Moving Forward

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Last time we were together Emily had killed Ruth.

It's was over.

Emily was free.

And she was.

After a few weeks of living in the bunker the crew found a hunt. Only Sam,Dean, Cas, and Emily lived in the bunker. Bobby still had his house and would come over periodically. Carmen stayed with Bobby and stayed in her dog form most of the time.

They were doing the Family Business now.

Saving People,

Hunting things.

Everything was calm. Nothing bad was happening. The first time the Winchester's got an actual break from any major harm. So we are going to flash 5 years into the future. Around late July.

Emily is now 23. Is an amazing hunter just like her father. Sam and Dean were still by her side fighting with her.

The one thing the Boys didn't know was that Emily was seeing someone.........

This is where we begin! So grab everything that you need to get settled. Meaning some burgers, probably some delicious pie, or an apple. No judging here! Just get comfortable and enjoy the Third book in the WayWard Series There Will Be Peace When You Are Done


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