not tell Skylar it was going to be painful.

"He's an idiot." Sam facepalmed, shaking my head. They knew that Skylar wouldn't want to be marked again if it felt like that every time, especially since it'd be worse because the others were stronger than Seth.

"You can say that again."

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